
Chasing Clouds

A nerd who hates girls, an orthodox idiot who calls himself handsome, a voracious sports boy with a brick-head, an upper-middle-class boy with kleptomania, A royal girl who wants to be free from her boring life, and last a girl who wants to lead a big step on her life and prove her talent to others. They are leading different life with their own rules colliding at a point called college life.

KingDaken · Politique et sciences sociales
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15 Chs

New Beginning

It was noon, the clouds are running so faster than normal and the sun was blazing the surrounding. Students are gathered at the sports ground and cheering so loud and happy.

"Parker... Parker... Parker"

The hotness from both sun and the sport on the ground were making the students so exciting. At the college ground, players were playing football matches as practice.

A single player runs so fast across the ground and got everyone's attention. His face and clothes are drenched by sweat more than anyone. Even though his legs and his spirit are running so great, he gets the ball from the opponent's team player so easily and scored a goal.

His name is Parker Mason, he was a first-year student. Parker made a name for himself by showing his talent to all. And now he has his fan base in this college and became popular.

His hobby is playing football and spending time with his friends. Parker is average at his studies but he was good at sports and other extracurricular activities.

While everyone enjoy the match, one person was seeing the two young girls in the audience row and tries to talk with a huge smile. "Young Ladies, you both like football so much?" After asking a question he just sat near to them.

At first, the girls got so annoyed by his attitude but they were quiet and answered him, "We just came here to pass some time but after watching the match we love to be here. Parker was playing so well and I like to talk to him".

He was annoyed for a minute and looked at Parker, but soon he get back to the two girls' attention by starting to say his lie "I am too a football player, and the boy who goals so extraordinary is my friend.

We both are known as Offensive Duo, when we start to play the game then there would be no one able to get the ball from us. That's why we got that name, and…".

While he was saying these to them, the girls asked him "If you are a player then why are you being here than playing on the ground with your friend?"

"You know I like to watch the game at distance than play. Because playing will drain my talent and energy and I hate that so much"

He said with a confident face but it was not worked out well. Soon they figured out that he was lying then they both goes away from there. After losing them he was just being quiet and looking at the match and firing the cigarette.

"Parker playing like he was in fire, Brian you have no luck today".

His name is Brian Marshell, he is also a first-year student and friend to Parker. His hobby is talking with girls and enjoying the time without any worries.

And while Brian was feeling down, a voice was from the back said "Hey, just throw the damn cigarette away, I can't able to breathe, you idiot". Parker slowly turns his face and looks at him.

"Oh… My nerd friend, why are you here?"

"I just came here to see Parker's match and also want to check on you because you are an idiot who does stupid things whenever you were alone"

"Markus... I just talk to some girls that's all I do… You were treating me like a child who needs some guidance"

After saying it Brian threw his cigarette and sat near to him. Markus Jason is also a first-year student and friend of Parker and Brian. He is a nerd who likes to read books and play games and always prefers to be in his home. Then the match ended and Parker's team won with a high score. Then Brian and Markus get out from there and walks straight to their department.

The three of them studying computer application courses at Western University. The Western University was so famous for its success rate, More than 98% of students got into a great jobs and helps the country. Every student wants to get inside the university to study but most of them were get failed only talented people can enter the university.

After getting into class soon Brian takes his phone up and started to chat with his friend. And Markus started to study the class books and check the answers to his homework, while Brian did not care about anything and chatted with a girl on phone. After some time Parker changed into his casual dress and gets inside the class. He places his bag on the desk and sat between Brian and Markus, they always are on the first bench in class and enjoy the time on their way.

"You showed your talent to everyone and also the last shot of your goal is nice"

"Yeah, I did it just like I planned in my mind. My talents are so great and others are telling me that only I can able to pull the clean shot"

While everyone doing their work suddenly a boy gets to the bench and talked to Markus "Do you have two pens? He needs a pen to write the notes" while saying it, he points out his finger toward one of his classmates. After Markus the pen to him, he got back there and started to talk with them. His name is Jay Jordan, He is also a friend to Parker, Brian, and Markus.

Soon the teacher gets inside the classroom and said: "Everyone please be quiet, the class was started from now on there has to be silent till the class ends".

While he was saying to the students but no one listened to him and started to talk with their friends. While Brian was playing games on his phone, Markus and Parker listened to the class and took notes sincerely. And after some time Brian got bored and turns the right side to talk with June. She was his best friend for Brian, they both always are cat and mouse. They fight each other even for fun. June became a close friend to Brian after being a classmate for one month. She was also a talented girl who scores high marks on every test, even though she was good at sports.

"Do you have chocolates?"

June nodded her head as no and tried to listen to the class but Brian just keep on talking to her.

"Just keep quiet, I will give it to you after the class, and now listen to the class otherwise sure sir will scold you".

But Brian is just being himself and not listening to the class, then suddenly he hears a girl's voice which is so sweet just like he hears from the series he watches. Soon he turned his face the way he heard the voice and he was surprised by seeing a beautiful girl standing at the entrance of their class. The first thing he thought in his mind was to get her hand and kiss her while saying "Why the angel being here... Am I blessed by gods".

He just looked at her without moving his eyes and did not listen to anything other than her voice. While he was looking at her, for him it feels like all the things were happening in slow motion just like in movies.

The girls get inside and talked with the teacher and asked for a sign on some paper. Every guy in the class was looking at her and talking about how beautiful she is, then after got signed on the paper, she gets out from there.

And then the teacher said to the students "She is the new student and from tomorrow she will start her class here. If she has any doubts or problems just help her". After hearing it, Brian was so happy and he can't able to stop the smile on his face.

I am just started as newbie in this platform, if you have any queries just type it in comments, i will improve myself as well as the story for the readers convenience.

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