
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime et bandes dessinées
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134 Chs

Showing Off

Oemitsu slowly walked through the hallway until he arrived in the saloon with his family right behind him.

Vergo was a dressing similar suit to Oemitsu, however, instead of being black like Oemitsu's, it was white.

Ponzu was a lost case. She refused to wear clothes that would fit the situation, so she was using her big honeycomb hat with loose baggy clothes.

However, something that caught Oemitsu out of guard was the fact that for the first time in her life, Menchi had decided to use more feminine clothes. She was dressing a beautiful purple dress that in someway combined with her loose turquoise hair.

Pakunoda was dressing her usual business clothes, however, she had a rather amused face while she walked.

Shizuku was wearing her usual clothes. Consisting of her black sweater, blue jeans and round glasses.

Shiro was tip toeing while humming. She is happy because she is holding her brother's hand and because they will show off their family to those arrogant Devils.

Needless to say, the entire hall was silent and Oemitsu was smiling at the prey in front of him. It was time to send a message, to create a new age.

The beggining of a new age will start on this very moment, but words are not enough... he needs to prove the meaning of his words with action.

The guards immediately surrounded Oemitsu and his family, but Oemitsu, in response, simply lifted his left hand and said in a deep voice that resounded through the hall.

"Clear the way... and don't get blood on my clothes."

Oemitsu's family reacted instantly.

Vergo disappeared and punched the guard in front of Oemitsu, sending him flying through the hall, however, the guard's body came to a halt when a certain woman stopped the guard before he destroyed half of the room that she had prepared.

"Stand down. This violence is unnecessary. He is my grandchild and it is his birthday too. Oemitsu, there was no need to break down the front door, you are always welcomed to join our parties."

The guards backed away almost instantly when this woman stepped forward.

This is not a fight that they wanted to take in the first place, now that they got a reason to not do it without getting fired, they complied.

"Grandma, I would say that it is a delight to see you, but I would be lying... participating in Devil parties? I am gonna have to pass on that one. I have a question though, If you divorce Zeoticus does he get his balls back or do you keep them as a trophy?"

Oemitsu asked with his usual mocking smile. Bowing slightly to the woman in front of him. Venelana is the only individual in his blood family that sparks his interest.

"You and your jokes. Are you going to introduce your peerage?"

Venelana Gremory, the ever friendly woman spoke. Her garments were luxurious. She was wearing a long white dress, adorned with many golden inscriptions, together with two long white gloves.

"I would rather not. I will save it for later, by the end of the day their names will be engraved in your mind."

Oemitsu shrugged at his grandmother's question.

"Is that so? I am looking forward to it. I would love to speak to you about your manners, but I have other things to do, if you will excuse me."

Pulling the hems of her dress, Venelana bowed elegantly before exiting.

'Always has to have the last saying... my grandma sure is quite a piece. Probably the only one in my entire family that entertains me.'

Shaking his head slightly, Oemitsu thought.

"Oemitsu... what are you doing here?"

When Oemitsu turned to his left, he saw his mother, Grayfia Lucifuge, dressed in her typical maid uniform.

"I am here to enjoy myself. There are so many important figures in here, one little touch and everyone will be at each other's guts. Devils are prideful and I am here to feed on that."

Turning his demeanour to a more apathetic one, he answered her.

"Why are you wearing an eyepatch? Did something happened to your eye? Oemitsu... why are you covering your eye?"

Grayfia asked as she slowly closed in on him. His entire family in the background was about to act, but he lifted his hand, making them stay out of this.

Grayfia slowly shifted his eyepatch only to see a huge scar on his eye.

"Who did this to you? Let's get you a doctor, quick."

With pure concern, Grayfia grabbed his left hand and intented to take him to the best medic in the Underworld, however, Oemitsu simply brushed her hand off his own before fixing his eye patch.

"Grayfia, don't pretend like you care for me. The entire Underworld knows that the brilliant child is more important, so go babysit my brother, he needs it. With his intellect, he is not going to go far."

Grayfia backed away and looked at her son, not recognizing him anymore, before resolving herself.

"I will not leave until you explain what happened to your eye."

Oemitsu became annoyed with the current situation, so he simply let her do whatever she wants.

"What are you doing here Oemitsu? Stop with these childish games, Are you here to start a war?"

Sirzechs Lucifer, the man whose parental skills are the worst, suddenly spoke to Oemitsu with a voice full of authority.

"It is also a pleasure to see you dear father. I am here to entertain myself, if you guys bore me then I will simply make this place more entertaining."

Oemitsu bowed, faking his politeness.

"I spent years fighting for what you see here today. I will not allow you to destroy everything that I have built, I am putting my foot down. Go back to you room or I will force you to."

If Oemitsu didn't stand down, Sirzechs really intended to force him into submission, he let Oemitsu roam free for far too long, so he released his magic power, making the whole place tremble.

"Fufufu, tell me how that works out."

Oemitsu whispered to himself before he looked at Sirzechs' abysmally large demonic power.

"Father, I would love to see you explaining why you kicked your son out of his own birthday party. The rumours, the scandals, the nasty stain on your reputation... the hero of the Underworld is a terrible father. I am sure that the press will love to hear about it. What do you think?"

After asking such question, Oemitsu laughed loudly.

"Don't make threats that you cannot follow through, Sirzechs, now if you will excuse me, I have a party to attend to and if I am lucky enough, I might even get to sleep with a rich married woman."

After telling this to him, Oemitsu bowed before heading towards the middle of the saloon.

"Nii! Why a married woman?!"

While on their way, Shiro pulled his hand and loudly asked with a cute pout.

"Hmm. Nothing special. I just like to see how much chaos I will cause to a family in the Underworld if I sleep with the wife of the leader of that house. Imagine the situation. Will he kick his wife? Kill her? He might even forgive her. I will enjoy it either way."

Oemitsu shrugged while pondering about his options of causing chaos.

"Why? Why are you doing this Oemitsu, causing us pain and misery... I knew from the beggining that you would come back to haunt us, but I apologised. I begged you for an opportunity of forgiveness, I just wanted you to see me as your mother again."

From behind him, Grayfia said while crying.

When the people saw that, everyone in the hall stopped in time.

The ice cold Queen of the Underworld is crying in a party in front of everyone.

"You are overestimating your value. You still think this is about our "family". Grayfia, I have moved on. I couldn't care less about you or my father, I do this out of spite. Our race is disgusting and I am happy as long as I destroy this world."

Without even turning around, Oemitsu told her that. At this moment she realized that her very own son was lost... forever.

"Get away from my mother!"

All of a sudden, surprising even Oemitsu, Akihiko exclaimed while passed through the crowd.

"Well if it isn't my brother. Kinda of hard to image that we are twins."

With a disgusted face, Oemitsu ignored Akihiko before he said anything more.

"You are actually quite similar. Forgetting the fact that he has red hair and that you don't have an eye."

Ponzu, as always, made a rather spicky comment, making Oemitsu shake his head.

"Ponzu that is kinda of rude. I am more handsome."

As if he was offended by her remark, Oemitsu retorted.

"He is kinda of right. Oemitsu emits a aura of masculinity, while his brother emits an aura of a baby that still sucks on his mother's tits. I mean look at their skin, Oemitsu has a rough skin from fighting and training while his brother has the skin that looks like it was filled with baby cream."

Pakunoda, feeling in the obligation of defending her lover from Ponzu's sharp tongue, complimented Oemitsu.

"Well well if it isn't Oemitsu. I thought that we taught you a lesson 5 years ago."

While Oemitsu was walking, a certain a guy decided to step on his way.

"Who is this guy again? Vergo, refresh my memory have I ever met this guy and his goons."

Oemitsu asked as he turned to Vergo.

"Nop. Not that I can remember."

Vergo shook his head, failing to recognize this man.

"Nii! I remember you mentioning that when you were young, you beat the hell out of a green haired that thought that he owned the place. If I remember correctly you ended up punished, because he went running crying to his mother."

However, Shiro remembered who he was.

"OH! I remember it now... what was his name again? Dildo something..."

Oemitsu closed his eye, in an attempt of remembering the guy's name.

"Its DIODORA. I will not stand by while a untalented freak like you makes fun of me!"

Diodora, with his pathetic anger, exclaimed. Diodora is a dark-green haired boy with a rather gentle face but a sharp tongue. He is currently surrounded by his club of pompous pricks that are all well dressed just like him. They are all heirs to their respective houses and their arrogance can be seen from a mile away.

"Fufufufufu! Well, well, isn't that rude?"

Just as when Oemitsu was about to talk, he was interrupted by one of Diodora's goons that flew in his direction. In response, Vergo hit him with a punch sending him flying to the other side of the hall.

"That looks like it hurt. I wonder how much money they will spend because of us?"

With a sickening grin, Oemitsu asked this to himself. They are causing a lot of property damage and there is no way that he is going to pay for all the damage he is causing. A rather loud scream took his attention away from the damage in the walls.

"That dumb bitch broke my arm!"

A random person exclaimed this while holding his arm that was bent in an extremely weird way.

"That freak was trying to touch my ass."

Menchi shrugged as if she did nothing wrong.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? I am Gragg Forneus, the heir to the House of Forneus. Your dumb pet just attacked me for no reason. She should be honoured that I am even paying attention to her!"

'Unexpectedly, a passerby turned to be the heir of House Forneus. This is interesting.'

While shaking his head, Oemitsu turned to Menchi.

"MENCHI! What did I tell you about dealing with people here? I gave you a strict warning and you disobeyed my order."

With a disappointed face, Oemitsu sighed.

"That bitch touched a pure-blooded Devil, she must pay! But since I was the one affected, I must also be the one who delivers the punishment."

Gragg said this while licking his lips like an old man and slowly walked towards Menchi.

"Menchi, I was well clear that if someone touches you, you had to kill him instantly. I would love to torture him, but in here we don't have that luxury."

When Gragg heard Oemitsu's words, he gulped.

"Sorry. Don't worry, I will finish the business."

Menchi said as she pulled out a knife.

"A-are you trying to start a war? If you kill me, my family will come for you!"

While slowly backing away, Gragg declared, however, Menchi continued to close the distance between both of them.

"Sorry, but I cannot allow you to kill my son."

An aged man appeared in front of Oemitsu. This man was Lord Forneus, Gragg Forneus's father.

Oemitsu didn't bother to do anything, he simply stood on his ground. Menchi on the other hand dashed and placed her knife on Gragg's neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Pakunoda said as she pointed a revolver at Lord Forneus's head.

"A mere gun? Do you really think that such toy can kill me?"

Lord Forneus asked as if he was hearing one of the best jokes he ever heard.

"It is loaded with blessed bullets. They were all dipped into Holy water, want to taste them? That is what it is going to happen if you don't get your sword out of my boss's neck."

Pakunoda said as she referred to the cold blade touching Oemitsu's neck. When Lord Forneus moved, he placed a sword on his Oemitsu's neck, intending to make them back away.

"Things just got interesting. We got ourselves a mexican standoff."

Oemitsu was amused with how things turned out to be.

"Sirzechs what is the meaning of this? Are you trying to get rid of my house?"

Without any other option, Lord Forneus turned to Sirzechs, in an attempt of getting his son out of this situation.

"Perhaps we can try another approach to this matter?"

Ajuka Beelzebub stepped forward when he saw Lord Forneus's struggle.

"How do you plan to resolve our differences?"

Vergo inquired him as he prepared himself to beat the crap out of both Diodora's and Gragg's goons.

"Simple! A rating game between Oemitsu and Gragg."

Ajuka proposed while spreading his arms.

"Sure, that sound like a wonderful idea... what do you think, frog man?"

Oemitsu smirked before he turned to Gragg.

"I am gonna kill you!"

Gragg answered Oemitsu's taunt by spitting on the ground with an extremely angry face.

"I will take that as a yes. Then it is decided! A Rating Game will happen between Oemitsu Gremory and Gragg Forneus!"

Ajuka loudly announced while clapping his hands with a smile.

"Well, it is done Oemitsu. Now, get yourself out of that situation."

Pakunoda told Oemitsu, who smilled before moving his left hand, then, with two fingers, he grabbed Lord forneus's sword and broke it.

When Ajuka saw that, he immediately realised that he had fallen into a trap. The rating game was his objective from the start.