
Chaotic Dreams

Getting the attention of the ultimate being can be disastrous, still some can find it an opportunity. Elias, a somehow unique person, took this opportunity to advance. *Do not own the cover if the owner what to get it domn please tell me *Do not own existant characters other than OC

Ouroboros_Infeos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs


"Have you heard of seers, those guys who can see the future?"

As both of them gazed upon each other they responded at the same time


Having a slight grin I said

"I have not either"

Seeing their expression I could not help but chuckle while receiving a glare from both.

"Sorry sorry."

"...So, really who are you?"

...mm~ I can not find an answer…

"Have you ever heard of singularity?"

Seeing their look I chuckled and prepared an explanation for my "gift"

"...do not be like that! Listen: Have you wondered why humans are the only beings who can not use spirits?"

"We always searched for the reason and we came to the conclusion that they were created in such feature"(Schwi)

"Exactly! Then I ask you who created the race?"

Schwi toke some seconds to contemplate and answered

"A dead Deus?"

"Nope! Let me tell you, the human race was created by...the world itself! Or the spirit of the world to be exact!"

Seeing the look in their face I immediately made a camera and took a photo. Seeing the photo made me laugh like no tomorrow.

Now, I shall explain to them the 'truth' (it is a lie I made up for them not to ask many questions about the things I will do in the future).

~One explanation later~

It goes like this: World spirit wanted to create a race to fill the planet. They wanted it to be a race that has common points, adaptability and good thinking to advance while also for each one of them to be different. After they created them, the humans, the world spirit found that the humans could not use elements! Due to their love for the humans, they destroyed their body to create Spirit Circuits and help them, but due to some mishap it became the catalyst for the creation of the Deus getting us to the current situation.

Pretty neat If I say so, right?

Schwi, having a look of enlightenment she murmured 'this does connect the missing dots'. Really? Hahaha. Look this is what we call a lie and a big one at that! A lie that takes logic to the extremes while staying so!

" I see...You said something about singularity, right what is that?"(Riku)

Now come the good part! Let see…

"Well due to the energy created with the spirit explosion, a mutation occurred and humans acquired a unique power! And that is singularity! And for someone to acquire this 'power', he have to get it awakened by one who has it"

"Really!? Then do you have it?"

"Of course I do! Here come I shall awaken your 'Singularity'"

Then I put a hand in his forehead and channeled some energy as a tattoo formed in his forehead like a crown!

Now, some may ask how the hell was that even possible?

Well the thing is I just used some energy (elementals in this case) under some formula 'yours truly'(me) created to break the brain limit and transform said person into : An Esper. Et Voilà! Hahaha, What a masterpiece!

The formula I put let the user get a 'tattoo' in their body giving a hint to the nature of their powers. The Tattoos work like the class of the heroic spirits form Type moon universe (Shielder, Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, Avenger, Ruler and Foreigner)

"...A ruling class singularity, hee~"

Seeing the mark on his forehead I could not help but blurt in admiration as a ruling class is rare to awaken (I made it so), still, I have already expected it somehow. And due to this I had to give another round of explanation letting them have a general idea. I also helped the lost lamb (Riku) to understand what he can do with his power. And this is the result:



-detect (see) emotion

-detect lies illusion and magic

-Singularity analysis

And other things like charisma and others that help a king rules.

Schwi was an all time high as she kept analysing his abilities. Then she suddenly said to me a question I was waiting for, a question that will help me set things back to their place.

"Why does a different ability manifest in each person?"

I smirked and pointed at my heart and said "The heart! The heart of a person does that!"

Letting the stuned loli contemplate, I decided to put my attention to Riku who was sending me weird gazes. Hugging myself in a defensive manner I stated an important point to him

"What! Don't look at me like that! I know you are thankful but I am damn straight!"


"Then what?"

Sieng me instantly calm down, he understood I was playing him to which I got a deadpan expression from him before speaking his mind.

"...you said that I can see through anything even though the singularities of others, then why can't I see yours?"

Ahh that?

"Nice Question! But guess what? If two abilities meet, what do you think happens?"

He kept thinking a little and said unsure "The stronger wins letting the weaker one fail?"

I just smiled and winked and did not say anything as I put my attention to the enlightened cultiva- *cough*I mean enlightened loli as she awakened from her trence.

"What are going to do now?, awaken the rest of humans?"(Schwi)

Getting a contemplating look I said

"Nah can not be done as 'awakening' someone can only be done once a month. I will just help you gather clues around different dangerous sites. Also Riku,tomorrow, you should awaken that pink haired girl from before she does have potential"

Riku and Schwi noded for the first part, but in the last one Riku had a conflicted look but still he nodded albeit unwillingly.

"Right you should let this be a secret for now and only a selected few from those 'Phantoms" you selected should get in the light of this and awakened until we begin implementing your plan"

When I mentioned this, both of them were shocked beyond belief.

"...just how much do you know?"(Riku)

At this question I materialised a luxurious red chair, sitting on it adapting a profound and noble form, with eyes that seems to peer at the void and a voice that seems to come from a stagnant abyss I left those words ligering in the wind as I dissolve into nothingness

"...Everything, Almost everything"

sorry if late, Had a lot of work today sigh~

Anyway to compensate I shall post 2 chap in the weekends !(2 chaps every day of the weekends)

next Chap: Tomorrow!

I am exhausted~ gotta go to sleep? no relax and chill? no idea just gona lie down

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ouroboros_Infeoscreators' thoughts