
Entering the Game

"Finally, I was able to afford it!" shouted Isaac happily as he exited the game store. "I'm so ready to get home and dive in. I wonder what elemental ability I'll get? Hopefully, it's a good one so I can level up fast enough to catch up with my friends." He said as he hurried home.

The game Isaac was referring to was a new game that quickly gained popularity across the world. The game was known as Elementaruim Mundi. It became infamous quickly due to the open-world aspect of the game, along with the fact that you were assigned an elemental class to build your character with. Some people weren't pleased that they couldn't pick their element but that was quickly forgotten once they realized the variety of branches within each element.

When leveling up people were able to adjust their elemental abilities however they wanted. For example, someone with the Water element could guide their abilities to use skills revolving around Ice or even manipulate the water in plants to control them. Darkness users were notorious for either using Dark Magic such as Necromancy or developing shadow skills and becoming Assassins or Thieves.

The opposite could be said for those gifted the Light Element. They frequently chose to develop Holy or Healing Magic or skills revolving around countering those of the Assassins.

Isaac had just entered his room all excited to start his new game. He didn't care what element he got as long as he could play to his heart's content. Placing the game in his game system he placed his headgear on and got ready to dive into his new DMMO-RPG.


'Scanning Player now'

There was a flash of light that blinded Isaac temporarily. He could feel his body being scanned by the game. It was an odd feeling that reminded Isaac of his legs being asleep after sitting on the toilet for too long playing mobile games.

'Scan Complete'

'Searching for Suitable Element For Player Isaac'




'Search Completed'

'Player Isaac has been assigned The Element of Choas'

"Element of Choas?!" Isaac yelled out in Shock.