
Third person

When Olivia entered her classroom, originally noisy classroom became silent.Some students ignored it and started their conversation again with their friends.While some were still watching her.Olivia ignored their looks contained pity, disgust,concern,enjoyment on person's misfortune, ignorance.....

Olivia went to her desk which was in first row,while Jenny went to her last Row's desk.It's not that she is weak student.Just she doesn't want to sit in first row.She always said that last desk gave her many inspirations for her dream job.And what is her dream job?..... it's to become a fashion designer.and last bench help her to make all students her live models ..... it's other thing that they don't know about their becoming a model for her.

Olivia and Rose always asked her why she chose MBA then fashion designer course.And Jenny always answered them "because family wants her to do MBA ,then she has to do it".

And Rose,she sat at the side table,which is reserved for disciplinary committee 's member,which is manadatory for each classroom to control student's behavior in classroom.and she very much enjoyed her job.

When Olivia was arranging her bag on table,Eve and Devid entered the classroom.

Eve's eyes were focusing on Olivia from the start.She went towards her desk,and stopped in front of Olivia.Three musketeers(Rose,Olivia,Jenny) were starting at her from their desks, with their "waiting for great show"look.Whole classroom had their eyes on Eve to watch the drama.

Eve had just opened her mouth when one student suddenly came in room to announce professor is on the way .So whole class quieted down and everyone who were not on their seat,went to theirs.and of course ,Eve also went to her seat,between the disappointment of three friends.

Professor with her curly hair and a big spectacle placed on her nose,holding books in her right hand, entered the classroom.She placed books on her lacture stand which was placed beside the projector screen on white colored wall.on the right side wall, CCTV was installed,to record full lecture,which will help the students for any future query.

Professor started to do roll call.If you see clearly, you can say that this professor was none other than Daina,who came with Olivia,but didn't enter college with her .So Olivia entered alone in college and met with her two Friends.While Daina went to staff room directly.

And this disguise clearly help Daina to not recognize by Eve and Devid.

Daina started her lecture,which students were seriously listening because Daina is infamous for her strict teaching who don't want any disturbance,and like to have full attention from all students in her class during lecture.

But today there was someone who was not concentrated on lecture.With tear in her eyes ,Eve was looking at her book and giving a distracted look,and was very successful to attract Daina's attention towards her.

Of course Daina noticed her but ignored her in her whole lecture and burst the bubbles of her scheme.After one hour,bell rang to indicate lecture's end.Daina collected her books and went outside the classroom.In other lectures ,puffed eyes Eve was not interested in her same play,so didn't create any unnecessary trouble for Olivia.

In last lacture,when bell rang.All students collected their books in their bags,started to left the room.

Jeeny and Rose both left their desks and went to Olivia's seat,where Olivia was still writing down the notes ,while her both friends were waiting to complete it,so they can go together.

Suddenly two girls came and banged on her desk with their hands.some students who were still in the class startled and turned their heads towards the place where the sound came.

Olivia raised her hand slightly from her desk to stop three students who were just going to rush towards her seat to pummel​ those two girls.and of course these signs were gone unnoticed by other students.because who can tell that bodyguards are attending college as students to protect Olivia.

because of Olivia's refusal,those three students cum bodyguard didn't rush to her seat,but they still walk towards her seat like other students in pretence to watch a show.But in reality,to save Olivia from any attack.

Olivia smiled and nod her head slightly without looking at them.She looked at those girls .She knew that if Eve is not going to make trouble then others will.

"What are you both doing "Rose yelled at those girls and forcefully removed their hands from Olivia's desk.

"What are you doing Rose...you should speak for the right person...not for the wrong one".

Two girls shouted back.They are not afraid of Rose or Jenny,because of their families' equal standing in society.

"And how do you know that who is right or who is wrong ?" Jenny crossed her hands and asked.

One girl immediately replied"of course Olivia is the wrong one...she is getting between Eve and Devid".


"Eve and Devid are couple...and she is just a third person who just wanna snatch Eve's boyfriend".second girl said while pointing her finger towards Olivia".

"Who do you say is the third person..."

Olivia who was silent all the time, asked.