

"I'm sooooo hungry!"

It was the next morning and Sirius was slumped over the dining room table at Grimmauld Place, whinging. Remus was sitting at the over end with his feet up on the table and a book in his hand. He had been ignoring Sirius for the last half hour.

"Me too," Harry said, stumbling into the room. He was in a strange state of undress- strange because he had nothing on but a pair of boxers and a cloak. Draco, who came in behind his boyfriend, was wearing a much more sensible outfit of flannel pyjamas.

Sirius and Remus took a moment out of their busy schedules to stare at their godson. They decided as one not to even bother asking.

"Mmm," Draco hummed, "I tried to stop him from wearing it, but apparently it was this or nothing and I didn't think the moon liked to be out during the day."

Harry studiously ignored his boyfriend, preferring to hunt through the cupboards to see if they actually had any food in the house. Dobby had gone on an errand for Dumbledore and they had been left to fend for themselves, so this wasn't likely.

Sirius edged noisily down the table until he was next to Remus, who he poked ever so subtly in the ribs.

"Oi," he whispered in the sort of whisper that carries all the way across the room, "Is it just me, or is he starting to remind you of that Luna chick Harry's friends with?"

"Be nice," Remus whispered back, in a whisper that was actually quiet. Sirius began to pout but then remembered that Harry would be pissed if he wasn't nice to Draco and nodded solemnly instead.

"We have no food," Draco told them, sliding into a seat at the table. Harry snapped, just a little bit.

"How do you even know that? It's impossible for you to know that! Stop knowing things that it's impossible for you to know!"

Draco turned wide eyes on his boyfriend. He looked a little pathetic in his flannel pyjamas just then, and even Harry felt guilty for his outburst. He was just getting pretty freaked out. He hadn't had a cigarette in two days (we won't get into why) and he wasn't sure that his brain was made for having to deal with the slightly confusing mess that Draco was right now.

"It was just a guess. Dobby's been gone a week and I didn't think that any of you knew how to do food shopping. And I definitely don't. Well, Remus might." He glanced at Remus who shook his head minutely. The werewolf's eyes conveyed his shame.

"See, it wasn't a crazy thing."

"Ah, well. Whatever. Malfoy's right. We have no food. Moooooony…"

Sirius, Harry and Draco all turned to grin at Remus as one in a move that would unnerve him for years.