

Meet Marwa Kabeer Hassan: A rude, narcissistic, audacious, and dramatic lady. She looks very innocent, beautiful, and nice but she has that no-nonsense aura that radiates off her like a flame, no one dares to mess with her. She hates royalty and every small thing related to royalty, especially the royals. The only set of people she tolerates is her family and they are people below middle-class. And Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad: The eldest son of king Harith Baghdad and also the crown prince of Kano state. One look at the breathtaking guy, a person will fall in love with his handsome traits obtained from his mother who is an Arabian. He is the CEO of a successful real estate business and also the ambassador of Nigeria to Saudi Arabia. He is known for his unwavering fierceness, ruthlessness, and viciousness. His aura is domineering which makes him unapproachable. He can have anything he wants with just a snap of his fingers so no one dares to go against his words. As they say, "Two wrongs cannot make a right". But what if one is willing to change for the other? Join me as I unravel the love story of Marwa Kabeer Hassan and Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad.

Fatima_Danraka · Urbain
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14 Chs


<p>OMNISCIENT<br/><br/>Zafeer came back smiling widely but frowned as soon as he passed the gates of the palace. He had never felt so exhilarated in his life before, it was the happiest he had been in fifteen years and he knew that. He drove past the guards and parked his car in the garage, when he got down, it was as if he had never smiled in his life before, his eyes showed no emotion.<br/><br/>"Your Highness, The King called for you," A palace guard knelt in front of Zafeer, his head bowed down as a symbol of respect for The Crown Prince.<br/><br/>"Why is that man trying so hard to ruin my mood?" Zafeer angrily thought before nodding his head, he didn't even get to enter his chamber before the fleet of cars pulled up and circled the water fountain. He internally groaned before entering the black Bentley and the cars zoomed off to the emperor's chamber which was a good fifteen minutes drive from the North wing.<br/><br/>When they arrived, the palace guards started singing praises of him as usual. Thankfully, he was dressed in a royal blue kaftan and not English wears, he would have been scolded by his mother for not dressing like the aristocrat he is. <br/><br/>"His Highness, The Crown Prince Zafeer, is coming inside now," A palace guard announced, just as Zafeer removed his black Gucci cover shoes and stepped inside the king's living room.<br/><br/>King Harith Baghdad, as usual, was surrounded by many people dressed in different colours of royal wear, the Minister and Galadima, Haroon Baghdad, was seated beside the king followed by other officials who were sitting in accordance.<br/><br/>"Welcome, future king," They bowed respectfully before he took the second biggest royal seat, beside the king.<br/><br/>With a raise of Harith's right hand, all the people in the room exited, leaving only the father and his son.<br/><br/>"His Majesty called for me," Zafeer broke the silence with a strained voice. <br/><br/>"What day is tomorrow?" Harith asked, Zafeer resisted the urge to roll his eyes before answering.<br/><br/>"Monday, Your Highness," He answered.<br/><br/>"Good. As the Crown Prince, you have to start acting like that. I have given you enough time to rest as it is, get ready because tomorrow, you will start acting like the heir you are. The coronation that will officially make you the Crown Prince will be held tomorrow, the decision has already been made," Harith didn't dare to look at his son, he knew he was too harsh on him but he had to be. If he were to die before the coronation, Haroon Baghdad would be the one to inherit the throne because none of the princes were officially crowned. <br/><br/>"But Your Majesty, I have to meet with the therapist tomorrow," Zafeer tried to form plausible excuses but he knew nothing would work, both the father and son were strong-headed. <br/><br/>"Your session with the therapist is only an hour or two. Immediately after you come back, there will be a durbar held especially for you as per tradition. Is there anything more you want to say?" Harith asked his son who was too furious to speak.<br/><br/>Zafeer clenched and unclenched his fists in anger, his knuckles turned white and his nose was in a deep shade of red, he knew this man would ruin his day, but he never thought it would be to that extent. First, he had to dress in those sophisticated royal clothes and round the streets of Kano on horseback then come back for the real ceremony to begin, not only that, he now has limited time. The stress was too much for him, which is why he loves Saudi Arabia more, nothing like that would have happened if he stayed back.<br/><br/>"No, Your Majesty. I will take my leave," He stood and scurried out without waiting for his father's response.<br/><br/>When he came out, he almost bumped into his mother who was on her way to the king, wanting to ask him why he took such a huge decision in a rush.<br/><br/>"Good evening, Ummi," He greeted as the maids and guards walked away.<br/><br/>"Whatever decision your father took, it is for the best, okay?" She smiled and hugged her son.<br/><br/>"Ummi how can it be for the best when he failed to fulfil his duties as my father? He is so busy trying to look good in everyone's eyes that he forgets about his own son," Zafeer sulked.<br/><br/>"It is not like that, Zafeer. Sometimes, there is a deeper meaning behind what we see, you will understand that once you know what it feels like to be a leader," She patted his shoulder and gave him a tight-lipped smile before walking away, leaving the guy in deep thought. <br/><br/>*<br/><br/>"I can't wait for tomorrow, my attire is already sewn," Turad grinned.<br/><br/>"Cameras are going to cry because it's been long since I dressed like the princess that I am," Sabreen chirped and they laughed. <br/><br/>"Finally, the durbar I have been waiting for," Junaid laughed heartily.<br/><br/>All the royals were happy about the event that would take place the next day. It was a big celebration for them, excluding Zafeer who was still angry. The whole palace was being decorated, and the news reached everywhere, that Crown Prince Zafeer Ibn Harith Baghdad would be certified as the heir to the throne. People were eager to see him because it was rumoured that he was the most handsome man alive, they wanted to see for themselves.<br/><br/>"Durbar! Durbar! Durbar! You don't even care about how I feel, all you give a shit about is the durbar that is going to take place. None of you can see what the monster is doing, he is trying to ruin my life with his excessive love for power. Why is it always me? Don't I deserve to be happy?" It was the first time he ever screamed in his life, the amount of hatred he had for his father proliferated a thousand times.<br/><br/>With his unique deep voice, it seemed to them like they awoke the beast from his deep slumber. They knew Zafeer had an emotional disorder and they pitied him, all of them thought that was what he ever wanted, power and dominance but they were wrong. The guy is apathetic all the time but that day, he opened up to them which was shocking but good at the same time. At least, he expressed an emotion.<br/><br/>"Dude, it is no—" Junaid didn't get to finish his sentence before Zafeer cut in.<br/><br/>"I understand it is not like that since all you care about is durbar, horses, and royalty. All the responsibilities that will be handed to me tomorrow, I have no other choice but to fulfil them, nobody cares whether I am ready to do it or not, everyone is hungry for power!" He screamed and left to God knows where.<br/><br/>The three of them shared the same look, it was that of heartbreak and concern. They were under the impression that Zafeer wanted this from the start but they were wrong, the prince wasn't as tough as he seemed. They regretted that as his family, they failed to support him but no one could go against the king.<br/><br/>Zafeer passed the palace guards with an unreadable expression on his face, except for his red eyes. He felt the jiggling of keys in his pocket, he brought it out and the keys were that of his car which made him remember that he didn't even rest, ever since he came back from Marwa's.<br/><br/>"Do not follow me, it is an order," He coldly spoke before driving off at a very high speed, even the guards were scared for him.<br/><br/>*<br/><br/>Zafeer woke up early in the morning, his head was aching lightly but he took some painkillers. He was in one of the recently built apartments in his new estate. He had them built when he was away and he intended to start selling them soon, excluding the one he is in now.<br/><br/>He prayed, showered, and dressed up in black Nike sweatpants coupled with a white short-sleeved t-shirt that had a crew neckline. After he wore his face cap and slid on a pair of sneakers, he sauntered out of the gated apartment with a stern face. He wasn't in the mood for anything as it was.<br/><br/>On his way to the hospital, he almost had yet another headache due to annoyance. The security agents were set up everywhere, they were coordinating the streets for the event that would take place later. People have even started gathering, making the whole place a mess. And to think that the man this gargantuan event has been set up for was busy looking for his way around the busy streets of Kano state.<br/><br/>"So much for wanting things to be done your way, Your Majesty," Zafeer muttered before stepping on the gas pedal, he didn't even wait for the traffic light to turn green.<br/><br/>He arrived at the hospital and made his way to the reception, his face was emotionless and his walk was majestic. Even though he tried his best to dress as a commoner, he still earned attention from other people, not that he cared.<br/><br/>"Hello, Sir. How may I help you?" The receptionist asked, she was smiling and batting her eyelashes.<br/><br/>"I have an appointment with Dr. Fiona, the therapist," He replied, watching as she shuddered due to the depth of his voice.<br/><br/>"Are you a VIP patient, Sir?" She asked, wanting to hear his voice the more.<br/><br/>"Regular patient, Murad Shakur," He answered and waited for her to check. <br/><br/>"I am sorry, Sir. But you won't be able to meet Dr Fiona today," She looked at him with puppy eyes rather than apologetic.<br/><br/>"And why is that?" <br/><br/>"We are closing at ten because of the durbar and the thing is your appointment is at ten-thirty. You have to come back next week, Sir," The receptionist replied, Zafeer clenched his fists tightly, he never thought that it would reach that point and now that it had, he wouldn't hesitate to take action.<br/><br/>The receptionist was scared for her life because of the way one of his ears twitched, she had never seen an adonis that could transform into a monster in seconds. The question he asked her next had her wanting to be anywhere but there and to think the poor girl even wanted to ask for his mobile number.<br/><br/>"Do you want to be fired?" He dangerously lowered his voice.<br/><br/>"N-no, Sir. I'm sorry but that is the rule," She apologized, her hands were sweaty.<br/><br/>"Except if you will meet another therapist, I can take you to her office now," She stuttered.<br/><br/>"Let's go," He removed his hands from the glass table and walked away with the receptionist trailing behind, the said girl was busy observing his robust body and the way he walked uniquely.<br/><br/>"We are here, Sir," She pointed at a black wooden door and handed him a file that contained all his information. <br/><br/>"You may leave," He spoke and she was quick to walk away like a headless chicken, wondering how a man could look like a demigod with so much authority and dominance oozing out of him and still be a regular patient. And the strangest thing was that he looked like the owner of the hospital.<br/><br/>Zafeer opened the door and entered, the next thing he saw made him dumbfounded. It turned out that the therapist was none other than Marwa Kabeer Hassan, she did not see him because she was busy observing her new office which must've been a huge surprise for an intern like her.<br/><br/>"You!" Both of them shouted at the same time. <br/><br/>"What are you doing here?" The two chorused again.<br/><br/>"Can't you see that I am the doctor? Mr. Man, may I ask why the hell you are stalking me?" She rolled her eyes and straightened her lab coat.<br/><br/>"I am not stalking you, I came here as a patient but it seems to me like luck is not on my side today," He sighed and slumped on the office chair opposite hers.<br/><br/>"Do you even know what section of the hospital you are in? It is the therapeutics department you fool," Marwa drummed her fingers on the table, knowing that she was under his intense gaze.<br/><br/>For a moment, he forgot about how much of a mess he was. He took his time to admire Marwa's beautiful features, from the way she blinks down to the way she pouts her plump reddish-pink lips and how her cute chubby cheeks have that rosy colour on them.<br/><br/>"Someone may look like the strongest person alive when in reality, he or she is anything but that, Marwa," He blurted, not knowing why the words tumbled out of his mouth. <br/><br/>Marwa gazed at Zafeer who had a faraway look on his face, not understanding why she yearned to hear the story of the person she hated the most.<br/><br/>"Why are you talking in riddles?" She quietly asked as he stood up and rounded the table then crouched down to her level.<br/><br/>Zafeer's black orbs were looking straight into Marwa's coffee-brown ones. None of them could move, their hearts were clouded with numerous strange emotions. Everything around them seemed to fade as Marwa tried to read the indistinct emotions in his eyes.<br/><br/>"I was diagnosed with autistic disorder at the age of three, by the time I was ten years old, everyone I loved, every friend I had, they just drifted away, all because of the man who gave birth to me. The person in front of you survived three poison attacks and left the country at a very young age. I suck at expressing myself which was the reason I kept following you like a headless chicken, you hate me so much and I understand. But can't you be my friend for once, Marwa?" He sighed and ran his hands through his hair.<br/><br/>It was the longest he had opened up in fifteen years, and to be honest, he felt light because bottling up emotions has always been his thing. Marwa was trying to absorb what he just said, but with his angelic face close to her, it was very hard. <br/><br/>"Y-your father?" She stuttered.<br/><br/>"He is not my father, he is just a man who wants an heir," He answered coldly and pulled back, both of them missing the warmth immediately. <br/><br/>"A-are you a royal?" She glared at him with murderous eyes.<br/><br/>"N-no how can I be a royal when I hate royalty too? The heir to his shipping company," He laughed nervously even though it hurt him to say that.<br/><br/>"Finally, I have found someone like me. You know, people say I am weird because I hate those royals, but it is not like that. All of them think the world revolves around them, they are just hungry for attention and power that they forget to think of the people under them," She hissed with an annoyed expression which made Zafeer start meditating about what she said, in a way, she made sense.<br/><br/>"Yes, those people are greedy if I may add. Talking about people under them, I heard that a durbar will be held for the Crown Prince today. Will you go and watch?" He asked. <br/><br/>"Pfft! Like father like son, I will never go and watch those set of useless people who think horses are more important than people's lives, they are very narrow-minded," Marwa nonchalantly rambled, not noticing that Zafeer's fists were clenched.<br/><br/>He could tolerate almost everything in this life but not someone comparing him with his father, he was extremely offended and enraged. He was nothing like the man who chose power over his son's happiness.<br/><br/>"Don't you dare say that again!" He uttered coldly before sauntering out, leaving her with a baffled expression. <br/><br/>"What a weird man! I was just saying my mind, and besides, I was trying to be his friend because I pitied him, let him die for all I care," She shrugged even though something seemed off about him.<br/><br/>It surprised her that one minute they were opening up to each other and the next, he turned to the coldest person alive and sauntered out with the deadliest expression on his face. <br/><br/>"Dr. Marwa I am so happy for you, this has never happened in this hospital but today, you pulled it off," Dr. Fiona came in with a very wide smile.<br/><br/>She was a beautiful woman with a petite frame, probably in her late thirties. Marwa was assigned under her, she was her assistant and would sometimes talk to patients in her place.<br/><br/>Marwa quickly stood up and smiled back, wondering how on earth it was that she managed to pull off because as far as she was concerned, she was just brought to her office when a patient came.<br/><br/>"What is that, Dr. Fiona?" She asked.<br/><br/>"The patient that just ended his session with you rated you ten out of ten which happens on rare occasions even for me as the senior therapist in this department. Nice job!" She gave Marwa, who looked surprised, a thumbs up.<br/><br/>"What does that imply?" Marwa asked with mouth agape.<br/><br/>"Oh! I forgot that you are an intern and also a new one at that. This is an advantage on your side, if the ratings continue like that, it will boost your entire career and you will be recommended as an international therapist and also be able to secure yourself a permanent job here at the hospital," Dr Fiona talked with so much enthusiasm. <br/><br/>"I promise to keep it up, thank you so much for informing me, Doc," Marwa let out a shrill.<br/><br/>She made a mental note to thank Zafeer later even though she was annoyed at his outburst earlier. The guy helped her out big time which earned him a spot on Marwa's friends list.<br/><br/>"It is my pleasure. Tomorrow, I will assign someone to take you around the hospital but for today, we have to close now. For the durbar, you know," said Fiona.<br/><br/>"Oh yes! Let me get my things," Marwa quickly replied and removed her new lab coat before picking up her black backpack.<br/><br/>She then exited the office along with Dr. Fiona who was now holding Zafeer's files. That day, she wanted nothing more than to rest and think of a way of helping Zafeer mend his relationship with his father, she sure has a long way to go.<br/></p>