

Chelsea came out of the taxi and looked at the building bin front of her it was huge she had only seen this kind of buildings in movies and magazines ,she wondered if the taxi had taken her to the right place, there was no way tony lived here ,she looked at the address written on the piece of paper and the one in front of the house ,they were the same so this was definitely the place . she wondered if the stranger she had hugged had lied to her to get her to leave his house, she looked at the house and sighed about to leave when she noticed something the car that was parked there reminded her of tony ,it was Tony's dream car ,there was no way she was wrong as she had seen the car a million times in posters hanged around Tony's room walls , she decided to knock on the door besides she had nothing to lose by trying .Chelsea began to wonder what was going on he had never hidden anything from her before but now he moved out of his house without telling her and he wasn't picking her calls or replying her text messages , she wondered why he would do such when a thought came to her mind what if this was a surprise for her, what if tony had done all this to surprise her ,and she had ruined everything by coming here ,this could be the house where tony wanted them to live in after they got married , she was very excited ,she had to leave she didn't want to spoil the surprise but before she could the door flew open .

Dennis wondered why he felt so strange , he had this feeling of guilt that just wouldn't go away , he wondered if Chelsea was there already and if she had realized how big of a jerk Tony was , he was worried about her she seemed to be naive and really sentimental , she had come all the way here just to see him , but she was about to receive the biggest shock of her life , he wondered if she will be able to handle it ,if she was anything like him then definitely not ,there was no way she could handle it , he looked around the house and everything he had shattered , and the stench of alcohol , he sat on the floor and picked up a bottle of wine and took a sip before bringing out his wallet and bringing out a picture of Susan , he tore it to pieces and threw it on the ground , he took another sip of the wine, he wondered if Chelsea was already drinking away her sorrows by now , why did he care if anything happened to her it would be on Tony's conscience and not his , he didn't need to feel guilty at all .

He walked to the fridge and opened the door and the mango Chelsea had given him fell out ,he picked up the mango and remembered what she had said and how she had hugged him before ,he sighed and picked up his jacket , he couldn't let Chelsea get there , he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

Chelsea turned around to look at the person who opened the door and was surprised to see a woman at the door ,she thought to herself that she had been wrong , what was she thinking tony could never hide anything from her, she looked at the woman her makeup and her clothes looked out of place like she had been having a sexy adventure, she smiled and decided to leave she didn't want to bother the both of them ,but her phone started to ring , she brought out her phone ,it was drake she excused herself "excuse me pls ,this is important"

Chelsea: hello drake do you mind calling me back I'm kind of busy now

drake : have you seen tony yet

Chelsea :no, not yet I couldn't find him at the address you gave me

drake:what do you think of coming home and forget about it, I'm sure tony must be busy he'll get back to us as soon as his free

Babe why are you here I've been waiting since forever , who is at the door tony said before kissing Susan on her neck

Chelsea felt like the voice she just heard sounded familiar and there he was the greatest treasure of her life kissing another woman on her neck immediately she felt weak and her hands were wobbling causing the phone to fall to the ground

drake : Chelsea ,Chelsea, Chelsea are you there

Chelsea looked at tony as he looked surprised to see her there

what are you doing here Chelsea tony asked trying to wrap his mind around what just happened . Susan turned around to face tony do you know her babe . tony was confused he didn't know what to say , he faced Susan and told her to give them a minute as he needed to talk to Chelsea , why ,who is she Susan asked .

just an old friend of mine ,tony was nervous the fact that Chelsea stood there quiet not saying anything was scary .Susan kissed tony before leaving fine you have ten minutes

tony dragged Chelsea to a side of the house and asked immediately why are you here , how did you find me

Chelsea replied by saying I came here to see you and went to your house but someone directed me to this place.

why didn't you call me on my phone I thought I warned you to never come to this place

who was that woman Chelsea replied immediately

Tony's heart began to race he was hoping Chelsea was not going to bring up the subject before he could think of a suitable answer

she is my secretary she works for me at the company

really do you kiss and hug everybody that works for you Chelsea began to cry

how could you cheat on me tony after everything I've done for you , you pay me back by cheating on me

tony raised his voice above hers ;stop shouting Chelsea , I never asked you to do any of those things for me they were all things you decided to do on your own so don't even try to blackmail me with it

and don't worry I will make sure to pay you back every cent you used on me in double

Chelsea could not believe what she was hearing tony was trying to pay her off she couldn't hold it in anymore so she slapped him on the face in anger

you disgust me , you hear me you disgust me you pig