
Family Day

*Charli is 3 Months*

Charli POV

Last night, I woke up at 4 in the morning to throw up, and after, my stomach was hurting. I went downstairs and ate some Lucky Charms, which I guess wasn't the right move, and I threw that up too. So I went back upstairs and woke up Chase. "Chase" I said shaking him. "Chase, wake up" I said while crying. He opened his eyes and closed them back. "What's wrong Char" he said. "My stomach hurts really bad" I said. "Did you go to the bathroom?" he said. "Yes, I threw up twice" I said. He got up and went in the bathroom, and then he went downstairs. "Here baby take this" he said while giving me a pill and a cup of water with ice. I drank the pill down and laid back down. Chase held his arms out for me and I laid on his chest. He grabbed the remote for the tv and turned on my favorite show, Grey's Anatomy while he stroked his fingers through my hair and gave me a kiss. "I hope you feel better in the morning. I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said as my eyelids slowly started to close.

10 AM

I woke up next to Chase holding Paisley while they watched tv. "Good morning!" he said when he saw me sut up. "Good morning" I said. "Mommy, good morning!" she said. "Good morning Paisley!" I said. "You wanna go shopping with me today?" I said. "Yes! Can daddy come?" she said. "If daddy doesn't have a meeting" I said while looking at him. "Good thing he doesn't because Mommy would've eaten him alive if he had one" he said while making a scary face at Paisley. She screamed then laughed. "Really?" I said while laughing. "Yes! And this is payback" he said then jumped on me. "Chase!" I screamed while laughing. He tickled me and picked me and Paisley up, and then he threw us on the bed. He sat in the middle of us and picked Paisley up and sat her in the middle of us. He wrapped his arm around me and his other around Paisley. "I love you Charli" he said then gave me a kiss. "I love you too" I said. "And I love you Paisley" he said while giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too Daddy" she said. After we sat there for a few minutes, I got up because I had to go to the grocery store and restock our house. That reminds me, me and Chase are looking for a new house. Not an apartment, but a house! I'm really excited, but in the meantime, I have to go grocery shopping! Also, tommorow is Monday and it's Paisley's first day of kindergarten! I got up and took a quick shower. Then I got dressed. I put on a white crop-top with some jeans. I didn't feel like doing my hair, so I just put it in a messy bun. When I was finished, I got Paisley ready. She had a bath last night, so I just picked out her clothes. After Chase was ready, we left out and Chase drove to Kroger. I grabbed a cart and Chase put Paisley in the seat. I got a bunch of snacks and of course Chase got 5 boxes of Caprisuns. When he put it in the cart, I just shaked my head and laughed. "What?" he said. "Nothing" I said while laughing. Once we finished, we paid and took the me and Chase loaded the bags in the trunk. We took them home and we left back out and went to his moms house. "Charli, Paisley my loves" she said while walking out to the house. "Hi Nana!" Paisley said. She gave me a hug and picked Paisley up and gave her a kiss. "Hi Paisley!" she said. "I'm here too" Chase said. "Hi Chase" she said then walked in the house with Paisley. I couldn't help but laugh. "When she loves your daughter more than you" he said while fake crying. I burst out laughing and walked in the house. Chase's mom cooked and we came over for dinner. She made Spaghetti and Meatballs and for dessert, we had chocolate cake. After dinner, we sat in the living room and played board games. Then we went home. Paisley starts pre-school tommorow so we went to Office Depot and Target. I got her this cute bookbag. She really loves Paw Patrol. I pulled up her school supply list on my phone and got everything she needed. Then we drove home. I gave her a bath and got her ready for bed. She watched Netflix and played with her toys in her room until it was time for bed. Her bedtime is 9:30. She picked out her bedtime snack which was strawberries tonight, and I laid her down. "Goodnight Paisley" I said. "Goodnight mommy" she said. I plugged her nightlight in, which made her ceiling have stars. And I tucked her in, gave her a kiss, and turned the light off. Me and Chase watched a movie in the living room with popcorn before we went to bed. I took shower and put Paisley's school supplies in her backpack while watching The Proud Family on Disney plus. Once I finished, I laid down and went to sleep.


*Next Morning*

This morning I woke up at 7:00 and I went to the bathroom and threw up. Morning sickness is horrible. Then I washed my face and went to wake up Paisley. I turned off her nightlight, and woke her up. She was excited to get up. We went down to the kitchen and I made her oatmeal and sausage with some blueberries and apple juice. I turned on Disney Jr. for her because she eats more when she watches shows. While she ate, I made her lunch. She had almond butter and strawberries on rice cakes with a yogurt, goldfish, and a pack of gushers. Those are her favorite. She also had a Caprisun and her water bottle. I put it in her lunch bag and grabbed her backpack. Then we went back upstairs and I picked her out this for the first day. She was too cute today. I took a pic of her on Snap and posted it to my instagram. I "Go say bye to Daddy" I said and she ran into my room. "Daddy wake up" she said while shaking him. He opened his eyes and gasped. "Is that Paisley" he said. She laughed. "No it's Charli" she said. I laughed. "Where's Paisley then?" he said. "I don't know let's go look for her" she said. "I think I found her" he said. Then he picked her up and tickled. "Is this Paisley now?" he said. "Yes, yes!" she said while laughing. "Okay Have a good day at school Paisley" he said then gave her a kiss. "Okay bye daddy" she said. Then I left and drove Paisley to school. When we got there, I met her teacher. I already knew her tea her though. It was Amelie! She went to college to be a teacher. She married Nick last year, and now she's Mrs. Austin. After I dropped Paisley off, I stopped at Dunkin and got me and Chase a coffee and then I drove home.