
Kame Sennin's Bashō-sen !

She could not believe that the mental image she had of her father's master could collapse so quickly after seeing her in person.

If she was mistaken about his personality, maybe she was also wrong about his abilities?

Perhaps the Bashō-Sen was just a joke that this man had told to his naïve disciples, and her Father has not dared to question his word?

While Chichi leaned deeper into her doubts, meanwhile Goku had clarified Muten Roshi's misunderstanding by explaining that Chichi was Gyūmaō's daughter.

Hearing the name of his disciple, Muten Roshi became more lively!

"Oh, so this rascal had a girl? How is he? "

Chichi frankly replied, "He's exhausted, thieves are going one after the other in the desert to steal his treasure ... He sent me to get the Bashō-Sen so that we could extinguish the fire of the mountain. So that we can finally go home! "

Awesome Turtle exclaimed at the girl's response: "What ?! The Bashō-Sen ?! The magic fan that can raise a typhoon with a single wave, a thunderstorm with two and a monsoon with three ?! That Bashō- Sen ?! "

"Yes, it is this one! "

Goku and Chichi exulted! It seems that their mission is a great success! Their goals reached, they self-congratulated, when the response of Muten Roshi made them the effect of a cold shower...

Unfortunately for them, he accidentally got him messed up by using it as a placemat. It was badly burned.

The Bashō-Sen was therefore out of order, they would have to find another way to extinguish the fire on Mount Fry-pan.

Seeing their face defeated, old Master suddenly had an idea. "Hey little boy, maybe I have a solution for you! I would go in person to Mount Fry-pan to extinguish the fire what do you say? "

Muten Roshi was going to extinguish this gigantic fire with his bare hands?

It would really be a show to not miss, and Chichi was eager to see him in action.

However, every action had a price, and she did not think that this old master would leave his slums heartily and ask nothing in return!

And the following events gave her reason, Muten Roshi glanced at Goku, and said in a confident voice: "On the other hand there will be a very small condition, okay? "

When Goku wanted to know more, Muten Roshi pulled him to the other end of the house and they talked away from Chichi's ears.

Apparently, Muten Roshi did not want this discussion to reach her ears.

However, how could she not hear this conversation, when she was training diligently in recent days? She had greatly increased her physical attributes, she could perfectly hear a conversation that was held in a low voice and several meters away from her.

The more the discussion between the two men went on, the more the expression on Chichi's Face darkened. This old fool was dangerous! She did not know who this Bulma was, but she felt bad about being forced to sacrifice that stranger for her personal comfort.

" Big-Sister, this debt I'll repay you one day, promised! "

With this pious wish in her heart, she let the two men seal their agreement and the fate of this unknown sister.

Having finished this gritty conversation, the two men began to move towards Mount Fry-pan to accomplish their mission.

However Muten Roshi's means of transport was unknown, the Kintou-un was far too small to carry all three in the air.

It was hard enough for Chichi and Goku to ride together so we can imagine the level of discomfort if a third character took place.

And above all, after understanding a part of the hermit's personality, Chichi was more and more reluctant to let him approach her! So, how was the old master going?

When Goku inquired about his means of travel, he waved a confident smile: "I have more than one trick in my bag, after all, I'm the Turtle Master! "

Then, he raised the stick he held in his hand and shouted loudly! "Come to me, Baby Gamera! "

A noise was heard, and Chichi turned to see a strange object floating in the air, which approached quickly! It seemed like a kind of plane, no? When the UFO landed on the ground she could see it in detail what it was. It was actually a black turtle!

It was massive, and measured over a meter in circumference! Some curious fang came out of its mouth, giving it a scary appearance! Black turtle? She had heard about this type of beast in the memories of the former scholar. Was it the same type of beast?

" You call me master ? " declared Gamera

Muten Roshi sat on the animal's back and replied, "I want to go to Mount Fry-pan, do you know where that is?"

"Yep! " After this confident statement, the turtle spirited again and carried the old hermit into the air.

All sorts of thoughts appeared in Chichi's head. The creatures were indeed strongly similar!

When she had crossed the desert, she had used the time she had in front of her to integrate more deeply the soul of the elder she had absorbed.

She now had a general understanding of the forces involved in the divine realm. One of the resources for which his masters fought was the Bloodlines of a powerful beast!

If one absorbed a sufficiently strong bloodline, his martial talent entered a period of unbridled growth!

Bloodline was classified into three distinct categories :

The divine lineages she dared not even think about it,

the common lineages that were useful for low-rank martial artists.

And between the two the Saint Bloodlines.

This group included the Four Holy Beasts, The Dragon Flood, The Vermilion Bird, The White Tiger, and The Black Tortoise.

Chichi was taken aback. In the legends, a Holy beast was simply an illusory, unobtainable existence. No one knew just how powerful these beasts really was.

If this Hermit really had a connection with a Holy Beast or a Tortoise of its lineage, then one could imagine the benefits that Chichi would have to study under the direction of such a master!

Having seen this, and being reassured as to the merits of his father's Master, Chichi was really appeased, and let herself be guided by Goku on the Kintou-un.

The Flying Nimbus flew away quickly, followed closely by Muten Roshi who was mounting his pet. They immediately headed for the mountain of fire!

A sense of accomplishment invades Chichi's chest.

"I'm in! I made it!" Chichi's exultant thoughts echoed in her mind as her heart beat like a drum.

After a long absence, she was finally going home!

A chapter shorter than usual, it was necessary to cut with the following chapter.

Attempting to connect the two universes and their Lores is pretty tricky. But pretty interesting at the same time ^^

Riwalthcreators' thoughts