
Chasing the Ice Queen: My Evil Boss

Mature Content: R-18+, No Rape~ A cute story between a CEO and her secretary. In the bustling corridors of corporate power, CEO Bai Lu reigns supreme, her icy demeanor striking fear into the hearts of her employees. But when her new secretary, Mu Chen, steps into her life, everything changes. Mu Chen is unlike anyone Bai Lu has ever met. With a warmth that defies her chilly exterior, Mu Chen effortlessly breaks through Bai Lu's barriers, thawing the ice around her heart. ——— Whoa, hold up! Why is she daydreaming about her secretary, huh? Is her heart doing the cha-cha now? Eh?! And wait a minute... why are they suddenly cuddling in bed?! "Ma'am, after gobbling me up like a snack, you gotta own up to it. Um, it was my debut performance, you know?" “But company policy says no to office romance!” "I couldn't care less! I'll bail. After all, you're swimming in cash; you can adopt me!" Bai Lu almost sprouted wings and flew away from sheer shock!

Bunny_Bumblebee · Urbain
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12 Chs


Bai Lu rolled her eyes, "You're kidding right?"

"No. Don't think about paying someone to marry you and then divorcing him after a year. And oh, the person should be from a reputable family. You're not just marrying anybody Bai. I need to know if the person is capable of taking care of you in case of anything."

Bai Lu couldn't believe what she was hearing. It felt like her world was collapsing around her. The thought of losing the company and being forced into marriage was suffocating.

"Grandpa, you can't be serious. Giving the company to uncle and giving me a marriage ultimatum? It's absurd!" she protested.

Bai Sheng sighed, "Bai, your father left you in my care. I can't bear to see you drown in work and neglect everything else. You need a life outside the office, and this is the only way I can think of to make it happen."

Torn between her love for the company and the fear of losing it, Bai Lu couldn't find the right words. The waiter returned with their orders, placing the dishes in front of them, unaware of the heavy atmosphere at the table.

"But Grandpa, you can't giveaway the company to uncle. It's your legacy," she pleaded.

"I'm old, Bai. I want to see you settled before I'm gone. This company has been my life, but it's time for a change. If you marry and find happiness, I can leave peacefully, knowing the Bai legacy is in capable hands."

Bai Lu sighed. Her grandfather continued, "I've seen how hard you've been working, and I appreciate your dedication. But life is more than just business. You deserve happiness, and I want to ensure you find it."

Bai Lu pushed her food around on the plate, her appetite gone. The weight of the decision ahead felt crushing. "Grandpa, I don't even have a suitable candidate for this...arrangement. And what if I can't find one within six months? What happens then?"

Her grandfather leaned back in his chair, studying her. "Then I'll have to proceed with giving away the company. I don't want to do that, Bai, but I need to know you're taken care of."

Bai Lu bit her lips in frustration, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I can't believe you're putting this pressure on me. Marriage isn't a solution to my problems, Grandpa."

He leaned forward, his eyes reflecting a mix of love and concern. "Bai, I've watched you struggle. I can't bear to see you so stressed. Marriage might not be a solution, but it's a start. Find someone who can support you, share the burden, and maybe, just maybe, bring joy back into your life."

She sighed, feeling trapped. "This is so unfair. I've devoted my life to the company, and now I'm being forced to choose between my career and...this ultimatum."

Bai Sheng reached across the table, placing a comforting hand on hers. "Bai, life is about balance. I'm not taking away your career; I'm giving you a chance at a fuller life. Please consider it."

With a heavy heart, Bai Lu nodded. The rest of the dinner was consumed by an uneasy silence, both grappling with the implications of the decision laid before them.

As they left the restaurant, Bai Lu's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She needed a plan, a way to navigate through this unexpected turn in her life. The car ride back was silent, the weight of the impending decisions hanging in the air.

The driver took grandpa Bai home first. Bai Lu bid him farewell when they reached his residence.

"Think about what I had said." Those were grandpa last words as he got down from the car.

As her grandfather disappeared into his home, Bai Lu leaned back in the car seat, staring blankly out of the window. The city lights blurred into a sea of uncertainty.

"Where to next, Miss Bai?" the driver asked, breaking the silence.

Bai Lu shook her head, trying to clear the fog in her mind. "Take me home. Need to rest."