
Chaosbringers: The divine game

Chosen by the gods John and Jordan reincarnate in a new world filled with excitement and mystery. Gifted by the gods with their own unique systems will they be able to in a world where the Supremes watch warily and disasters never cease. All mentioned properties belong to their respective owners. Picture is not owned by me.

Ghost_67_3415 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

First contact

Jordan POV

In front of me stood a reflection of myself grinning madly while slowly approaching me. Despite the situation I remained calm and just reached into my jack to pull out my phone. Phone in hand I pulled the headphones which had been resting on my neck to ears. I clicked play on my phone and a soothing song came out from the depths of my headphones. The headphones seemingly carrying a supernatural power made the phantom copy image of me disappear and the world returned to normal. I let out a sigh and walked out of the bathroom back into my room, illusions like this was natural to me I've been schizophrenic since a child and calming my emotions and ignoring these things have becoming natural to me. I was reminded of the years before I discovered music could get rid of the phantoms, it was annoying trying to behave normally in public or relax when a phantom or illusion randomly appears. Music was my salvation and without it I would have had to care heavier doses of medicine.

Without decorum I jumped on my bed and laid my head on the pillow. Life's worries and my illness moved to the back of my mind it was only me and the music in this moment. I closed my eyes and drove myself deeper into this feeling of peace and joy. It was only after an hour did I fall out of my peace and it was then I realized something was wrong. I opened my eyes to an empty field where a towering figure in front of me. I wanted to see his face but an unknown force was forcing my head down. At this point my instincts were roaring for me to run but strangely I felt the figures presence was comforting.

"Hello my chosen", the figure said.

John POV

I was 30 minutes in a Battlefield match, I was trying to get to 30 kills using only a pistol. My current progress was 20 and I was approaching a group of enemies which would be enough to fulfill my qouta. My character following my commands jumped from the plane landing a few meters away from the opposition. They were unaware of my presence and were focused on sniping enemies from their high position. With the grace of a cat I approached them stealthily. With my pistol fully loaded I shot my two targets, who were looking, out quickly eliminating them stealthily so as not to scare the others. I reloaded. My next targets were the for snipers standing close to covers, with ease I killed them with headshots. Only a 7 snipers remained in the group. I did not need to hide anymore and approached them openly. I targeted the ones farthest to me first so as to let them get away then I eliminated the rest. There was some resistant before I killed them all but I was a professional I could have killed them without stealth but I chose to be stealthy to avoid any unexpected attacks or variables though I liked to challenge myself I was also a perfectionist.

I sprinted towards a near vehicle escaping the scene but I had to stop when I saw something incomprehensible. A giant figure had spawned in front of me and was reaching towards my game character. "Is this a f#cking hacker.", I shouted with rage. Hopelessly I watched as the figure grabbed my character. Unexpectedly my character did not die in it's hand but was just brought closer to the figure. When my character was about to see the face of the figure my character disappeared in a poof. I looked confused before suddenly I was transported to a field with another man beside me.

Author POV

John and Jordan stood before the giant figures of two gods.One God stood with a purple aura surrounding him, this was the omnipotent God of music, beside that one stood another with a black aura, this was the God of games.

"Mortals you stand before the last active gods in the myriad for your admirable and entertaining characters and personalities we shall bless you with a chance to go to a new world different from yours where powers beyond your imagination exist. Do not worry about how you shall survive in the next world we shall give you blessings according to your characters and our authorities. Now go to your new life."

The Gods snapped their fingers and John and Jordan disappeared in a flash of light.

In the Epsilon universe the heavenly laws shock and resonated.