
Checkmate | Striving against Gods

Xuan Li, a monster abandoned by his parents, forgotten and lost, finally found his ray of hope: an old man who took him in and raised him. With his failing health, the elderly man told vivid stories about another world that Xuan Li had always disregarded as a mere myth. But after his suicide, Xuan Li found himself reincarnated into another world, the one that the old man had spoken about. Yet, Xuan Li found no meaning in his life. The reason he killed himself was because he didn’t want to live! So when he was reborn, Xuan Li was determined to kill himself once more! However... his body was immortal! ... Iris Black wanted nothing but to end the war. She yearned to personally slay the gods, the ones who started the war and caused her suffering. ... Shen Longwei’s heart was inked with hatred, filled with thirst for the blood of his so-called brother and the woman he once loved. And Fate smiled, giving him a chance to redo his mistakes. This time, he won’t be fooled. ... Three pieces intertwine to fulfil a fallen god's revenge and win the game. ———————— Authors Note:: Hey! This novel is made by a group of Authors! So unlike my other story, this will have a better upload schedule! Writers: Ultra, ChaoticLuck, NatsumeRikka

Ultra · Fantastique
Pas assez d’évaluations
93 Chs

Iris and Flav’s Mission 8

In a traditional western-like office, three people sat. Two people sat in front of a middle-aged man's desk, while the man busied himself away by writing on some papers.

Scribble, Scribble-

The sitting duo didn't disturb the man and quietly waited for him to finish. A few minutes later he put his pen down and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I have made you wait, my apologies," George turned his head to Flav and Iris, his tone didn't sound as sincere as his words.

Flav relaxedly smiled. "No problem, you are the city lord and have work, after all. We don't mind waiting."

Through the remaining days they spent in Gley City the two explored as much of it as they could. The city lord let them wander around and do whatever they wanted.

The conclusion the two got from checking the city was that it was very advanced. Gley city had an influx of visitors and acted as a resting spot and guardian against the beasts of Silent Sunny Forest.

People of all kinds came to it as either a touring site or as a last stop before entering the den of monsters that few survive.

Through their daily outings, the two had found something irregular. In Gley City people were happy. They were content with their lives and they rarely found fights as the security officials immediately solved all problems. Simpler words to describe what they found was that Gley City had competent management and a good ruler.

SIlence engulfed the room. Although they spent some days here, the duo still hadn't gotten much talk with George since he was always busy doing something.

George noticed their discomfort and smiled amicably while crossing his fingers and laying them on the desk. "Today is the day?" he started.

"Yeah, that ghost's treatment ends today."

Iris looked on without uttering a word.

"When do you want to leave? I should ask James to prepare the teleportation circle."

"I think a few hours from now should be okay?" Flav turned to Iris who nodded.

George nodded back and got up. The three left the office and went to the altar room where they first arrived and met george.

Pushing the gate open, George entered while the other two followed him.

In front of them, the priest-like man sat on a chair with Joanna in front of him. Her usual playful self appeared exhausted, if she had bodily fluids, she would have been sweating.

"How are things on your end, James?"

The Priest-like man, James, stood up and did a small bow towards George. "Everything is going very well. The young lady took on the last wraithteeth and it worked wonderfully. They should be ready to leave in two hours," James said.

Wraithteeth was the medicine George used to heal Joanna. Medicaments that work on ghost cultivators were rare but luckily for the three, Gley City had just that.

'It's as if this was all planned,' Flav thought with a shiver and looked around him.

A glint flashed through George's eyes.

Joanna noticed the newcomers but were too tired to react. She only gave a weak wave towards them and concentrated on healing herself.

"As you heard, you can leave in two hours. What do you want to do in the remaining time?"

George's voice gave rise to many doubts they buried this week. In two hours they would return to the Academy. Dumdum and Xuan Li should have finished everything by then. But what about their scores? What about their points and rewards?

They didn't know how Daemon would assess them and if they failed their test or not. If they did, all of their plans would get delayed. Furthermore, they didn't know what that teacher kidnapper had done to Xuan Li which although they didn't like admitting did worry them.

George waited for a few seconds and heard no answer. "What are you worried about?" his eyes shined as if he could read all their problems.

"It's… nothing." Flav shook his head. "We will wander the Mansion in these last moments, then. Is that alright with you?" he asked, respectfully.

Flav didn't give respect to many people, but he felt something different about George. He couldn't put it into words, was it reverence and respect? He shook his head inwardly as he couldn't fathom these feelings.

And as he said, the duo traversed the Mansion where they spent these few days. It always surprised them how George balanced his work and social life by merging his own Mansion. After asking him, George confirmed that this Mansion was both his house and City Hall.

"He never ceases to surprise me," Flav told Iris while walking through the Mansion one last time.

They both knew he meant George and Iris nodded in agreement. Gley City's ruler was really something else. They couldn't measure his strength or abilities but he was both humble and imposing. He treated them with respect and showed them his city and home readily. He was both amicable and confident in everything he did.

George was the image of what a true leader was like in the duo's eyes.

"It's time."

James approached the two and said. Two hours had already passed as the duo talked and looked through the Mansion for the last time.

Nodding towards James, they followed him towards the altar room.

There, they found Joanna already far better than before and George was also there, as if to bid them farewell.

Joanna's appearance no longer appeared as if she would disappear any second and became even more corporeal than before. But that didn't mean she was any less tired than two hours prior.

"This is where we depart." George said with a smile and stretched his hand out.

Flav shook it and Iris subsequently followed.

"It was nice meeting you, sir."

Iris told him and bowed slightly. Her manners were impeccable and perfect but this didn't surprise George. After all, he had gotten to know them this week.

"Likewise, I am glad to have met such talents like you. Daemon really knows how to choose people."

Flav smiled at his words and Iris' lip turned upward for a moment.

Joanna didn't talk to the city lord much through the week and could only awkwardly nod as if to bid him goodbye. She acted unlike her usual self and the duo noticed this peculiarity.


"Everything is ready," James told them, "Step inside the Array, please."

The three complied and stood inside the Array that started shining right after. The light engulfed them and the three disappeared.

"And they are gone," James said.

"Yes, they are," George muttered before looking at the letter in his hand, letting out a small smile while his face had a 'I know something you don't look' that irritated James to no end.

"Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. They were nice lads," he said and sat at a chair.

"Yes, they were," George followed him.


After teleporting, the three found themselves in a familiar place. The office was something they had visited and the man behind the desk with a smirk knew them very well.

"This took more time than I thought," Daemon said, his smirk intensifying.

"Welcome back."