
Where Is She? Pt.1

Charli POV

Today is gonna be a long day. Me, Chase, Avani, Anthony, Addison, and Kouvr are going to finish setting up my studio. We have to install the mirrors, finish painting the triangles, and setting up the front office. It might take a lot, but it'll be fun because we will all be working together. Chase is picking everyone up in his car because it has enough room for everyone. I got out of bed and ate some cereal. When Paisley woke up, I made her some oatmeal and sausage, with some apple slices. Since me and Chase were gonna be gone all day, Paisley was gonna spend the day with Chase's mom. "Paisley, you're going to Nana's house today" I said. "Okay" she said. I got her bag together for the day. I put her Pull-Ups, wipes, Ipad charger, and her headphones in the bag. She has clothes, pajamas and a toothbrush that stays over there because whenever we go, she always asks to spend the night. After I got her bag ready, I got her ready. She took a bath last night, so I just had to wipe her face. She had on a black and white checkerboard skirt, with a black shirt, and her checker- board Vans. After she was dressed, I did her hair. I gave her two braided buns with black bows. Then, I put her in my bed next to Chase so I could get ready. I showered, brushed my teeth, and put my clothes on. I put on one of Chase's star wars shirts with some leggings, and I brushed my hair into a messy bun. We picked everyone up, and I was driving to Chase's moms house to drop off Paisley, and that's when rain started pouring down. I could barely see, so I turned on the windshield wipers, then I saw lightning and heard the thunder."Paisley, are you okay?" I asked her. "No mommy, I'm scared" she said. "Is everyone okay?" Chase said. "Yeah" they said. Then, it got harder to steer, and I couldn't control the wheel. "Charli, you wanna pull over so I can drive." Kouvr said. "Yeah, I'm can't do it" I said. As I was pulling over, I went over a pothole, that's when the car started circling uncontrollably. We were all screaming, and then the car circled and we were about to crash into a tree. "Paisley, hold my hand" I said. She held her hand out and I took it. "Mommy loves you" I said while giving her a kiss. Then everything went black.


*2 Hours Later*

Charli POV

"Breaking News, a group of Tiktokers have been in a car accident this evening while it was pouring outside in California. Charli D'Amelio, Chase Hudson, Avani Gregg, Anthony Reeves, Addison Easterling, Kouvr Annon, and Charli and Chase's 2 year old, Paisley Hudson. They are in severe conditions, and we'll update you when we get further news." the t.v said. I slowly opened my eyes, and I felt lightheaded. I was in a hospital room with a doctor typing. Then I realized what had happened. "Where's my daughter?" I said while getting out of the bed. "Ms. D'Amelio I need you to lay down, you are in stable condition." she said. She laid me back down, and I waited for her to turn around. Then I got up, hit her in the face with the tv remote, and ran out of the room. I was barefoot and had a hospital gown on. I ran through the hospital looking for a room with her name on the board. I saw it from far away. I ran to it and slipped on some ice. I hit my head and blacked out again.

*15 minutes later*

I woke up in the hospital hallway, and in someone's arms. They were running their finger through my hair, and giving me kisses. I think it was Chase because it smelled like him. I looked up and there he was. "Charli, are you okay?" he said. "No, where's Paisley" I said while tearing up. He sighed. "Is she gone?" I asked him. He started to tear up. "Come on let's take a walk to her room." he said. He picked me up and carried me down the hallway. I looked in a mirror and my hair was crazy, I had bruises and cuts all over my face, and I had a headache. "Where's everyone?" I said. "You'll see" he said. I was so confused. It didn't make sense. We had all been in a crash, and it seemed like no one was hurt but me. "Did you get hurt" I asked Chase. "A tree sliced a cut in my arm." he said. "Then how are you carrying me?" I said. "Cause I'm strong for you. And Paisley of course." he said. I stared into his deep blue eyes and cried. "Don't cry baby, we're almost there." he said. We walked into one of the hospital rooms and a lot of people we're in there. "Charli!" they said. They were all sitting around and talking and laughing with each other including our parents, except for Chase's mom. "Don't yell" I said because it made my ears ring too hard. Then I saw Paisley, she was laying on the bed, unconscious, with a breathing mask on. "How are you all having a party in here, and my daughter unconscious?!? Get the hell out, and don't come back until you see a child laying in a hospital bed that can't breathe on their own!!" I yelled at them. They all scurried out of the room, and I sat down on the bed with Paisley. I picked her up and held her in my arms. Chase sat in the chair next to Mama Hudson. I started crying. It was hard to see her lay there, helpless. I rocked her back and forth in my arms. "Mommy's right here Paisley. She's so sorry. This is her fault. She should've checked the weather this morning and this wouldn't have happened." I said while rubbing my hand back and forth across her forehead. "Don't say that Char, it's not your fault" Chase said. I closed my eyes and prayed in my head. Then, the doctor came in. "Ms. D'Amelio, Mr. Hudson, I have some news regarding your daughter." he said.