Xuan Li finally woke up again but unlike before, Qi Yuan wasn't on his chair sipping tea. He was all alone in this dim lit cave, dangling back and forth.
"Fuck, why do I keep getting into these situations" Xuan Li began cursing his crappy luck.
"Oh, you're awake" A voice resounded behind him and he could immediately tell it was his captive.
"Nice to hear you too, criminal." Li responded with sarcasm.
"Criminal? What's that? Anyways, I got you some berries." Qi Yuan tilted his head while walking in front of Xuan Li.
"It's someone who does bad things that's against society rules. Basically, they are bad people like you."
"Oh, an outlaw?" Qi Yuan gasped with exaggeration "You're accusing me of being an outlaw? I'll have you know I am a respectable teacher at this Academy!"
Li was becoming frustrated but kept his tone in check "You- fine! Your no outlaw! Now please let me down."
"That's better" With an arrogant smile, Qi Yuan gestured a holding motion and swiped across the vines, though there was no weapon or Qi released from him, the vine was sliced apart.
"Ah!" Li fell face flat onto the ground, luckily his body was sturdy.
"Ow, you couldn't have caught me?" Li complained while rubbing his face.
"You want me to embrace you, a guy, in my arms? Sorry, I much prefer beautiful girls who aren't so shameless." Li wanted to desperately punch this man but his stomach had started grumbling.
Even though his body didn't need to eat or drink often as mortals, it still required food and water eventually. Only high level cultivators and mages could get rid of the need for food and water.
Qi Yuan, noticing his growling stomach laid the berries on the wooden table, "Here, eat."
Li unwillingly complied and sat down, eating the berries offered on the table. He didn't care if it was poisoned as he expected his body to deal with it. He survived poison attacks from mages, How would these berries harm him?
"Wow, so trusting." Qi Yuan gave a smirk and set on the other wooden chair across Li. With a flick of his hand, an old looking notebook appeared with an ink pen and Qi Yuan began writing something down.
After finishing the batch of berries, Li's stomach began to growl even more! 'Are you kidding me? Berries weren't enough for you?'
"Umm...have any more?" Li timidly asked.
Qi Yuan smiled and jotted something down his notebook "Of course, here." He flicked his hand and more berries appeared but these ones were red. However, Li was still hungry and Qi Yuan kept making red berries appear in front of him which he happily ate, they seemed to taste really good to Li.
"You're really hungry, here are some more." Qi Yuan continued to smile while jotting down on his notebook.
After a while. Li's stomach continued to grumble but he also started to feel nauseous and his stomach began to feel uncomfortable and painful. He clenched his stomach while his head banged on the table as he let out a groan.
"What's wrong? Stomach not agreeing with those red berries?" Qi Yuan smiled as he watched Li squirm in pain.
"You! What-ugh-did you-ugh d-bwaahhhhhh" As Li tried to speak, he had a sudden urge to puke and ran outside the cave to do his business.
After a while, Xuan Li walked back with his head down into the cave with his stomach grumbling even more than before as he just puked out everything he ate.
"You monster…" Li said as he sat back down. Why didn't Li run away? The cave they reside in is at a cliff of a mountain and Li did try to jump regardless but there was a barrier at the end which pushed him back.
"I don't know what you mean? I just gave you berries, not my fault your body didn't like the red ones. How about this, I'll give you these orange berries." Qi Yuan was happily jotting down on his notebook and while talking with Li, he waved his hand and piles of orange berries appeared.
Initially, Li was going to refuse anything given to him but when he saw the berries, his stomach began to grumble furiously and so he had no choice but to eat them to satisfy his stomach.
Qi Yuan silently observed Li.
After eating the piles of berries and more, Li began to feel weird again!
This time, his vision was becoming blurry as his sight of Qi Yuan began to distort and became wavy. "You-what the hell did you give me! Why are you all wavy like!"
Qi Yuan ignored Li and joted some notes on his notebook "Hm, interesting."
Unable to handle this distorted vision, Xuan Li began to feel sick again and ran out, puking all that he ate.
Once again, he walked back dejectedly and once again, Qi Yuan gave him different coloured berries while jotting down Li's unique reactions.
Li had green berries, which caused him to feel extremely hot causing him to sweat profusely and in the end he ended up with a horrible headache, leading him to puke.
Next, he had pink berries which made him hallucinate weird cartoons like monster boxes and furniture which kept harassing him. In the end, he puked it all out again.
Next, he had some black berries which made him feel drowsy and Li naturally fell asleep but was quickly woken up by Qi Yuan.
After that, Li had some grey berries which...did nothing? Well, he felt a weird sensation at his throat like he was losing air but before he could feel danger and react, the sudden feeling completely disappeared which Qi Yuan noted down on his notebook.
This weird painful and sadistic cycle continued on for a few hours with Qi Yuan smiling with delight, surprise and uncomfortable at different moments of Xuan Li's various reactions to those strange berries.
Sad part was that for some reason Li couldn't stop himself from eating due to the constant grumbling of his poor stomach.
Poor Xuan Li ;-; Can’t seem to catch a break ah~
Make sure to add my story to your collection please :)