
check the parameters

numbers are important

Wobbly_Dog · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

chapter 4 - Lines

Within the small circle of adults in robes, they were congratulating each other for another successful ceremony and discussing news and rumors. However, there was a tiny dispute between the purple robed person and one of the people wearing a green robe.

"Are we truly leaving behind such a promising individual? She could become a great person in the future, not only for our society but for the world too."

"There is no need to be desperate for every talent. The world we live in is prosperous and peaceful. She deserves the chance to live a life with her family and grow through their own choices."

"She would live a better life with our support! You know that none of us would be able to reach these heights without the opportunities granted to us when we were young."

"Maron, my friend, we needed those opportunities because that was the only choice left to us. My hope for future generations is for them to grow through their own choices and find their own opportunities. Ensuring that Record Ceremonies are held is the best support we can provide."

"Then, who will-"

It was then that Cale's voice was heard, interrupting the green robed man from finishing his sentence.

"Excuse me. Um…Excuse me. What are the 'lines' of a record?"

The question from the short boy was heard by all the adults in robes. They wondered whether this question came from foolish ignorance or childish innocence.

"Child, were you not paying attention to the closing sermon?"

"Um…I was…daydreaming…I'm sorry!"





"Daydreaming! Haha! Child, what is your name?"

Cale's answer was incredibly honest, so honest that the person in purple robes couldn't stop himself from giving a short chuckle. The purple robed man admired the honesty to admit one's own mistake. 

But, this chuckle shocked Cale. He was confused about what was funny about his question. Did he say the wrong words? Was there something weird on his face? Before falling deeper into his own confusion, Cale remembered that the purple robed person asked him a question.

"Ah, um, I, I am Cale…and, I will be someone tall and great!"

"Cale, is that what your dreams are?"

"Yes! And more, a lot more! I want to be strong, smart, fast, wise, rich, famous, cool, flexible, reliable, intelligent…"

"Haha, those are incredible dreams! Right, you didn't hear what I said. Here, I'll give you a short lesson."

Afterwards, another magical sheet appeared in the air. Unlike Cale's record, this record was showing different information.


[Name: Aza Muel]

[Age: 57]

[Scholar of the Vast Sanctuary]

[Resilient Body]

[Spiritual Wisdom]

[Practitioner of Life magic]

[Knowledge of Nature]


"So, Cale, what do you see on my record?"

"Uh…I see your name, your age and…uh…words I don't understand."

"You are right! Now, my name is a 'line', my age is a 'line'. Are you starting to understand?"

"Yes! So, 'knowledge of nature' is a 'line' too?"

"Right again! So, Cale, how many 'lines' does my record have?"

"7 lines!"

"Right! Now, this is why the number of lines is important. Each line is a proof of power. Someone with more lines on their record, will be more impressive than someone with less. So, Cale, do you know what lines are now?"

"Yes! But...how do I get more lines?"

"Haha, that will be the end of our short lesson. There will be someone else to teach you and all the other kids more about the records. Now, Cale, don't keep your parents waiting. It is a time for celebration."

"Ah, yes! Thank you…uh…mister Aza."

Cale, happy with learning more about records, left the assembly hall smiling. His parents were waiting outside, ready to bring him home. Cale's family and many others went home to celebrate a successful Record Ceremony. A good day to end with a feast.

A roasted chicken with crispy golden chicken, a medley of steamed vegetables and a rich, savory sauce on the side. There was also a basket of sliced bread to share around the table. Cale spread a smooth, salty buttery spread on the bread while he ate the rest of his dinner. 

The sun left, letting the soft light of the moon to illuminate the night. Cale was still awake, long into his sleeping hours. He was fiddling with his record again, imagining what it would look like if there were more lines. Using his finger to write out imaginary lines onto his record, mumbling each imaginary word he drew."

"[The Best],[The Fastest],[The Strongest],[The Bravest],[The Smartest]..."

By the 20th line, Cale realized there weren't any levels on his record. The only number he saw was his age. He remembered that Mister Aza also didn't have any other numbers except his age. He thought about the records and what he knew about them, then he had another realization…what else is there besides lines on the record?

"Maybe, I will find out in the lessons tomorrow."