
Chasing And Claiming My Rejected Omega Mate:Alpha’s Severe Regret [BL]

MATURED CONTENT | RATED 21+ | PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Born an omega in a time where omegas are rare and unwanted, Rory lived a life whereby he was always a second option in every situation. Omegas couldn’t birth pups, so no one wanted to be mated to them, except to fuck them and move on. Fortunately for Rory, he ends up finding love. A day before his well anticipated wedding, Rory walked into a scene which turned his well aligned life upside down. He caught his loving fiancé in bed with his only sister whom he loved and trusted with his life. Rory felt his heart shatter after that. A rebellious streak sends him on a mission to lose his well kept virginity, and he ends up falling into the clutches of Jason, a dangerous, ruthless wolf. He loses his virginity to him and the morning after, he realised that this soulless Alpha is his fated mate. But, once again, Rory is reminded of his curse of always being a second option when he got rejected. As if that wasn’t enough, he soon realized his life is in immense danger. Rory then decides to run away and start afresh in a different country. One thing Rory didn’t expect to happen, was for him to end up pregnant weeks after fleeing! ~~~ Years later, Rory now has an adorable son, a husband who cherishes him, and a contented life. When he collides with Jason this time, he wants nothing to do with the alpha who rejected him in the past. Jason, an Alphas of Alphas, felt his wolf wilt away the day he rejected his omega mate. He had been unable to feel his wolf after that day. He regretted his actions almost immediately and wanted to make things right, but the pretty omega who smelled of wildflowers and vanilla had completely disappeared from the face of the earth. On finally colliding with his rejected omega mate, Jason was determined to make things right. But before anything could happen, he gets the biggest shock of his life on discovering that his mate had birthed a son who looked just like him, in his absence! | - | e x c e r p t | -| “Arch for me, pup.” The dark alpha husked and more color rushed into Rory’s face as the order settled in his stomach. For the first time in his life, Rory was completely nude in front of a man. He had assumed losing his virginity was gonna be brisk, and that it was gonna happen in the dark. He never counted on it going down this way, with an alpha whose dark eyes made his weak kneed and tongue tied, whose voice made his insides clench up, and whose touch made slick gush out of him like he was a faulty faucet. He pressed his flushed face into the sandalwood smelling sheets, limbs trembling as he arched his back even more, till his ass was very high and his chest pressed into the bed as well. “There you go, that’s a good boy.” The Alpha growled out, hands reaching out to knead his hips, and when he delivered a spank on Rory’s ass, a stuttered whimper spilled past the pretty omega’s mouth, muffled in the sheets. Moments later, fingers were digging into the omega’s hair, jerking his head up just as another spank got delivered on his second cheek, and this time, there was nothing to muffle the high pitched sound and it filled the air in a melodic tune. “Don’t muffle those sweet sounds, gorgeous. I want to hear every sound you make, I need to hear you as you fall apart from pleasure in my bed tonight, and that’s exactly what’s gonna happen.” * Cover isn’t mine. If owner requests, I’d take it down.

Bree_Airee · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
33 Chs

Olive Leaf




        "I'm Raya." She introduced herself, voice soft as she sank into the spot beside me on the couch in her sitting room. She put a little space between us, to clearly give me some space, which I genuinely appreciated.


I cleared my throat as I began to speak. "I'm Rory."


"Aw, a pretty name for a pretty boy." She spoke, voice having an excited lith and I cracked a smile this time. I haven't smile in over two days, so it felt great to finally do so, even if it only lasted for a couple of seconds.


I let my eyes wander around the interior of the sitting room. The entire place was as cozy as the passageway of her house was. It wasn't that spacious, but it felt warm and homey, well lived in, telling from the pictures around the place.


"So, Rory… where are you from?" She asked after a few minutes and I shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that. I knew the pack I was from, but was it sensible to reveal that piece of information for someone whom I had just met?


After a few more moments, she rushed to add. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, that's totally okay."


I couldn't help but flash her another smile, a grateful one this time. "Thank you." I spoke quietly, meaning the two words.


She shifted in her seat a little before continuing. "You seemed quite great with kids out there. What you did with my daughter, no one had been able to do that since I could remember. That's genuinely so crazy to me." 


I felt my lips curving into a wry smile this time at her words, because she wasn't wrong in any way.


I've always loved kids since I could remember. People usually said it was the omega in me, that it made me more warm towards kids and made kids more trusting towards me. But I always insisted that it wasn't because I've witnessed a whole lot of omegas who were horrible with kids, so I was certain that it had been and not because of my wolf status.


After I presented as an omega and got to understand that I couldn't have kids, I found myself pulling away from kids, because being around them always made me feel pain, because they reminded me of something I'd never get to have. It was why I tried to stay away from kids even though I loved them with everything in me, so Raya was right, I really was great with kids.


"Thank you." I finally ended up responding. "I'm indeed great with kids, but I don't think it's anything special or something." I explained and she instantly sat up, leaning forward.


"What?! It's actually a big deal! You're literally a day care's dream. My daughter is what sitters refers to as a nightmare, but you were able to easily calm her down. It was like you performed magic."


I chuckled awkwardly, not knowing where she was getting at. There was a glint in her eyes, like she was excited but trying to keep it under control.


"Uh…" I started but she cut me off as he closed the distance between us a little.


"So, I- I don't mean this in an offensive way, but do you have somewhere to sleep at tonight? Or someone whom you're traveling to?" She asked, voice holding no judgement and I felt myself getting engulfed in embarrassment as I tentatively shook my head, even though I contemplated lying about that answer, but I easily ended up deciding against doing that because I figured it wasn't gonna change anything. 


"Do you want to stay here tonight?" She aside without hesitating and my eyes widened, that wasn't what I had expected to hear. I was a complete stranger to her, for one.


"You don't have to agree, but you can stay if you want. You can leave tomorrow if you want, but it's already late so I believe it's best you just spend the night here." She pointed towards a wall clock as she spoke and I realized it was past six in the evening.


"Are you sure that's alright?" I asked, feeling completely unsure. She seemed genuine about her offer, which was undoubtedly because of pity. That made me feel uncomfortable, but there wasn't much I could do about that since technically, I needed all the help I can get.


She nodded almost eagerly. "Yes, it is. I promise."


I glanced around the sitting room again. "What about your mate?" I asked, having noticed a man in some of those pictures around the house.


"He's not around for now. He's on a business trip, so you don't have to worry. And besides, he wouldn't mind even if he was present, I promise." She continued, sounding quite earnest.


I felt genuinely grateful that she was offering me somewhere to spend the night, it was something I didn't even see coming to begin with. 


She resssured me that it was completely alright again, but I made sure to confirm again that I wasn't inconveniencing her or anything, and she reassured me that I wasn't.




     I never imagined that a shower would ever feel this great until right now. Raya had provided me with some toiletries and a change of clothes, which belonged to her husband, so they were way too big for me when I slipped into them after the shower.


She cooed a little as I stepped into the sitting room and I rolled my eyes a little as I sank into the spot beside her.


"Your husband isn't gonna mind this…?"


She shook her head again. "He's not, I promise."


I found myself relaxing a little after that. I've been strung up for the past two days. It felt nice to finally be able to relax and not worry about if I'd end up dying of hunger or thirst.


I unconsciously wrapped my arm around my stomach, feeling my heart grow heavy with so much emotion.


When my eyes caught Raya's this time, she had an soft look across her face and I felt myself flush in embarrassment before glancing away.


"You're pregnant, aren't you?"