
Chat Group: Hate

Arriving in Purgatory, Yuuma got the key to escape through pure luck, but to get out, he has to activate a chat group?! ~~~ Bonus Tags: #Slow Pace #Average Writing #NoHarem

OsloTheUnkown · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: Tokyo Jujutsu High

#Chapter Error

Due to a miscommunication between me and Orvar, the name of Chara's Cursed Technique was written as 'Sealed Vessel' which is incorrect, as the original name is 'Equilibrium', this change will be reflected in all chapters from now on.

- Oslo

Word Count: 2507

The surprise was visible on Junpei's face, "Your Cursed Technique? Did you finally unlock it."

With a smug grin I answered Junpei's question, "Yep, I unlocked after my fight with that Special-Grade!"

"What does it do?" Junpei asked with some anticipation, learning about someone's Cursed Technique's is a valuable way to gain insight into your own.

Seeing Junpei staring at me with anticipation I replied, "It's hard to explain, but I'll give you a demonstration of it soon."

Junpei was disappointed, but at least comforted himself knowing that I'll show him soon, "Hah… fine, but it's getting quite late, we both should head to bed, after tomorrow is important."

Turning my attention to the clock on the wall, it was already midnight, Junpei was correct, after all we would be visiting Tokyo Jujutsu High tomorrow, many variables were unchecked, it would be best if we were both in top shape in case anything happens.

Nodding my head, I agreed with Junpei, "Your right, I guess I'll head to bed first, Goodnight Junpei."

Junpei replied, "Goodnight Chara." before he left for his room, and I moved to under the Kotatsu which was basically my bed at this point.

Closing my eyes, I rested there peacefully, 'There are a lot of things to still complete, but I can sleep in peace knowing I'm making good progress.'

And I feel asleep shortly after.

* * *

As I finished putting on my shoes, Junpei had just got down with a phone call, "They just got here, are you ready to go?"

Getting up I turned to Junpei, "Yep, are you nervous?"

Junpei looked back at me and scoffed at my question, "Of course not, I'm ready for whatever they throw at me."

Seeing Junpei's determined look, I couldn't help but to show a sincere smile, "Good, let's get going then."

As Junpei opened the front door, there was already a black car waiting outside of Junpei's house, of course this was Ijichi's car, which he used to drive around Nanami and Itadori in during 'Vs. Mahito Arc'.

As we both approached the car, I could clearly see who was inside, Ijichi was driving while Nanami was riding shotgun, 'Tch, I wanted the front seat…'

As Junpei opened the backseat door, I was surprised to hear another familiar voice, "Yo! Junpei, congrats on getting accepted, oh Chara did you get accepted also?"

Turning my attention to the backseat, I was surprised to see Itadori tagging along, Junpei was also surprised, as Junpei got in he replied to Itadori first, "Ah, hello to you too Itadori, and thanks."

Entering last, I replied to Itadori, "Nice to see you again Itadori, about getting accepted… unless someone applied for me, I don't think so."

Shutting the car door behind me, Ijichi started to drive off now that everyone was present, presumably to Tokyo Jujutsu High, as today Junpei would be meeting with Masamichi Yaga, the principal of the school, as every person who is enrolled is accustomed too.

(A:N When Itadori had his meeting with Yaga it was an unusual case, since most people have their first meeting after enrollment, as stated in the Wiki.)

Itadori seemed to understand, but also was confused, "I see, but aren't outsider's not allowed on campus?"

Nanami who heard this placed down his newspaper and responded, "Itadori you would be correct, but Chara is a special-case, and this is mostly Gojo's fault anyway."

Hearing this I was less concerned, but still curious on why I was supposed to come along, "So, is there something planned for me when I arrive then?"

"Like I said before, the reason your tagging along is because of Gojo's stupidity, nobody can understand what goes on in that man's head, it seems you'll have to find out when you get there."


Hearing Nanami's response I felt a lot of conflicted emotions, I would be meeting with Gojo Satoru, as Nanami said, 'Nobody can understand what goes on in that man's head.' I could be walking into my own execution for all I know, after all, the higher up's wouldn't let such a wildcard roam around…

'I have almost unlocked 'That', perhaps conflict would be best for my growth, but it would be best to find out what is going on before choosing violence.

Resting my head near next to the window of the car, I watched the passing scenery as the car seemed to quiet down, I had remembered something on my mind 'Zuko and Shinsuke were meeting again today… but what for?'


"Shinsuke, would you care for a cup of Jasmine Tea? It's my favorite."

"Yes please." Shinsuke replied moving his cup forward, for Iroh to pour some tea, which he gladly did, "So, what exactly is the reason you wanted to meet up Zuko?

Hearing this Zuko sighed as he was feeling defeated, "Hah… Listen, I need your help okay!"

Shinsuke raised his eyebrow in response, "This is unlike you… what do you need help with exactly?"

Zuko gave a dry cough before responding, "I need you to… help me capture the Avatar…"

Hearing Zuko plead to him with a shameless look Shinsuke couldn't hold in his laughter, "Pfft…. HAHAHAHAHA, I said I would only help you if you beat me in a spar, and you still haven't."

"You don't understand! My honor is on the line here, I'm no longer the only one chasing after him!" Zuko again pleaded, while Iroh continued to watch things play out.

Shinsuke sighed and downed the hot cup of tea before standing up, "If you're so unhappy about losing, let's have a rematch right here and now."

Zuko was filled at determination at the moment, he wouldn't shy away from a scuffle, "You're on!"

As Iroh watched Shinsuke's and Zuko's continued interaction unfold he couldn't help but get more and more confused, it all started with Shinsuke mysteriously appearing on the ship, and introducing himself as Zuko's friend, but he hadn't expected such an outcome to happen during their exchange.

As the crew caught wind of what was happening they moved away from the deck to make room for the two to fight, and started watching from a distance in anticipation for the fight that was about to occur.

"Hmm, I hope you trained well this last week, because I have grown a lot stronger since we last fought!"

With Shinsuke's remark Zuko wasn't discouraged, even if he didn't win it was rare for him to find a strong sparing partner, "We'll see!"

Iroh seeing both of them about to fight, interrupted them, "Is it necessary for you two to fight?"

Zuko hearing his uncle's words dismissed him, he wouldn't be discouraged now, "Uncle! The Avatar has already slipped from my grasp once and with Zhao on his trail who knows if I'll get another opportunity, I must raise my odds as much as possible!"

"I agree, this fight is necessary!", Shinsuke understood how important this was to Zuko, he had no right to deny this chance too him.

Iroh wasn't persuaded, as for him, fighting was never the answer, but he knew he couldn't stop Shinsuke and Zuko's fight, "Hah… than I'll referee, after all I don't want either of you getting hurt."

Zuko and Shinsuke seemed to agree with Iroh's statement, and turned back to face each other.

As Iroh saw each of them ready to fight, he announced the start of the fight, "Begin!"


As the car moved to a halt, Ijichi and Nanami proceeded to exit the vehicle, Nanami alerted us, "We're here."

Junpei was immediately confused as soon as he exited the car, the small remote parking lot was surrounded by trees in all directions with no buildings in sight.

Seeing Junpei lost in his confusion I called out to him, "Junpei stop standing around and follow the others."

Turning around he noticed Nanami Ijicihi and Itadori already leaving "Ah, sorry!" Junpei replied as he quickened his pace to catch up to them.

Taking one of the several paths that lead into the woods, we walked up a series of steps built into the hillside, before arriving at the top and greeted by several torri gates marking the way through Master Tengen's barrier.

And as we walked through the Torri Gates, we entered Tokyo Jujutsu High, but this entrance was remote for a reason, as when we passed through we were greeted with a cabin next to us, and with the many main buildings of the school in the distance.

As Junpei stared at the amazing view in the distance, Nanami stopped to say something, "Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, commonly referred to as Tokyo Jujutsu High, you'll be trained to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer here."

"Amazing." Junpei exclaimed still amazed at the sight, but taking his eyes off of it to listen to Nanami who looked like he had something to say.

As everyone gathered their attention on to Nanami, he switched everyone's attention to the cabin behind him, "Gojo is inside the cabin just behind me, Junpei and Chara will go meet him first, me and Itadori will go in after."

Hearing this Itadori was confused, "Eh, why can't we all just go in at once."

"It's supposed to be a private conversation, if we all go in at once, we'll be intruding on each other's privacy." Namami explained to Itadori before gesturing to us to enter the cabin.

'Let's get this over with…' walking towards the front door of the cabin with Junpei, I opened the door and was surprised to see the spacious room inside and Gojo sitting on one of the six sofa chairs lined up in the room.

As we entered, Gojo immediately stood up to greet us, "Junpei, Chara, you've made it!"

Giving a small laugh, Junpei greeted him back, "Haha, It's good to see you again Gojo, oh, I probably should call you sensei now right."

"Yep!" Gojo replied enthusiastically before turning to me, "You must be Chara right? I think this is our first time meeting."

"You'd be right, well, I'm Chara Dreemurr, but I'll assume that you knew that already." I replied introducing myself

Hearing my introduction Gojo introduced himself, "I'm Gojo Satoru, I'm in charge of the first year's here, It's nice to meet you Chara."

Gojo turned around before taking a seat in the spot he was previously sitting in, and as he did, he took notice that we weren't doing the same, and gestured us to do so, "Come. Come, take a seat, we have a lot to talk about after all."

Moving to where Gojo was seated, I took a seat across from him, with Junpei next to me, and with everyone seated, Gojo started the discussion, "So I'll be explaining a couple of things, and asking some questions here and there to you Junpei, and then after, I have something to talk to Chara about privately."

As me and Junpei looked over at each other, it seemed we both understood, and I responded, "We both agree, you can begin whenever."

Gojo seemed somewhat excited, and didn't waste time, "Alright! Since you'll be working with other first years Junpei, I'll need to gauge your strength, you know of the way that sorcerer's and curses are graded right?"

Junpei nodded and replied, "Yes, Chara taught me a lot of what I know.", hearing this Gojo wasn't surprised, "Good, but where would you place yourself on the scale?"

Hearing Gojo's blunt question, Junpei took his best shot in the dark, "Well, I would say around Semi Special-Grade."

(A:N, In the wiki it's referred to as Special-Grade 1, but I choose to use Semi Special-Grade as Grade 2, and Grade 1,'s lower ranks use the word Semi, such as Semi-Grade 2, or Semi-Grade 1.)

Gojo stared at Junpei with his Rikugan, before showing a smile, "You've ranked yourself quite high up there, but what does your friend think?" Gojo replied before looking at me.

"I think he's correct in his assessment, although he has no combat experience in hand-to-hand combat and with wielding weapons, his physical prowess is even better than Itadori's and rival's Toji Zenin, along with his talent with manipulating his cursed energy, he's already managed to make use of his Cursed Technique, I would have to agree with his assessment, but he still has much to learn."

Gojo was surprised to hear the familiar name once again, but was more interested in my explanation to bring it up, "Hehehe, I indeed have to agree with Chara's assessment, but if you have such a high physical prowess, there must be a trade off." it was obvious he was talking about a Heavenly Restriction.

Hearing this I wasn't surprised, and I responded to Gojo calmly, "You'd be correct about Junpei having a Heavenly Restriction, although neither of us want to talk about it, so let's just move on."

Seeing our unwillingness to talk about it, Gojo had no choice to move on, he didn't want to make a bad impression with his new student!

"You mentioned you had a Cursed Technique right… Show me." Gojo bluntly asked.

Junpei was surprised by Gojo's very blunt question, but decided to show him anyway, standing up, Cursed Energy spiked out of two points on his back, and Moon Dreg's appeared, it had two black eyes and thin yellow tentacles draping from its body and was large enough to completely shroud Junpei.

Seeing, Junpei's Shikigami, Gojo was surprised, "A Shikigami? You and Megumi might get along then!" Gojo said before getting up to inspect it, "Good for defense and offense, you got a good Shikigami, Megumi would be jealous!"

Gojo sat back down, "Alright, that's basically all I had to ask, your about ready to meet with Yaga and then the other's first years, but first I need to talk to Chara."

"Ah, I totally forgot about that." Junpei stated before getting up, "I'll meet you outside once you're done.

"Sure, it won't be long." replying to Junpei, he exited outside, and I turned back to Gojo, "So, what do you want exactly."

Gojo seeing I wasn't having any of his 'funny business' laughed, "Hahaha, don't be so hostile, after all, it's something that might interest you."

My interest was peaked, Gojo Satoru, the Strongest Sorcerer, was attempting to make a deal with me, "You have my attention…"

. End Chapter .

My Thoughts

Although I wanted to reveal Chara's Cursed Technique, I was presuaded by Orvar not to, and instead it'll be revealed later, in other news.

Planned Parts for the next chapter :)

A One Sided Fight.

The Social Butterfly.

Desolate Palace.

(Up to possible change.)

Editor: Orvar.

His Quote, "I have failed to edited this before midnight, 'Chapter Tomorrow' no longer holds up, get rekted.'

Thanks for reading, leave a powerstone if you enjoyed today's chapter, it helps keep me and Orvar Motivated!

OsloTheUnkowncreators' thoughts