
Chapter 36 Rescue My Love

...Tyler POV...

I am slowly going off my mind. I love Jenna so fucking much, but I do want to lose. I just can't get past her and Luke in my head; I cannot stop thinking of the woman I love being with another man. It is ripping me apart. It is tearing at my soul, and all I do is a drink to ease the pain.

I have to do something about it. It has to stop.

As I am sitting behind my desk nursing yet another hangover, I am startled by her voice.

"Morning, stranger."

"Jenna, what are you doing here."

"You ditched me this morning

"I am sorry, I did not think that you were serious."

She hands me a neatly packed container in her hand, "Her, I made you breakfast."


"Yes, your favorite, just as you like it."

I get off my chair and come around the table to where she is standing, "Is it okay to give you a hug."

"Fuck, Tyler, you don't have to ask me for permission when you want to do something."