
Chaos Incarnate: Homer's Pen

Discontinued Leo inherits a 'magical' pen from his father who was brutally murdered with the rest of his family by a villain named The Whisperer. After waking up six months after the attack he only has one mission, to get revenge. Follow him as he meets heroes and villains and discovers that the events of that night weren't so black and white as he thought.

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56 Chs

Nora's prelims


I was brought to an underground fighting ring of some kind. It seemed like we would first have to fight each other before we were allowed to enter the tournament.

Strongarm started explaining how it would work.

"Ok kiddos, before you can enter the tournament you have to prove to me that you can fight as a team, when you guys enter the tournament it will mainly focus on team battles, therefore, you guys need to be able to do work together.

Now I have put together the teams myself, don't give me those sour looks, I put friends together, this isn't like the team exercise last month."

He started calling names, it were teams of three or four and he didn't lie, everybody was put with people that were parts of their friends group.

I was thus put in a team with Rachel and Emily. We were preparing ourselves for battle, Em and Rach were a bit annoyed that I still wouldn't tell them what my powers were, when a group of 'tough guys' approached us.

Sadly, we knew these stains on the 'lovely' race we call humanity. It was a group that was pissed at Rachel because they fell for her prank, something she apparently tries with everyone, showing them that you have to be careful even in a casual conversation.

"Look at that, the filthy witch, the princess and the ... new girl I guess. We will beat you into a pulp if we can, you made a fool out of us so now you're in for some ass kicking."

Before either Rachel or Emily could react I retorted. "You know, if you're already a fool, can you be made a fool out of, I mean, seriously, does anybody know the answer to this?"

A few kids around us snickered at my remark, it wasn't that funny but I'll take it I guess.

"Why you, why are you even defending those cunts!" That was the moment everyone stopped. Strongarm stepped in and looked really angry.

Now, you might think this reaction is a little too much but a lot had happened, making cunt one of the worst slurs you could use, so much so that some countries had even banned the use of the word, unless for history research or something.

"Do you want to get expelled? What the hell has gotten into you boy, we all know why that word should never be used!"

He shut his mouth, Strongarm sighed, he tightened the knot of his tie a little, it had come lose from his shout, and got on with everything like nothing ever happened.

"Ok, I'm going to hurt him badly if I have the chance." This was the reaction of most of the girls, they were all angry at the fact that he was being let off the hook.

The thing is that Strongarm knew that he just had to pit his group against a group with girls in it and they'd be toast, nothing like some taking justice into our own hands.

We had to do a lottery to see who we'd be up against. Every girl hoped they'd be the one to kick that groups ass.

If it hadn't been for my manipulation, it might have been another group but I did manipulate the results so we'd fight that group head on.

His two goons looked at us in fear, their boss was shitting his pants, we had this aura of rage around us.

Now you might be wondering what had happened that made it so insulting, that fact had been lost to history, all anybody knew was that after that incident, whenever women are insulted with it, we all go into a rampage.

Let's just say that they had trouble finding every piece of their 'pride' after that. Their ringleader had officially become a eunuch and is a living example of why you never use that insult.

After that battle they wanted to disqualify us, that was until Strongarm explained the situation and we were let off the hook, for the time being anyways.

We went on with the first round and we got double the amount of people who could join, meaning that we would have to fight once more. I luckily hadn't used any ability, meaning that people still didn't know what I could do (except for Strongarm of course, he knew my powers and had told me to choose two powers to specialize.

He said that choosing more would give people who knew my ability the advantage that I didn't have good control over a few and that it'd be way harder to get out of that situation.

In the end, I'd chosen for super-strength and I hadn't decided my second ability yet.

We did the lottery again and we were up against another group of boys, these ones seemed to be angry, I'm guessing because we castrated a dude.

Our second battle started, and this would hopefully prove to be a challenge.