
Chaosbringers: The divine game

Chosen by the gods John and Jordan reincarnate in a new world filled with excitement and mystery. Gifted by the gods with their own unique systems will they be able to in a world where the Supremes watch warily and disasters never cease. All mentioned properties belong to their respective owners. Picture is not owned by me.

Ghost_67_3415 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Dao birth

In the Nyt estate maids and servants scurried around in a hurry. Today was a special day for the residents of this estate, today was the day when their madam would give birth to a heir. This day would bring the birth of the next generation of the Nyt family so everyone no matter what position was preparing.

In a large bedroom found in the middle of the estate 3 wet nurses and healers surrounded a lady laying on the bed. The lady was heavily pregnant and her stomach bulged with new life. The lady was beautiful with pitch black hair and eyes. She had an oval face with a black birth mark on her neck. She had a calm but ethereal aura making her seem like a fairy. The lady looked to only be in her 20's but her eyes told different seeming to hold years of wisdom. With the pleading of the nurses and healers she slowly pushed beginning the birth process.

Outside the room 5 people stood. The all held a unique aura of authority. Three of the people stood close together seemingly representing their familiarity with each other. The other also two people stood close together. Two of the men in the group of three shared a common black eyes and grey hair. The third, a woman, had white hair and blue eyes and a widow's peak which she shared with one of the men who looked young. The whole group radiated a cold and indifferent aura.The group of two looked contradictory. They were made up of a man and woman. The man had fiery red hair and the women luscious blue hair. The main radiated an intense aura while the woman seemed calm and gentle. This odd group of people stood outside the delivery room socializing with each other. They seemed to be waiting for the birth to end.

Jordan POV

It had been 10 months in what I assumed you be my mother's room. I awoke 4 months ago when my body finished it's growth from an egg to a fetus. During this time I spent every second of every day trying to comprehend or achieve something in the womb. Surprisingly it yielded some results and in a few minutes I would reach completion in whatever I comprehended.

I was only able to achieve this thanks to the buffs from my system and two of my titles. These were the Monster and Reincarnated title.

Monster : An odd being born with a very strong and unique talent, skill or characteristics. Title gives 50% comprehension boost and no limit to stats. 20% chance to trigger enlightenment.

Reincarnated: A being who has been born again. Title gives strengthens mind and soul and gives 15% comprehension boost.

The song I used for an active buff was memoir 2 which managed to give me a 5 % increase in comprehension and complete concentration state. I manged to get a 2% comprehension random buff 2 times with this song. There was also one other song that helped me, it was fall in love with me which gave me a minute of enlightenment and managed to help me progress my comprehension. The enlightenment given to me by the Monster title helped but they lasted only a few seconds at most luckily I was able to trigger it multiple times.

I was currently observing the light the baby that was next to me growing. I could hardly see it but I could feel it's steady breaths that seemed to contain profound mysteries. The child was my twin and I felt a magical connection between us. I just hoped the child would luve for us to grow together.

The time of our birth grew near and I could subtly feel the womb contracting pushing us out. Weirdly the song that the system was playing on shuffle now was Dive in by J#leel, I found it hilarious as we were currently being pushed out.

As we were being pushed out I could feel the light on my skin and could faintly see through my squinted eyes a bright room. My head popped out first signifying me being the oldest brother but that was not what I was focusing on. I had luckily achieved enlightenment and this one was enough to complete my previous comprehension.

I felt like I was in a warm blanket in the winter, my mind was clearer than it has ever been and I felt a connection to the world. Slowly knowledge consumed me. The moments of feeling my sibling grow and my own growth, the light and the air that reached me as soon as my head was out of the womb and even my experiences back on Earth all the knowledge rushed through my mind coming together and giving me new insights. Everything commulated to one thing life.

At first it was an incomplete idea then my memories of my biology classes, health lesson and etc completed it.

As soon as it was completed I could feel my body being enveloped by a warm aura. I could feel energy coursing through me and my body seemed to be changing. The changes were fast a minute in my mind but the results were shocking. I could not see myself but I could feel I was stronger, faster, my mind was clearer and a shocking amount of life force brewed within me.

I checked my status to confirm the changes an was shocked by what greeted me.

[Music system

Name: ???

Age : 1 day old 200yrs

Race: Human

Title: Chosen by the Sound, Reincarnated, Slightly insane, Functional Schizophrenic, One who saw a god, Monster, Dao child, Life Daoist

Traits: Music resonance, Music to world resonance[Locked], 4 eyes

Life dao physique








Charms: 10

Note: Average stats of a male adult is 7

Music playing: Dive in affects: None

Playlist: None

Active buffs: None

Passive buffs: None

Random buffs : None

Music list: ...

Cultivation techniques

Martial arts skills

Qi skills

Skills ]

I was shocked to see the change in stats. I was already stronger than a male adult and my life expectancy was 200 yrs old. This was a shocking occurrence.

Jordan POV

Breathe in

Breathe out

Breathe in

Breathe out

Ever since I regained consciousness in the womb I was focused on preparing myself for life beyond the womb there was no combat skill I could train now so the only way for me to get stronger was to train a skill even babies have. The reason I had confidence in making a simple skill effective enough for me to survive this new life was my two traits.

Perfectionist : Nothing less than perfection is a dishonor and will drive you insane. 150% boost when maxing skill proficiency or skill level

Extremist : You cannot settle for normal everything you do must be pushed above it's limits. Every skill except gamer skills can go beyond Max level and proficiency can go beyond 100%, chance of unlocking unique characteristics when this happens.

With these two traits and the simple skill I chose I would be able to create a foundation for my new life.

The skill I chose to practice was breathing. It had the most potential in a magical world. From the novels I read some cultivation techniques use breathing to absorb energy or cultivate the body so breathing had the most potential in my eyes. The chance of unlocking a special characteristics also improved my chances of breathing being an overpowered skill.

My journey of breathing started that day. In a week I managed to get breathing to level 2 and break through to 110% proficiency.

A month later myself skill levled up yo 3 and my proficiency rose from 0 to 150%. I managed to awaken a unique characteristic Ancient breath. It recovers my health and stamina with each breathe and filters out impurities in the air when I breathe.

3 months later and my skill reached level 5 and my proficiency was at 140%. I had no unique characteristic unlocked and I could have leveled up my skill by now but I had a small feeling that if I pushed my proficiency up a bit more I would be rewarded. I trusted my Intuition trait to much to ignore and I was also an extremist so pushing the limits was fun for me.

I fell into a focused state and concentrated on controlling my breathes to increase my proficiency. I do not know how many days passed but I could feel my contracting and pushing me out. I did not care and continued breathing at some point I felt another person squish against me but I ignored it an kept breathing.

At some point my breathe was stuck in my throat and I felt like the air was heavy. I looked towards my proficiency and saw it had risen to 185% which was not surprising but was surprising was the new heavenly breathe characteristic that ws added to the skill. The characteristics allowed to breathe heavenly qi to improve my body, spirit and mind. It also had a suppression effect on my enemies. Every breathe I take my enemies will hear my heart beating like a drum and will feel their spirits weaken. This was more than I expected but I guess that with being a gamer with my traits this is expected.

I stopped looking at the skill and started to breathe in the heavenly qi around me. With each breathe I could feel my body being improved. At first it was comfortable then it became painful but I just activated Gamers mind when that happened. After a 5 minutes of breathing the cleansing was complete and I was born anew.