
Checkmate | Striving against Gods

Xuan Li, a monster abandoned by his parents, forgotten and lost, finally found his ray of hope: an old man who took him in and raised him. With his failing health, the elderly man told vivid stories about another world that Xuan Li had always disregarded as a mere myth. But after his suicide, Xuan Li found himself reincarnated into another world, the one that the old man had spoken about. Yet, Xuan Li found no meaning in his life. The reason he killed himself was because he didn’t want to live! So when he was reborn, Xuan Li was determined to kill himself once more! However... his body was immortal! ... Iris Black wanted nothing but to end the war. She yearned to personally slay the gods, the ones who started the war and caused her suffering. ... Shen Longwei’s heart was inked with hatred, filled with thirst for the blood of his so-called brother and the woman he once loved. And Fate smiled, giving him a chance to redo his mistakes. This time, he won’t be fooled. ... Three pieces intertwine to fulfil a fallen god's revenge and win the game. ———————— Authors Note:: Hey! This novel is made by a group of Authors! So unlike my other story, this will have a better upload schedule! Writers: Ultra, ChaoticLuck, NatsumeRikka

Ultra · Fantastique
Pas assez d’évaluations
93 Chs


"Welcome Li" A gentle voice greeted Li as he stepped inside a room that was mainly empty except for a desk a woman, two chairs and a rows of bookshelves behind the woman, all filled with books.

There was some strawberry scented incense around the room, making Li feel oddly relaxed as he sat by his chair.

"Hello Elena…" Li greeted the woman with a simple nod.

Elena was the woman Li had to see pretty early on in the Academy because they had to run some tests on his body to make sure he wasn't an imposter.

Li didn't want to have his body tested on but he had no choice, on their records it stated he died during the reception area and was cut in half yet still attended the Academy.

It just did not add up and the reports about him dying multiple times during the shadow labyrinth was also very suspicious.

In the end, Elena concluded that there was no spell or disguise on Li and that this was the real him. Though that was the verdict, they still did some investigations on Li and tried to find his severed half but it disappeared.

When some staff went to the dumpsite the body was reportedly disposed off, they found no trace of it. There weren't even any blood traces, it was like the body was never even disposed off or even existed.

With nothing left to investigate, they just ruled it as their mistake and allowed Li to continue his Academy life.

Thinking he was done with Elena as a whole, he soon learnt that she actually worked in the counselling department and was assigned as his counsellor.

It was a very shocking first meeting for Li.

DumDum sat on Li's lap and closed his eyes, ignoring the loving gaze towards him from Elena.

However, she was a professional so she quickly restored her face to be more gentle as she looked at Li.

"How are you today?"

"Same old same old"

"Enjoying your time in the Academy?"

"Not really…"


"Lessons are boring and no one has killed me yet. "

Elena gave a pity smile "Li, have you spent time with your friends?"

"What friends?"

"…You don't feel you have friends?"

"I-" Before Li could answer a piercing headache formed, making him hold his head in pain "Urgh!"

Elena stretched her hand out and a green magic circle formed, soothing Li's pain.

"It's okay, your okay…" She gently said as Li calmed down from his pain.

The pain eventually subsided and Li looked towards Elena "Sorry, what was the question?"

"Do you have friends?"

"Yea, I think so? DumDum and Flav are kinda my friends I guess" Li answered, earning a mouthful from the panther on his lap.

"HA? Who said we're friends? The great me? And you? Don't kid yourself!"

"Oh come on? Still stubborn as ever!" Li humoured the panther and the two went into their little argument.

Elena just watched the two for a moment while she noted something in her journal 'It happened again…Why does he say one answer and after a headache says another…'

"Do you still have your nightmares?"

Elena's question broke the two's bickering and Li continued to answer her questions "Yea, it's the same stuff. I'm with my grandpa and then he dies and I die."

Elena and Li continued to have their discussion with Elena mainly asking questions that are trivial or person to Li and gave him some tasks to do to help his mental health.

Their meeting takes about an hour and ten minutes remained. For the last ten minutes, Elena didn't have any more questions to ask him so she asked if Li wanted to know anything "Do you have any concerns or questions for me?"

Li went silent for a moment as he wondered if he did 'hmm….'

"Have any other potions or pills to help my nightmares? I haven't slept well since my time with Qi Yuan.."

With an apologetic smile "I'm sorry…I've prescribed you every medicine to help with your nightmares. I'm not allowed to give you anything stronger because of your suicidal tendencies Li…"

'Dammit…' Li understood why she couldn't risk it. Though few teachers and staff know about Li's insane regeneration capabilities, they haven't seen it's capabilities in an extremely injured state. Li himself knew the meds probably wouldn't kill him but they fear it might because of how potent it is.

"I got nothing to ask…can I go?" He finally asked with a disinterested look.

'That look…' Elena simply smiled "Of course, see you next week" She finally answered but just as Li stood up and DumDum went on the table, she grabbed him and hugged him tightly.

"Wha-!! Hel-p mhmh-" DumDum was completely at the mercy of Elena as her big breasts completely squashed his tiny body, making Li feel oddly jealous 'Why are you crying for help idiot!'

"Ahhh! Your companion beast is just soo cute!!~" Elena said and she hugged him tighter.

Since Li could see the pure torment the black panther was feeling, he decided to let it continue for the next few minutes 'hahahaha' He evily laughed under his breath.

Losing most of his eyesight by two balls of softness, DumDum could feel Li was enjoying his suffer "Human!! I-mphf get my mhmms revenge!!" He spoke in mufflement as he glared at Li.

After a while, DumDum was released and he quickly ran away from the room in rage "oops, someones mad at me" Li commented as he waved goodbye to Elena and ran after DumDum.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Go away!"

"Oh come on, she's been dying to do that for the whole hour!"

"Your horrible!"

"Hey, you are cute and many guys would have loved to be in your position!!"

"What's so good about being suffocated!? You humans are crazy!!"


Li caught up to DumDum and continued to tease him, earning a mouthful from the latter as they traveled to the cafeteria for some food.

"You know you loved it haha"