
Chasing Luke

“Tell me you want me as badly as I want you,” his breath came out hot and heavy on my face was so close to mine. I could smell him. “No, I d-don’t want you. Leave me alone.” I tried to say but my voice came out choked and breathy. He pulled back and my eyes immediately flew open. His eyes bored into me with such intensity that I could feel it in my core. “I’ll make you admit it one day and then you will be mine,” he said huskily and then pulled himself back from me, turned on his heels and walked away. I fell to my knees, heart pounding as an unknown feeling washed over me. ****** Luke Walker is your definition of Mr. Popular and high school sweetheart. He has looks to die for and it’s no doubt why all the girls at Coldwater High want to be with him and the guys want to be him. He’s the Student Council president, debate and hockey captain and an honours student destined to get into the top universities. Heck, his life is perfect and his future already sealed but that is all until he meets new kid Elliot Grey. Meet Elliot, new kid in town and total hot sex God badboy. From his dark leather jacket to his black combat boots, piercings and tattoos all over, it’s no wonder why everyone is deathly terrified of him and also wants him at the same time. And the stories of his past paint him as a juvenile delinquent with no future. His looks are to die for and that body, gosh, nothing is left to the imagination. He likes that everyone is afraid of him, well everyone except Mr. Popular and all-time school sweetheart Luke. One chance encounter, that’s all it takes to get Elliot interested in Luke. But there is a problem, Luke has a girlfriend that he would never leave for anyone, or so he thought. One stolen kiss under the stars has Luke second guessing all his life choices and who he thought he was. Is one kiss all it takes to tame Luke? Can Elliot show Luke that life isn’t all about having good grades, following rules and being the all-time perfect boy, he was taught to be? Read to find out more.

LoneRanger3 · LGBT+
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Chapter 15: Pair Up

"So, did you talk to him? Does he still hate me and want to smash my pretty face in?" Was the first thing that Neil asked on Monday morning when he found me getting my books from my locker.

Closing the locker, I turned to face him with a blank face. "Pretty much, all he could talk about was how he wanted to kill you for thinking that of him and how he never wanted to see your face again," I replied nonchalantly and then started walking to the Math class.

I heard Neil's footsteps following behind me, quick and rushed and he finally fell in step with me. "What? He's that upset with me, oh man. I'm so screwed," he kept saying, trying to get my attention but it was taking a lot out of me not to laugh at how worried he was. "I apologised and even spent my weekend reading more about polysexual and all the other types of sexualities for nothing. Aw, this sucks."

I bit my lips to prevent myself from bursting into laughter as we finally entered the classroom. There were only about three other students so far who were sitting on top of the desks chatting away. Neil and I walked to our desks and sat down but Neil wasn't done complaining about how unfair it was that Elliot still hated him for not knowing and making assumptions about his sexuality. The whole thing was driving me crazy because all I wanted to do was just burst out laughing at his worried expression but I had to hold it in until I could no longer take it.

Neil's chair was facing mine, while he sat with his elbows on his knees. "Did you know that there are all many ways a person can identify? I had no idea it went above and beyond just being male or female," he continued because apparently I had nothing better to do than listen. "From now on, I won't assume anything without asking."

"That's good to know," I murmured, fearing that if I said more I might blow my cover.

"Do you think that's why Yvette doesn't like me back? Because her preference is someone else?"

I bit my bottom lip hard, drawing blood which tasted metallic and disgusting in my mouth but I finally managed to make eye contact with him. "I'm glad it's all starting to make sense. And maybe, it has nothing to do with you and more to do with the fact that you are her students and she is way older than you," I said and paused to gauge his reaction before continuing. "And maybe, she also happens to love her job and not being behind bars dressed in an orange jumpsuit for making advances to a minor. Just a thought."

Neil narrowed his eyes at me, but just as he was about to say something obviously snarky, Elliot entered the classroom and walked towards us, because his desk was right next to Neil's.

"Sup," he said, pulling his chair out while his bag landed with a thud on the floor.

I saw Neil's body visibly tense at that and slowly, he turned his head to face Elliot. This was going to be very interesting, I thought to myself.

Neil raised his hands up in surrender. "Look man, I'm sorry about everything but please don't kill me," he said in one breath. "I know I messed up by assuming things about you that were obviously none of my business but it's no reason to truly hate and want me dead." I could see he was shaking and I felt the bubble of laughter surfacing as Elliot arched an eyebrow at me obviously not aware of what Neil was talking about.

"What are you talking about?" Elliot asked, leaning back in his chair, his eyebrows still arched. "Do you know what he's going on about because I have no clue?"

I held my mouth with both hands as my shoulders shook with laughter. I wanted to say something but I couldn't bring myself to stop laughing.

"Come on, you don't have to pretend," Neil said with an audible sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Luke already told me everything."

Elliot's gaze fully turned to me as he leaned forward, his mouth tugged into a mischievous smirk. "And what exactly did he tell you? And don't be shy. I want to hear all the details." He put so much emphasis on the 'all', his eyes boring into my soul with their intensity.

I suddenly no longer felt like laughing. This has definitely gone too far for my liking.

"It's nothing, Neil is just being dramatic," I answered instead. "I just told him a joke but it seems he doesn't know how to take a joke."

Neil was glaring at me but Elliot still had that stupid smirk on his face which made him look so hot that I couldn't stop staring at his lips. "What the hell are you saying? You told me he wanted me dead for what I had said about him and now you claim it was all a joke. What the hell is wrong with you man? What has gotten into you?" he sounded really pissed but also disappointed and it made me feel slightly bad for having lied to him but it's not like he didn't deserve the harmless joke. It was all just supposed to teach him never to make assumptions about people without truly getting to know them.

"Sorry, I just thought it would make a good laugh once you found out that it was all just a joke," I said with a shrug. "Guess I'm the only one who found it funny."

"Obviously," Neil snapped. "Who makes such a joke?"

"Me, I thought it was obvious."

"What happened to the quiet friend that I have always known?" Neil said with a sigh. "That really wasn't cool. I was so worried because I didn't want him to hate me for being ignorant. Do you know I spent my entire weekend reading about everything only to find out you were joking."

Elliot leaned back in his chair looking really amused. "It wasn't a waste because now you know it's not all black and white but a fucking rainbow."

I mouthed a thank you to him for saving me. I knew he would understand that it was just harmless and I meant nothing about it.

"Besides, I already moved past it once I had calmed down," Elliot added, then he winked at me. "However, what Luke did wasn't cool so whenever you want to get back at him, I'm ready to help."

Neil and him exchanged a look and fist pumped each other. "I can live with that, thanks man for being so cool about it," Neil said.

I felt a chill, this wasn't going to end well for me. I was okay with Neil pulling pranks on me once in a while but now he was teaming up with Elliot and from the smirk on his face, I knew I was not going to like it at all. Crap, what had I brought upon myself?

"Okay, okay, but you aren't allowed to prank me at school or during school hours because I will have to write to you for that," I said, my hands raised. I had dug my own grave and now I was going to sleep in it.

Patience and Lynn entered the classroom with the teacher behind them. By now, the class had filled up and they were the last students.

"All right, class, settle down. Today we shall work in pairs so make sure you pair up with someone you would normally never. I want shuffles and I see that you paired with a friend then that's marks I shall remove from your final score."