
Check in System in Douluo

Hello Everyone. I do translation i decided to translate this novel as it is one of my favorite fan-fiction based on Douluo. If you want I can translate other novel that you want but dont forget to give support

Translator_nim1 · Livres et littérature
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227 Chs

Chapter 5: Wang Feng, This Weird Kid!




The deliberate and steady sound of strikes echoed.

In Tang Hao's line of sight, the little boy, barely half his height, lifted a giant hammer almost as tall as himself. With each strike, he methodically pounded the raw iron.

The speed wasn't fast, but it was remarkably stable.

As the strikes continued, the force behind each one remained consistent, almost terrifyingly so. Controlling the strength of each strike while forging raw iron with a massive hammer was an incredibly challenging task.

Tang Hao, having once held the title of Douluo, spent years working as a blacksmith in the Saint Soul Village and understood the difficulties involved.

"Ten... twenty... thirty... fifty..."

Tang Hao stood in the shadows, counting every strike made by Wang Feng.

Fifty strikes!

It was unimaginable. The boy, usually lazy, sneaking into his forge for meals and getting kicked out, was growing up before his eyes!

He, unexpectedly, possessed innate strength that could rival Xiao San's!

This revelation left Tang Hao thoroughly astonished. Moreover, the boy seemed to have a talent even greater than Xiao San's. While Xiao San was intelligent, he couldn't match the precise control over strength that Wang Feng demonstrated with each strike.

"During the initial ten strikes, Wang Feng had some issues with the force behind his swings, causing uneven strength. However, from the eleventh strike onwards... the control he has over the force in each strike is unbelievably exquisite."

Tang Hao became increasingly surprised as he observed.

This indicated that the boy had incomparable comprehension and control over every muscle in his body, allowing him to quickly grasp the techniques of blacksmithing. And he did so without any guidance.

"Xiao San's comprehension is good, and his control over the body is also decent, but without guidance, it took him almost a day to begin controlling the force in every inch of his body. But from the eleventh strike onward... Wang Feng's control over the force in each strike is already so precise."

The more Tang Hao watched, the more amazed he became. This boy seemed to have unparalleled insight and control over his body.

"For the first ten strikes, Wang Feng had issues with the force behind the swings, resulting in uneven strength. But from the eleventh strike onward... the force in each strike is incredibly precise."

Tang Hao continued to count while deep in thought.

Observing Wang Feng's current state, Tang Hao was convinced that the boy had surpassed Xiao San. Not only could he control his strength better, but each strike was equivalent to Xiao San's practice of striking ten times.

Tang Hao quietly continued counting.

In the past few days, Xiao San had just started learning how to swing the hammer, with one hundred strikes being his limit. After that, he would rest and then strike another one hundred.

However, with Wang Feng's approach of striking with full force every time, he could manage at most fifty to sixty strikes before feeling exhausted and taking a short time to recover.

"A hundred and fifty strikes in one go should be Wang Feng's limit. Moreover, this method of striking consumes a lot of energy, and he won't fully recover for half a day."

Tang Hao made accurate observations.

As expected, as he approached a hundred and fifty strikes, Wang Feng's breathing remained calm, but there was a hint of disorder. The sound also became uneven.

Seeing this, Tang Hao nodded and quietly left.

"This Wang Feng, always appearing lazy and slouched... I never expected him to be this talented! Whether it's innate ability or physical fitness, he's so strong! The villagers must be surprised; they probably thought he was just clever, not realizing how talented he is. Well, it's better not to bother with what the villagers think."

Tang Hao shook his head, not bothered to share these thoughts with the villagers. He had even less interest in Xiao San, let alone Wang Feng.Until the end, Wang Feng's consciousness became completely blurred, and almost instinctively, his body continued to strike the raw iron.

He had no idea how many times he had struck!

But it wasn't until that piece of raw iron was completely successfully tempered that Wang Feng collapsed.

This time, he truly had no... well, not even a shred of strength left.

If Tang Hao were still around, he might have been left dumbfounded...

Because this six-year-old boy had actually single-handedly completed the tempering of a piece of raw iron in one go!


As Wang Feng fell to the ground, a smile played on his lips.

Because, a familiar warm stream slowly surged from the heart position!

The power unleashed by the Meteor Tears! It proved that he had once again surpassed the limits of his body!


The next morning at breakfast.

Tang Hao woke up leisurely, eating the breakfast Tang San had already cooked.

However, he found Tang San working with herbs today.

Tang Hao was puzzled, silent for a moment, then asked, "Tang San, why are you messing with herbs? Are you injured?"

Tang San shook his head and cautiously said, "No, today, I made an appointment with Feng Ge to have a fight. I'm afraid he might get injured, so I prepared some ointment for him in advance..."

As a member of the Tang Sect, he naturally knew how to prepare simple ointments.

Hearing this, Tang Hao fell silent.

The scene from yesterday when Wang Feng swung the giant hammer flashed in his mind.

Wang Feng should be a bit stronger than Tang San.

But in a children's fight, being a bit stronger didn't guarantee victory.

Tang San was usually steady, and this idea was probably proposed by Wang Feng. He likely wanted to test his own skills.

Tang Hao, being a smart man, guessed some of the reasons behind it. He couldn't be bothered; it was just a children's fight. Tang San was usually well-behaved, and there was no harm in letting them fight.

"Well, be careful yourself," Tang Hao said indifferently.

Seeing this, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief.

If his father didn't agree, it would be troublesome, but he still had to discuss it with his father.

"Well then, father, I'll go out first."

Tang San packed up the ointment he had prepared and walked outside.

Tang Hao nodded slightly.

Shortly after Tang San left.

Tang Hao approached the furnace, and suddenly, his peripheral vision caught sight of a completed piece of tempered raw iron!

Tang Hao's body trembled suddenly, looking at the finished piece of raw iron with extreme disbelief.

This piece of raw iron was, astonishingly, the one Wang Feng had tempered yesterday!

Subconsciously, Tang Hao wanted to rush out and pull Tang San back...

But after some thought, he decided against it.

"Forget it, Tang San prepared the ointment... let's consider it as being prepared for himself."

"Wang Feng, you strange kid!"

Tang Hao muttered to himself as he walked back to the inner room and went back to sleep.