

#Mafia #Running_Away #Finding_Love #CHAOS #KyungjoonXWolfgang As Baekje Kyungjoon quietly watched, in utter horror, his brother marry a man he barely knew from the Baekho clan. But when alpha Wolfgang, saw the youngest omega of the Hwang Geum Byul clan, the fiery Kyungjoon, their fates were bound into chaos.

a_O · Urbain
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13 Chs



After my lip was taken care of, Soohyuk and I were allowed to go to my old room while the men discussed how to proceed with my handoff, aka the wedding.

Two bodyguards were ordered to keep watch on me, one waited in front of the door, the other below my window, in case I decided to climb out of it. The moment the door of my room closed I leaned against it and let out a shaky sigh.

Soohyuk leaned in, inspecting Wolfgang's handiwork, "How's your lip?"

"Wolfgang stitched it up, it hurts, but I'll live."

"I'm glad he decided to marry you."

My eyebrows shot up, "Not you too, Soohyuk."

Soohyuk pulled me toward the bed and made me sit down, "Our father would have given you to one of his brothels as punishment, Kyungjoon. You can be sure he would have chosen the nastiest option - He's really mad at you. Wolfgang isn't a bad choice, he cares for you if he goes to such great lengths to find you."

"He's a man and a Baek-ho! He has Tiger's Pride, it made him pursue me, nothing more." I hiss back, minding the pain shooting through my lip wound.

"Maybe," he said, uncertainty lacing his tone as he scanned my face.

I scanned my old room, surprised that our father hadn't burnt all of my stuff, everything was just how I'd left it months ago.

I couldn't believe how much had happened since I'd wake up in Prague this morning. I was tired and could barely keep my eyes open, it was almost one in the morning.

"Was it worth it?" Soohyuk asked softly as he combed through my hair.

I couldn't remember the last time he'd done it, Soohyukies deft fingers felt good on my scalp and I had to resist the urge to bury my face against his stomach and cry.

I met his compassionate gaze, and for some reason, his understanding infuriated me.

"Was the chance at freedom worth pissing off that 'dear' old man and being called a whore and slut? Yes, absolutely. It was my silly wish for something more worth the life of an innocent guy. Then fuck no. My entire existence isn't worth that much. Jackson paid the ultimate price for my selfishness. There is nothing I can do to redeem myself." Tears sprang into my eyes.

"Yunho told me," Soohyuk said. "I'm so sorry."

I brushed the tears off my face. "Maybe I should let that 'dear' old man marry me off to one of his sadistic soldiers. It would serve me right."

"Don't say that, Kyungjoon. You deserve happiness as much as anyone and it's not your fault that they killed your lover."

"How can you even say that, Soohyukie? Of course, it's my fault! I knew I was putting anyone whom I let close at risk. That's why I never dated any guys, I flirted and kissed then I moved on. Your words from long ago always echoed in my mind. That being with another man when you're engaged to a man like Yunho would mean that guy's death."

"That was a long time ago... And I wasn't talking about you, Joonie. "

"I know, but Wolfgang is just like Yunho. I knew that he'd kill any guy he would find me but still... Went out and dated, Wolf. I might as well have pulled the trigger myself, Soohyukie!"

"No, you didn't think Wolfgang would catch you. Joonie, listen, you wanted to feel at home and start a new life as you deserved after being on the run for so long. You felt safe enough and wanted to give love a chance."

"No. No, it isn't. You don't get it, Soohyuk. It wasn't even about love. I didn't even like him that much because he could be a jerk and that makes it even worse. I risked too much for sloppy kisses and awkward groping and an innocent person died because of it."

"Please don't blame yourself. Blame our father and his men, even Wolfgang. I don't care, don't blame yourself."

"I'm blaming all of them, it doesn't change the fact that without me, Jackson would still be playing his crappy guitar and flirting with cute boys."

"You can't change the past, you can make the best for your future."

I couldn't help but smile, "I missed your optimism, Soohyukie," I found myself resting my head in his lap and closed my eyes, "I missed you so much."

He stroked my hair, "I missed you too. Look on the bright side, I'm happy that you'll be living in Seoul with me, Joonie!"

"First, I have to marry Wolfgang. How am I going to be a husband, Soohyuk?"

"He and Yunho work a lot, you won't have to see him very often."

"Still. I'll have to sleep with him, share a bed and try to be civil to him for God knows how long. It's not like he'll give me another chance to run."

"You're thinking about running again?" he asked in a small voice.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Wolfgang's crazy but he can be funny and he's handsome. On a physical level at least it shouldn't be too bad. I'm sure he's a good lover considering how many consorts he's had in the past."

I cringed, "Right. If we return to Seoul tonight, he'll probably expect to sleep with me."

Soohyuk's eyes searched my face, "Are you worried he'll let his anger out on you for sleeping with other guys before him?"

"I never did."

Soohyuk blinked, "You never did what?"

"I never slept with any guy. I would have if I'd had a bit more time to get to know a guy, but that was never the case."

"Why didn't you say anything? They've treated you horribly. Maybe he would forgive you if you told him the truth."

He moved as if he wanted to head downstairs to tell him the truth himself, but I pulled him back down, "Don't… I don't want anyone to know. I don't care if they call me a slut. I don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing."

Soohyuk gave me a look that made it clear he thought I'd lost my mind.

"You have to tell Wolfgang at least. You have to, Joonie!"

"Why? So he can pride himself on being my first? Fuck no. He's already acting like he's my saviour. It'll be only worse if he finds out."

"No, you have to tell him so he can be careful."

I snorted, "I don't need him to be careful. I don't want him to know."

"Kyungjoon, if your first time is anything like mine, you'll be thanking your lucky stars if Wolfgang is careful, trust me."

"I'll survive."

Soohyuk's words were starting to make me nervous.

"That's ridiculous. If he thinks you're experienced, he might take you without much preparation. That'll hurt."

I shook my head. "Soohyuk, please. I've made my decision. I don't want Wolfgang to know. It's none of his business."

"What if he finds out anyway? There would have been no way I could have hidden it from Yunho."

"I'm good at hiding pain. Maybe I'll bite into a pillow."

Soohyuk laughed, "That sounds like the stupidest idea I've ever heard."

Someone knocked, I quickly sat up, my stomach in knots.

'What if our father had changed their minds and I am to stay in Busan?'

When the door opened and my mother walked in, I exhaled. She didn't smile and didn't try to come closer. She was the image of a perfect 'wife,' always properly dressed, always submissive, polite and incredibly skilled at hiding bruises whenever our father lost them and slapped her.

She was everything I never wanted to become.

'If Wolfgang ever slaps me, I'd hit him back, no matter the consequences.'

"The priest is on his way, he'll be here in fifteen minutes. We need to get you ready for the ceremony," she said matter-of-factly.

My eyes widened, "Wha... So soon?"

Mother nodded, "The Kims want to return to Seoul as soon as possible, which is probably for the best."

I rose from the bed and slowly walked towards her, "Father will be glad to see me gone."

''What about you?' I wanted to ask, but didn't dare to.'

Mother lifted her hand and brushed my cheek for the barest moment before taking a step back, "You shouldn't have run. You ruined your reputation."

"I don't care about my reputation."

"You should."

Mother turned to my wardrobe and opened it.

"Now let's see if there's anything you can wear for the ceremony. I wish I could have seen you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white suit," she sighed.

'Was she trying to make me feel guilty? Because it is working.'

Soohyuk moved to my side and squeezed my shoulder before helping her look for a suit or a dress... Anything would do. Eventually, Soohyuk found a backless crème-coloured floor-length fitting gown that I'd worn for New Year's. Soohyuk helped me with my make-up, though it didn't hide my fat lip.

"I'll see if the priest has arrived," Mother said, before hesitating in the doorway with a wistful expression. She opened her mouth, then turned and closed the door.

I tried not to take it to heart, I'd known my parents and most of the people in our world would condemn me for what I'd done.

'So why was it hurting so much?'

"Do you think Dojinnie will be allowed to watch the ceremony?" I asked in an embarrassingly hopeful voice.

"Let me talk to our father, I'm sure I can convince him," Soohyuk said.

I didn't protest as he walked out. If someone could convince that 'dear' old man, then it was Soohyuk. I faced the mirror, my eyes were sad and tired. I didn't look like the blushing, happy bride.

'Not that anyone expected me to.'

This wasn't even a real wedding.

Despite my best intentions, regret gripped me once again.

'How could my life end up like this? All I'd ever wanted was to be free to make my own decisions.'

I would have married Wolfgang if he'd ever bothered to ask me instead of ordering me to do it and now I wouldn't ever get a real wedding. I'd always thought I didn't care about these things and now that they were lost to me I felt saddened.

Soohyuk returned, "It's time. The priest is waiting in the living room. Dojinnie's there too."

I mustered a smile, "Then let's get married."

~~~ #CHAOS🔥 #KyungjoonXWolfgang🐰🐺 ~~~


Even without a wedding gown, Kyungjoon was a fucking sight to behold. The dress hugged his curves. Curves I'd take my time exploring when we got back in Seoul.

I couldn't wait to lay my hands and claim every inch of his body.

I'd make him forget everything that was before me.

Kyungjoon met my gaze as if he knew what I was thinking and I didn't bother to hide my want for him.

'I'd fuck him, no matter how tired and jet-lagged I was.'

I'd waited too long for this.

Kyungjoon stopped beside me and I took his hand. The priest was looking down his nose at him. I couldn't wait to leave Busan behind. Not that people in Seoul would look upon Kyungjoon more kindly, at least they were too scared of me to show their disdain openly.

Kyungjoon's hand was cold in mine and he avoided my eyes as the priest spoke the wedding vows. When it was his turn to say 'I do' I half expected him to say 'no' and I wasn't sure what I would have done then but he didn't.

Kyungjoon was a mischievous and clever boy, he'd hide his hatred for our bond until he was a safe distance away from Busan and his father.

When it was finally time to slip on the wedding ring, he shivered. Somehow that annoyed the crap out of me. He should be grateful I wanted him as much as I did. His stupid actions could have cost him everything.

He could at least pretend to be grateful.

"You may kiss-,"

Before the priest could finish his sentence, I cupped his face and pressed my lips. Kyungjoon stiffened, making my blood boil even more.

When I pulled back, he met my gaze head-on.

Kyungjoon was intent on provoking me.

'If he liked to play with fire, fine. I didn't mind getting burned, I'd walk through flames for him.'

~~~ #CHAOS🔥 #KyungjoonXWolfgang🐰🐺 ~~~

Less than an hour later we were back in the air on our way to Seoul.

My body was humming with desire as I watched Kyungjoon in his cream dress. My husband and Soohyuk huddled together in the last row on the plane.

Yunho sank beside me and handed me a glass of Scotch.

I swallowed it in one gulp.

"An espresso would be better. I need to be awake."

Yunho followed my gaze towards our husbands, "You intend to have your wedding night once you're home."

"Damn right."

"From what I know about Kyungjoon, he probably won't make it easy for you. What are you going to do if he fights you?"

I hadn't considered that.

In every fantasy I'd had about Kyungjoon, he'd been a willing participant.

I wanted him to scream my name in pleasure and wanted to make him beg.

'Would he refuse me?'

"He won't," I said with more conviction than I felt.

Yunho's eyes were practically scanning me, "Nobody would blame you if you took what you wanted against his will. It's not like he hasn't already done the deed."

My hands curled into fists and instead of following my first impulse to punch Yunho, I counted to ten in my mind. Yunho often said things like that to gauge someone's reaction. I didn't think he was being serious, maybe before Soohyuk, I would have doubted him more.

His eyes took in my balled fists, then scanned my face before smirking.

"You are like an open book to me."

"Shut up," I muttered.

My eyes found Soohyuk and Kyungjoon once more, they seemed to argue, an unusual sight.

I'd never seen the two not getting along.

"What's that about?" I asked after a moment.

"How should I know?"

"You and Soohyuk are practically soulmates. Haven't you mastered the art of reading each other's minds yet?"

Yunho gave me the finger, "I know your husband will make your life hell, so, I'll cut you some slack."

"How considerate of you."

I wondered how life would be with Kyungjoon.

Today he'd been mostly subdued, except for a few occasions, but I had a feeling he'd recover quickly and return to his old snarky self. I hated seeing him quiet, especially when it meant he was sad about that fucker.

I tried to forget the bastard, but somehow he'd anchored himself in my brain. And then I couldn't stop thinking about him with Kyungjoon

'How many more guys had seen him naked? Had been in him? I needed to find out their names and kill them all.'

When we finally landed in Seoul, I was back to being pissed again. I barely glanced at Kyungjoon as we took my Porsche Cayenne back to our apartment building. Every time I caught a glimpse of his long, toned leg through the slit in his gown, I almost lost my shit.

I needed to get a grip on myself.

It didn't matter what Kyungjoon had done before today.

Now he was mine.

If I didn't put a stop to my rising wrath, I'd only do something that I'd regret later on.

~~~ #CHAOS🔥 #KyungjoonXWolfgang🐰🐺 ~~~


Wolfgang had a strange look on his face whenever he glanced my way.

I couldn't put my finger on it and somehow it made me nervous.

I pretended I didn't notice anything.

Soohyuk had tried to talk me into telling Wolfgang the truth throughout the entire duration of our flight, even now that we were pulling into the underground garage of the apartment building, he was still giving me meaningful looks.

I was worried that Soohyuk would take it into his own hands to share my secret with Wolfgang but he knew I'd see it as a breach of my confidence.

I hoped Soohyuk would hold himself back.

Wolfgang took my hand when I got out of the car and practically dragged me toward the elevator. Soohyuk and Yunho had trouble keeping up with our pace. I had a feeling I knew why Wolfgang was so eager to reach his apartment.

We all piled into the elevator, as it started moving, Wolfgang's dark eyes watched me through the mirror-like walls. His eyes bore mine with hunger and furious gleaming in their depth. The hunger was inexplicable to me.

I looked like a mess.

Shadows under my eyes, fat lip, pale skin.

I should've felt more anxious, but I only wanted to get this over with. Wolfgang would even lose interest in me once he'd had me, though part of me wondered if I'd be happy if Wolfgang suddenly started ignoring me.

The elevator stopped with a loud ping and the sleek doors opened, without another word, Wolfgang pulled me into his apartment. I threw a glance over my shoulder and caught sight of Soohyuk's worried expression moments before the closing elevator doors hid him from my view.

Wolfgang led me toward a door to our right and I barely had time to take in the modern furniture and stunning views of Seoul before we rushed into the bedroom and he flung the door shut.

The want in his eyes made it clear that he wouldn't take no for an answer tonight.

Nobody had ever looked at me like that.

Like, I'm the only source of water in a time of drought.

And fuck, I enjoyed it.

In the last twenty-four hours, my dreams had been crushed and an innocent life had been taken. A part of me at least, the stubborn part, wanted to hang onto my anger, sadness and indignation, and not give a damn about Wolfgang's desires.

I felt like it was my duty to fight this marriage, the tingling feeling that flooded my body whenever Wolfgang touched me.

I owed it to my dead ex and my self-respect.

'I'd fought too hard and long to be free.'

Before I could make up my mind about what I was going to do, Wolfgang jerked me against him and claimed my mouth in a fierce kiss that made me gasp. His tongue slipped between my lips, and without wanting to, I parted my lips and wrestled with his tongue.

I felt my body burning with lust.

My hands found their way into his hair, tugging, raking, wanting him closer while at the same time wanting to shove him away.

Wolfgang gripped my butt and hoisted me up, my legs wound themselves around his waist while our lips never parted.

No kiss before had even come close to this.

Wolfgang started walking, carrying me to his bed.

'Fight him, Kyungjoon. Fight this. You owe it to Wolf.'

I was sick of fighting for today, sick of my emotions. Today I only wanted to feel, let my body take control, and forget everything for a few hours at least. There would be plenty of time for resistance later in this marriage.

Wolfgang threw me down on the bed and the air left my lungs in a rush. I didn't get much time to recover because suddenly he was on top and his lips were back on mine. His big hand slipped under, fingertips gracing my thigh.

He cupped my ass and I arched against him, he pulled away and I barely managed to suppress a sound of protest.

Wolfgang seemed to know it though, he smirked in that arrogant way as he ripped my creme dress into two.

My nipples hardened and his smile widened even more.

Annoyance shot through me.

He seemed so damn sure of himself, certain of his victory over me.

'He had another thing coming.'

"What would you do if I told you 'no'?" I asked in a challenging tone, my eyes narrowing.

I'd expected fury or annoyance in return.

"You won't," he said without a hint of doubt in his voice.

I glared, he didn't give me the time for a nasty retort.

He lowered his head over my chest and sucked one erect nipple into his mouth. A moan slipped out before I could stop myself and Wolfgang didn't allow me any time to gather myself, to raise my defences.

His mouth was relentless, and the sensations rippling through my body were almost too much.

'How could he make me feel like that?'

His tongue circled my nipple before moving on to the other, leaving a wet trail in between.

I shivered.

Wolfgang's eyes were glued to my face.

He wanted to see me surrender, wanted to enjoy this victory.

I resisted the urge to close my eyes, he would have seen it as another victory. I wouldn't give him that as well. He gently bit down on my nipple and I moaned, even louder than the first time.

With a smirk, he moved lower, dipping his tongue into my belly button. I squealed like an idiot and tried to squirm away from him, but his hands came down on my hips, holding fast, as his tongue found every sensitive place on my stomach and hips.

I found myself hard, his tongue on my heated skin sent tears pooling in my eyes. I had expected him to be rougher after what he'd witnessed. That scared me because he seemed likeable, even loveable.

I pushed at his forehead, "Stop it!" I gasped between licks.

"What's the magic word?" Wolfgang whispered against a particularly sensitive place, just right above my hip bone.

"Fuck you," I said sweetly.

I braced myself, but it didn't stop the licking and sucking, and when Wolfgang traced his tongue over lower. I was on the verge of begging when suddenly he stopped his assault.

He removed the remaining material and I felt his eyes travel over my thighs, his hands following the same path, barely touching my skin.

His motions were almost reverent, I didn't get it.

Disgust and fury, those I would have understood.

When he kissed me through my lace thong, I became very still, I knew what he wanted to do.

Nobody had ever done that.

It felt very personal, I had to bare myself to him in more than just the physical sense, I couldn't do it, wouldn't do it, no matter how much my body craved the experience. Wolfgang gripped my lace and tore them off with a quick snap of his hands.

He sat back for a moment, admiring me.

"I'd wondered if you were a redhead."

I rolled my eyes, despite the flush spreading in my cheeks, "Isn't that what every man wonders?"

I realized a moment too late that mentioning other men wasn't the best idea in my current situation.

"How did you explain that to the other guys you've been with? Brown on top and red down below?"

His voice and eyes had become harder, more dangerous.

'Nobody's ever seen it.' The words lay on the tip of my tongue.

"I thought you wanted to fuck me. I'm not in the mood for chitchat."

Wolfgang shook his head.

"Oh, I will fuck you, don't worry, my sweets."

He crashed his lips down on mine and I kissed him back just as fiercely.

'Feel, don't think, Kyungjoon.'

His hands roamed my body until they found their way between my legs. I forced myself to relax despite my nerves.

When his fingers brushed over my cock, I gasped against his lips.

The sensations were delicious.

His thumb found my rosette and started rubbing in circles as his fingers circled my hardening cock, stroking it up and down.

My mind didn't want Wolfgang but my body was screaming for him.

It was ridiculous.

I gripped his neck, bringing him even closer, wrangling his tongue with mine. My nails dug into his skin and that seemed to turn him on even more judging from the growl deep in his chest.

My toes curled as I felt my slick drip down to the bed, sulling the bedsheets. Suddenly, he drove two fingers inside my unprepared entrance.

Fear spiked in my chest and I clamped my legs together.

I shoved at his chest and wrenched my lips away, "Stop with the foreplay."

'What if he could feel something with his fingers?'

I doubted his cock would be as sensitive as his fingertips.

The hint of a frown crossed Wolfgang's expression, then he slid off the bed with a smirk. He stood tall in front of the bed, the bulge in his pants was unmistakable. He didn't give me much time to wonder what lay below the fabric.

'Fuck, he's big.'

His hands made quick work out of unbuttoning his shirt, nearly ripping them in the process and then he slid it off his strong shoulder, letting it drop to the floor.

This was the first time I saw him without a shirt. Previously, I'd caught glimpses of his abs through his white shirt before and it couldn't compare to seeing him bare-chested.

My core ached and tightened with desire.

'Even if Wolfgang's personality grated on my nerves, my body reacted to his looks. I'm so fucked.'

His hands moved onto his pants, and in a swift motion, he dropped both his pants and boxers. When he straightened, it took all my acting skills to mask my embarrassment and nerves at the sight of him fully erect.

'He's fucking magnificent.'

I really should have listened to Soohyuk. But even as the thought crossed my mind, I knew I was too proud to tell Wolfgang the truth. My eyes took their time taking in every inch of him, not even caring that he smirked at my obvious admiration.

Everything about him was chiselled, chest to his abs, even his cock.

I hated him for it.

Hated how my body reacted to him so quickly and easily when it had never reacted to Jackson or the other guys I'd made out with.

He advanced on the bed, every move lithe, calculated.

Every move aimed to show off his muscles and strength.

'Fuck, I wished it wasn't making an impression on me.'

He put one knee on the bed, fixing me with a gaze that made me shiver.

Like a tiger eyeing its prey and moving lithely before he pounces.

"Stop playing around," I hissed.

My nerves were getting the better of me and that was the last thing I needed. He did as I asked, he moved onto the bed and climbed between my legs, grabbing my hips with a dark smile.

"I'm going to make you forget every fucking guy you've ever been with."

I glared.

I was about to give him a nasty comeback when he pulled at my hips sharply and slammed into me in one hard thrust.

I arched up with a cry as pain shot through me.

"Oh fuck!"

'Damn it! Soohyuk hadn't been kidding, this was fucking painful. So much for keeping it a secret.'

I sucked in a few quick breaths through my nose, my eyes clenched shut as my tears started.

'God damn it! He's big. This was much worse than I'd thought.'

I opened my eyes slowly, a few tears slipping past my eyes, dreading what I would see. I should have bitten into a fucking pillow or even my stupid tongue.

Wolfgang had frozen above me as his widened eyes stared down at me in surprise.


'Damn those blazing red orbs!'

"Shut up, Al-"

I quickly shut my mouth and loosened my fingers, which had clawed at the bedsheet. My face was painted scarlet red with embarrassment.

Wolfgang's red eyes turned soft, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

'I was about to call him alpha. How can I convince him this wasn't what it looked like.'

A sly smirk twisted his lips.

I wanted to rip off his face.

He wasn't an idiot, he was a master manipulator.

He didn't buy my lie.

"That... I'm your first," he said as his chest puffed out.

'Did he have to sound so… proud?'

I narrowed my eyes as I tried to control my blush.

Lying beneath him made a fair argument difficult, if I hadn't been worried that getting his cock out of me would hurt as much as getting it inside had, I would have shoved him away.

"I thought we were going to fuck? I'm tired of talking to you."

Wolfgang braced himself on his hands, bringing us closer.

I tensed at the sudden movement.

Wolfgang's blazing eyes stared into mine.

"You could have spared yourself a lot of pain if you'd told me."

He looked calm, being buried deep inside me and having a chat.

'I hate how Wolfgang owned me. Like this was the easiest thing in the world for him.'

He showed me patience and I whispered, "B-because... I didn't want you to know."

His smirk got even cockier, like the Joker when he pushed Harley into a tub of acme chemicals.

"Don't do that, sweets. Admit it, you don't want me to tell you that you were waiting for me."

"Damn it, Wolfgang! Stop talking and fuck me."

This was getting too personal.

Wolfgang didn't take his intense eyes off me.

His eyes spoke volumes, they were dark, and possessive and seemed to stare right through me. These newfound feelings I have for Wolfgang's attention have my stomach twisting in knots. If it hadn't felt defeated, I would have looked away.

I hated how vulnerable, naked inside and out, I was under his intense eyes.

'How was I supposed to stop feeling if Wolfgang kept asking me things I didn't want to think about?'

He pulled out slowly before sliding back in and I tensed from the pain.

Wolfgang moved slowly and carefully, his muscles flexing with every thrust.

My body was a horrible traitor, I managed to hold back a gasped moan this time.

I hated that he was being considerate.

I hated that he wasn't acting like a total asshole.

I hate that hating him wasn't as easy as I'd thought.

If he wasn't an asshole then somehow Jackson's death was, even more, my fault because my running away was unnecessary and selfish.

I gripped his sturdy shoulders, "Stop holding back. I can take you on."

Wolfgang's brows drew together and still didn't move faster. I dug my fingers into his skin and jerked my hips despite the soreness between my legs.

"Wolfgang, stop holding back!"

This time he listened, his eyes flashed a deadly glint, slamming into me harder and faster.

I closed my eyes as I held onto his shoulders, leaving marks with my nails. I didn't care if I was hurting Wolfgang. He didn't seem to mind if his quick breathing was any indication.

The pain felt good, giving me something to focus on beyond the crushing guilt, it wasn't only pain. The feeling turned into an exquisite pressure, hitting a sensitive spot, a low hum of pleasure I'd never felt before.

My cock hardened, and my core clenched as I could feel my orgasm building at the base of my spine. I moaned as my pre-cum leaked, and his cock grew thicker. Unconsciously I tightened my hole, Wolfgang growling, changing the angle as he thrust into me, hitting the same spot deep inside me.


I could feel his cock reach my stomach. I could feel my body sing under his, I was about to cum and my pride stopped me from shouting.

I bit my lower lip, drawing a little blood, as hard as I tried, a moan still slipped past me. My eyes widened as thick, white ropes of cum painted my stomach, making my toes curl deliciously.

Wolfgang lowered his head, lips finding a sensitive spot by my shoulder and bit down on my skin harshly, releasing his alpha pheromones and completely marking me.

Wolfgang has claimed me, I whimpered as my eyes turned blue.

My omega submitting to its fate.

"You're mine," Wolfgang growled.

Wolfgang raised himself on his arms again and sped up, slamming into me over and over again, his face twisting with pleasure.

"Kyungjoon, take my knot." He growled.

With those words, my body went limp on the bed and after a while, I met his intense gaze. His eyes are bright red, it was mesmerizing, like molten red lava.

I couldn't look away, it was as magnificent as its owner.

I wanted to pull him closer and push him away at the same time.

I wanted to hide and open up to him, these opposing feelings.

"Yes, A-alpha."

Wolfgang's movements became jerky, pushing inside further, deeper. I could feel his knot quickly forming then he tensed, roaring his orgasm. He stilled, eyes closed, panting for air, a few strands of dark hair stuck to his forehead.

'Damn, he looked magnificent.'

My fingers itched to brush them away, to touch his lips and jaw. I decided to drop my hands from his shoulder. I rested them on the bed beside me where they couldn't do something stupid, something I'd regret later.

Wolfgang's eyes peeled open slowly and looked at me.

'Why is he looking at me like that?'

He didn't smile, only pierced me with his dark molten gaze. After a while, I pushed against his chest as best I could. I couldn't stand his staring.

"You're getting heavy. Get off."

The corners of his mouth twitched, his knot had already shrunk and pulled out. He plopped down on the bed beside me, he reached for me as if he was going to embrace me.

Panicking, I sat up and slid off the bed.

'If he hugged me now if he acted like we're a real couple, one that cared about each other, I'd lose my shit.'

I hopped off the bed and headed for the bathroom, not bothering to cover myself. Wolfgang had seen me naked, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of thinking I was embarrassed to be in my birthday suit in front of him.

I didn't hear him coming after me, but suddenly Wolfgang grabbed my hand, stopping me from disappearing into the safety of the bathroom.

Our eyes met.

"I shouldn't have gone so hard on you. You know how to push my fucking buttons, Kyungjoon…" Wolfgang was almost… regretful, "Did I hurt you?"

Concern, there it was again.

'Damn it. Why couldn't he stop acting like that? Did he think that it would make me forget who and what he was?'

"Don't pretend you didn't like it."

"I don't. I loved every fucking second of it. I've waited a long time for this moment and I've spent almost every waking moment of my search for you. Imagine having your body under me but in my imagination, you were moaning my name and having multiple orgasms. You weren't in pain."

'This stupid, arrogant bastard.'

"Keep imagining that. It won't happen."

Wolfgang braced himself against the door, trapping me between his arms.

"Your body reacted to me, Kyungjoon. Even if you don't want to admit it."

"What makes you think my body was reacting to you? I was imagining I was with someone else. A mind is a powerful tool." I tried to slip away under his arm and he pushed me against the doorframe. "Maybe I was imagining it was Jackson and not you fucking me."

Wolfgang didn't even blink.

He didn't believe a word I was saying.

'Damn it!'

"If you'd wanted Jackson to be your first, you would have let him fuck you. So why didn't you?"

"Because you killed him!"

Wolfgang smiled.

"We both know that's not the reason why and let's just pretend it was true. Then I'm glad he's dead. That bozo didn't deserve the privilege."

"You asshole. I knew you'd get a kick out of it, that's why I didn't tell you."

Wolfgang leaned close until there was less than an inch between our lips.

"I know... and I won't ever forget. You are mine, Kyungjoon. Mine."

I tried to slap him but he caught my wrist and kissed my palm with a self-satisfied smirk. I wrenched my hand away from his hold.

A myriad of insults flitted through my mind, too many to choose only one.

"Are you sure?" I retorted.

Wolfgang crossed his arms over his broad chest.

He was still gloriously naked and was getting a boner again.

The bastard was turned on by our fight.

"You shouldn't tempt me, sweets."