
Chapter twenty seven

As they arrived at Cupid's Haven café, Ji-Won and Min-Ji seamlessly slipped into their roles, their movements fluid and natural. Ji-Won draped an arm around Min-Ji's shoulders, their steps synchronized as they approached the bustling café.

As Hye-Jin greeted them with her usual warmth and charm, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of Ji-Won with a woman by his side. A subtle furrow formed between her brows, barely noticeable to anyone but herself, as she tried to make sense of the unexpected scenario unfolding before her.

"Ji-Won, it's great to see you again! And who's this lovely lady with you?" Hye-Jin inquired, her voice laced with curiosity as she glanced between Ji-Won and Min-Ji.

Before Ji-Won could respond, Sang-Hoon interjected with his characteristic cheerfulness, a playful twinkle in his eye as he leaned in conspiratorially. "Ah, this is Min-Ji, Ji-Won's girlfriend," he declared with a teasing grin.