
Charlie's Universe

After a sudden family accident, a big boy with a warm family and a kind-hearted personality but cowardly found out that his parents were not human, and a woman who claimed to be his mother appeared and told him his life experience and more shocking secrets about human beings. At this time, he has been involved in a turbulent struggle for power and a journey to the universe.

charlei_saint · Romance
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25 Chs

Unexpectedly hunted down

Charlie wanted to go home, but instead of taking a car or a taxi, he chose to walk. He needs to be alone for a while to dissipate everything that happened just now and even today; he needs to blow off the grievances in his heart and the haze covering his whole body.

He could feel the wet beige suit soaking up the cold moonlight, quickly taking the body heat away from him, making his damp heart even harder and shivering.

A staggering, dazed Charlie stepped into the puddle. Can there be someone more unlucky than you? He couldn't help thinking. Charlie quickly pulled out his feet and found his shoes and trousers wet. "I'm humbled," he muttered inwardly, shaking his head helplessly.

There are few pedestrians on the street, and there are not many vehicles passing by.

Charlie, immersed in his thoughts, didn't know how long he had been gone, but when he looked up and looked around again, he realized that it was near his residence.

The business of the King Burger restaurant has always been good, with high quality and low price categories, and Charlie rarely cares about it on weekdays. At this time, even when it was approaching midnight, a few cars were parked at the door irregularly, and many people were sitting under the warm light through the windows. Occasionally, lucky homeless people would receive invitations from kind people to enter the store and deliver them to the store. A love burger, if you are less fortunate, you will pick up leftover food from others.

Tonight was no exception, a homeless man in tattered clothes and unkempt hair was now nestling against the wall not far from the door of the burger shop.

After Charlie passed in front of him, he touched both pockets, took out some change, and turned back again.

Just as he turned to walk towards the homeless man, he saw two men in black suits following him—their footsteps stopped abruptly. Leng then slowed down and passed by Charlie. When he put the money in front of the homeless, he suddenly remembered that the two were the people watching him from the corner of the basketball court.

Charlie was full of doubts. He guessed that the two might be the thugs that Pierre paid for, but looking at this posture, the two big men could easily break their necks. He couldn't help thinking of Pierre in the school corridor. If I find someone to break my leg, I can't help but feel tight in my knees.

Changed from the past, Charlie did not continue along the current road but plunged at the end of the alley a few steps away.

He went round and round, trying to prevent them from discovering him, and walked several secluded alleys.

Charlie turned into a dark alley. The alley was silent, and the sound of his footsteps was noticeable. Then the moonlight reflected, and I could see where the water had accumulated on the uneven road. Occasionally a rat or two slammed into the sewer from the roadside garbage heap.

A violent crash of metal pierced the silence in the darkness. He jumped far and wide at the sudden sound.

His big-eyed eldest, with his heart in his throat, walked around the sound, looking back from time to time as he walked, for fear that some terrifying creature would rush out and tear him to shreds—a cat meow, a The cat strung out from the trash can under the wall ladder.

It's just a cat, and Charlie doesn't think he needs to be so nervous about what happened before and turns to another alley.

The warm light of the chandelier in the home can be seen through an open-air public parking lot.

At this moment, two figures approached him from the darkness. Although there was no light, they were still recognized by their silhouettes in the faint moonlight-they followed, getting closer-they, hand holding a knife.

The knives in their hands were like stars in the night, jumping irregularly in the air, cold and dazzling.

Who the hell are they, and why did they follow me in the first place? This is by no means as simple as being beaten up. Do they rarely want to kill me here?

Charlie wasn't sure who they were, but he was sure it was definitely for him. He rushed to the end of the alley desperately, not looking back.

At the entrance of the alley, a sex worker who is neither male nor female suddenly collided with Charlie.

The sex worker was tall and strong, wearing high heels, wearing a short skirt, wearing a wig, and making a strange voice.

"Hey baby, do you want to play together."

Play? I am being chased and killed; how can I have the mood to play with you? Charlie broke free from his arms and threw away the hand he was holding.

With a gunshot, the sex worker was hit and fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood soon spilled from his body.

Charlie heard a dull, rapid sound, and he wasn't sure what it was. However, the fall of the sex worker, and the fluid that came out, made him understand everything.

OMG! They kill people!

At first, he thought it was just a threat, but now that things are more serious, he is likely to be shot in this deserted alley in a second.

He dashed across the street, over the guardrail, and into the parking lot. In the dark, he drove through a car and hid next to a Land Rover. He didn't dare to go home directly because he wasn't sure if the two perverted killers would even spare their parents.

The two killers stood on the side of the parking lot, eyeing the surroundings.

The street lights in the parking lot illuminated the faces of the two men - one with short black hair and eyes as big as copper bells, the other with curly blond hair, a three-inch scar on the right face, and a strong body - the two are Mackey's men.

A short-haired man slowly closed his eyes, accompanied by beast-like deep breathing, which reminded people of a forest wolf that had already smelled its prey not far away. He then opened his eyes, with an answer, and gave his partner a look. The two walked deep into the parking lot.

Charlie heard footsteps approaching and looked through the car window as he was walking toward him. This is what he didn't think about, thinking that his tricks could confuse the killer who was after him. At the moment, he felt that he was wrong. The killer was already a few steps away from him.

When he was in a panic, he had a plan. He took off his shoes and threw them into the distance. The two hit the mark and walked toward the direction where the shoes landed. Charlie gritted his teeth, his heart was stunned, and he ran to the side of the parking lot along the body of the car to cover the cat.

The conspiracy is quickly uncovered, as the bullets fired from the killer's gun speak for themselves. One after another, blue rays flew past Charlie's ears. They instantly penetrated the window of the car he was leaning against. The glass shattered, and the flying shards cut through his thin, pale face.

Charlie rolled and crawled under the car. Although his heartbeat was beating violently and his breathing was short, a vast fear enveloped him. He tried his best to keep his voice down. He wanted to cover his mouth and throat with his hands, and even his breathing was interrupted. Shivering, he pressed his face to the ground and dipped his fingers into the muddy water. He searched for the killer's footprints through the bottom of the car. At this time, a pair of feet appeared in his sight. However, perhaps in vain, the man's footsteps gradually disappeared until they disappeared.

Charlie finally took a full breath, feeling that he was alive; his tense nerves relaxed, and he was completely lying in the muddy water under the car.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the roof of the car. It was the sound of a vast heavy object falling from the sky and hitting the car's roof. Charlie only felt the car on him sink violently, and the chassis of the vehicle almost pressed against him for a while. He didn't know what had happened.

At this time, with a few steps on the roof, a shadow fell in front of the car.

"Didn't they go? How did they find me?" Charlie thought. All of this was not waiting for Zha Li to find out the answer, but the car covering his body was lifted with both hands by a big man in a black suit with eyes as big as a cow. At this moment, he was naked in the center of the stage and exposed inch by inch to the viewers as the curtain opened.

Under the action of escape instinct, Charlie quickly got up from the ground and ran to the side. However, before taking a few steps, he found another killer with backcombed hair waiting in front of him.

"Wait a minute, I beg you, wait a minute." Up to now, he could only pray that they would be kind enough to let him go.

The two acted mechanically, with expressionless faces, and he even wondered if the two of them could not understand what he said.

But he knew in his heart that there was nothing he could do but beg for mercy, "You tell Pierre I'll stay away from Neeko, and I'll stay away from him, yes! I'm going to get out. I promise! Money, money, I This is all I have on my body; I'll give it to you; if it's not enough, I'll go home and get it for you. Don't kill me!"

The sound of the car hitting the ground came from behind Charlie, and the curly-haired man in front of him slowly pointed the gun at him.

He knew he was dead.

"FUCK, FUCK YOU, Pierre, FUCK YOU Neeko, FUCK YOU FUCK SCHOOL, FUCK YOU Snyder, both of you scumbags, die!" He felt wronged and accompanied by boundless fear.

The moment Curly pulled the trigger, suddenly, a blue light flashed across the air, entangling his neck tightly.

Charlie saw a slender figure walking out of the darkness, holding a long silver whip in his hand, about two meters long, with a sharp end like an arrow. There is a crisp sound of metal rubbing against the ground.

He didn't have time to see his face, but he could see that it was a woman.

The woman in front of Charlie is the Queen of the Blue Moon Star, Jenny, who drove the spacecraft from the Blue Moon Planet through the Stargate through different galaxies, escaped the pursuit above the Earth, and finally came to Earth.

Before the other big man approached Charlie, Jenny had already stopped him one step ahead of her. I am afraid that the two will fight in the next second. Taking advantage of the chaos, he turned and fled.

He ran home in despair, locked all the house doors, and slumped on the floor. He was panting heavily, sweating profusely, his face pale, and his eyes stared blankly at the bottom.

At this moment, Jenny turned out to be a big man - caught in the middle of several cars, Jenny, who was standing on the roof, swung a steel whip and stabbed the sharp spear at the tail into his throat and pierced his skull.

She raised her wrist, touched the device on the shaking wrist, and saw a three-dimensional map reappear in the air, with a logo flashing slightly in the picture.