
Chaos Assassin Reborn

In a world where shadows blend with the whispers of the night, Kabel, a ruthless 23-year-old assassin from the modern era, meets his untimely end — but death is not the conclusion for a man steeped in blood. It's merely an intermission. Awakened in the clutches of the enigmatic deity Frejai, he finds himself plunged into a medieval realm woven with magic and deceit, a pawn in a game of divine might and mortal survival. Bound by a resurrection pact sealed with a deity's command, Kabel is thrust into a sinister vendetta against the "false gods," beings of immense power masquerading in human flesh. With each deity's fall, the threads of this new world reveal a tapestry of treachery and hidden truths. Frejai's promise dangles before him—an alluring chance to return to his previous life, yet the whisper of her intentions crackles with a sinister dissonance. As Kabel stalks his prey, the hunter becomes the haunted. Unlikely allies and dire nemeses cross his path, entities with their own tangled webs and obscured ambitions. The deeper Kabel delves into the heart of this fantasy realm, the more he questions the motives of the divine puppeteer orchestrating his bloody waltz. With a blade forged in mystery and a heart armored in skepticism, Kabel's trust frays at the edges with every revelation. A war rages within his soul—faith against doubt, loyalty against autonomy. Yet, amidst the clash of gods and the rally of steel, one resolve remains steadfast: Kabel will not surrender his fate to the whims of a deity, be it in this world or the next. His journey becomes a crucible, a path wrought with adversaries to be vanquished and secrets to unshroud, all with the promise of a second chance dangled on the edge of tomorrow's blade—a promise that could be salvation or his ultimate undoing.

EASYYMONN · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


As dawn unfurled its pallid light over the silent expanse of the forest, Kabel awoke, his body enshrouded in a sackcloth hoodie that draped around him like the habit of a monastic hunter. The first breath he took was filled with the pungent scent of dewy ferns and the damp earth of the woodlands that lay sprawled before him in an untamed labyrinth of shadow and whispers.

"I'm hungry."

[There's plenty of game around here, fill yourself up before you head out.]

He stepped with a spectral grace, his form blending with the mist's tendrils that weaved between the gnarled trunks and overgrown underbrush. Kabel's eyes, sharp and discerning, scanned the verdant labyrinth for signs of his quarry—a creature of legend and raw power that dwelled within this primeval world—a mythical bear of colossal stature whose pelt bore the luster of night skies without stars.

Through the dense foliage, Kabel moved, his presence as subtle as a breeze amongst the leaves. His feet fell upon the mossy floor without sound, each step a calculated silence. Ears tuned to the delicate symphony of the woods, he listened for the slightest hint, the softest betrayal of his prey's passage. A snapped twig, a rustled branch–they were the whispers of the hunt, guiding him deeper into nature's embrace.

The forest's verdant canopy filtered the early morning sunlight into a kaleidoscope of emerald hues that danced upon Kabel's path. He slipped through the tapestry of light and shadow, his movements a part of the woodland's rhythmic pulse. With the patience of the eternal stone and the focus of a tightening noose, he pressed on, a specter in pursuit of a legend.

A low rumble filtered through the trees, a sonorous growl that vibrated the very air—a sound that would raise the hackles on any creature, a proclamation of dominance that no denizen of the forest could ignore. Kabel's senses honed in on the direction of the call, his instincts sharpening like a blade upon stone. It was the voice of the mythical bear, distinct and commanding, summoning the hunter to its stage of battle.

Kabel navigated the gauntlet of brambles and thickets, each barrier a test of his purposeful resolve. As the growls grew closer, the ambiance of the forest shifted—a subtle note of tension that ran beneath the orchestration of nature's sounds. The foliage began to show signs of the great beast's passage: claw marks adorned the bark of ancient oaks, and the ground bore the heavy indentations of its gait.

'I hear him..it's insides..like an engine..'

The shadow of the behemoth grazed the boundary of Kabel's vision—an eclipse given form and purpose. The bear's silhouette stood like a monolith against the dawning light, its immense paws rooting it to the earth with an authority born of untamed sovereignty. Kabel stilled his breath as his target ambled to a clearing, unaware of the imminent threat that clung to its realm like an unspoken omen.

With a poise that belied the ferocity of his intention, Kabel drew closer, his body low and fluid in its advance. Each sinew tightened in anticipation of the violence to come, his focus narrowing until there was only the bear, the forest, and the primal dance of life and death that would soon unfold.

'Feel the wind..'

The air was cool and thick with mist, which clung to Kabel's skin as he closed the gap between hunter and hunted. The bear's fur bristled with each breath it drew, a living shadow amidst the burgeoning light. In this moment of nearness, Kabel could see the texture of the bear's coat, each strand a wisp of midnight against the dawn.

From his vantage, Kabel observed the bear's might. Muscles shifted under the sheathe of its ebony pelt—a raw display of power that taunted the uninitiated. But Kabel was forged of a different mettle, his spirit tempered in the unforgiving fires of his past.

'Overpower him..'

As the bear sniffed the air, Kabel tensed, readying himself for the strike. His muscles coiled like springs, the palpable tension of a predator about to pounce. In the space between heartbeats, he launched from his cover with the fury of an unleashed storm.

Kabel's form collided with the bear in a maelstrom of motion. Claws and human flesh met with a visceral clash that resounded through the clearing. The bear roared, a thunderous appeal to the ancient codes of the wild. It reared on its hind legs, its towering form blotting out the dawn's frail light as it attempted to bring its full weight and wrath upon the hunter.

Kabel, a tempest of vigor and determination, fought against the avalanche of fur and sinew. His hands sought purchase on the slick pelt, his every limb delivering strikes with the preciseness of a master carver delineating their craft. Blood, both his and the bear's, began to paint the forest floor in vermillion hues. But Kabel endured, his focus unflinching as the bear's claws sought to rend him from existence.

The bear swung its massive head, attempting to catch Kabel with its teeth—a perilous maw that promised a grisly end. Kabel maneuvered with a predator's awareness, sliding beneath the snapping jaws, his movements a whirlwind in the chaos of the encounter.

His hands, now slick with the essence of the struggle, found the bear's throat. He clung fast, his muscles bulging with the strain of holding the thrashing might of the creature whose very life he sought to extinguish. In a spectacle of nature's cruel poetry, man and beast became entwined in a dance as old as the hunt itself.

The bear's roar filled the clearing once more, a sonic wave that set the leaves trembling. But its strength began to wane, the reverberations of its cry dimming with each passing second under Kabel's relentless assault. The bear thrashed, its efforts growing more desperate and less coordinated.

Kabel's arms, wrapped beneath the jaw and around the head of the bear, sought to restrain the fury of his adversary as blood flowed freely between them, the price of proximity to such raw savagery. The world narrowed to the desperate grapple, the eldritch echo of the bear's rage, and the imperative of survival.

'This bear is experiencing rage. I've never experienced that. Never felt angry, sad, happy, loved. I just obeyed orders, killed who I was supposed to kill. Feelings and emotions will get in the way of my mission. I took advantage of it, I wanted something in return.'

The struggle wore on, both hunter and hunted flirting with the specter of death that hovered over the fray. Kabel's heartbeat became a war drum in his ears, each pulse a testament to life that he was determined to cling to. His grip did not falter, his resolve an unyielding vice against the fading vitality of his quarry.

The bear's movements slowed, its breaths coming in harsh, ragged pulls as the fight drained from its form. Its massive body began to slump, an empire in collapse, each shudder a tremulous note in the dirge of its final moments.

Despite the weakening resistance, Kabel maintained his hold, his jaw clenched in grim determination, his body an instrument of termination. The bear's weight became a growing burden, and slowly, heavily, it began to sink to the earth, the fight ebbing away like the tide receding from the ambitious shore.

As the great beast's struggles subsided to twitching limbs and soft groans, Kabel released his deathly embrace. He staggered back, his breaths heaving from his lungs, as he witnessed the fall of the legend that had consumed his will. The bear lay there—a testament to the cycle of life and death.

'I wanted something in return, for doing something that Frejai wanted, killing false gods. I don't know why she wants me to do that, or the story behind them, but I only want to go back. What do I really want?'

In the aftermath, Kabel stood before the fallen giant, his body draped in the tatters of his worn hoodie, marred by the spoils of the brutal encounter. The forest around them quieted, a silent reverence descending upon the clearing, every creature acknowledging the passing of the titan.

It was over. The mythical bear, whom legends whispered in reverence, now lay subdued by the force of human tenacity. And Kabel, bloodied but unbowed, stood amidst the shadowed woods.

[You killed that bear with your hands only..are you getting stronger?]

Kabel replied, "I don't know. Where am I headed now?"

[Go to the next town over. Explore, so we can get clues on the next false god's location.]

"You can't track them like you've been doing?"

[I only can track the weaker false gods, but the stronger ones, its tougher. I sense their presence, since I was once a protector of this world, I know what goes in or out. But some of them try and conceal their presence. But once we are closer to a stronger false god, I'll be able to tell exactly where they are, using a Third Eye skill that one day I plan to give you.]


[It's not too far away. Let's head there.]

Kabel made his way forward, walking to where Frejai was leading him.

Gnawing on the charred leg of the bear he had slain with his own hands, Kabel felt his strength returning with each hearty bite. The juices of the meat, singed with the smoke of his hastily made fire, sustained him as he left the solitude of the encroaching forest and approached the bustling kingdom of Chronan. The first town that greeted travelers was Balistair, known for its lively streets and boisterous occupants, a nexus of commerce and news for all who tread its cobbled paths.

Kabel's solitary figure, draped in the ragged remains of his sackcloth hoodie, now tinged with the dark hues of dried bear blood, drew curious glances as he meandered through the town gates. Despite his rugged appearance, there was a magnetism about him, a silent story etched into each scar and stain that adorned his being.

Balistair thrived on the collective chatter of merchants, travelers, and locals. Town criers, perched at intervals, bellowed the day's happenings with commanding voices that sliced through the din. "Hear ye, hear ye! The Kingdom of Chronan prospers under the wisdom of King Alaric! The mines of Grunwald yield silver and gemstones aplenty! And in other news, the ball that took place in the kingdom palace of Greenfen was wiped out by an unknown assailant, killing Greenfen's king in the process!" exclaimed one energetic herald, pausing only to take breaths that would fuel his next proclamation.

Kabel's ears caught fragments of distant news, woven seamlessly into the ambiance of the town. "The High Mages of Aldenthrope have divined a prosperous harvest! Peace reigns between our borders and the forest folk of Thornwild!" cried another crier, standing atop a wooden crate to elevate his presence above the crowd.

The hustle of Balistair was a symphony of human endeavor. Blacksmiths clanged their hammers with rhythmic precision, tailors displayed their vibrant textiles with pride, and vendors enticed passersby with the intoxicating aromas of spiced meats and sweet confections. Children darted between the legs of adults, their laughter a melody in the medley of sounds that painted the town's auditory tapestry.

Amidst this sea of life, Kabel's presence seemed an anachronism, a relic of a wilder, more untamed world. It wasn't long before whispers rippled through the crowd, mirroring the progression of his stride. "Look at that man, covered in blood—what creature's flesh does he devour?" one woman asked her neighbor with a mixture of fear and intrigue.

"Aye, it's bear meat. But not just any bear—look at the size of that leg! They say even the elite warriors of the Sable Guard would struggle to bring down such a brute," her neighbor replied, his eyes locked on the dripping remnants of the bear's leg that Kabel so nonchalantly consumed.

An awe-struck child peered up at Kabel, his voice a conduit of innocence as he addressed the bloodied hunter. "Sir, are you one of the awakened mages or swordsmen from the tales my father tells? They say only such as they can slay a Nightfur Bear."

Kabel merely offered the child a knowing glance before continuing on his way, his silence an unwritten saga that left more question than answer amongst the townsfolk.

Kabel continued through the heart of Balistair, indifferent to the growing tapestry of rumors and wonder he left in his wake. His journey was one of necessity, not of fame. The last of the bear's flesh disappeared between his teeth, sustenance for the road ahead, for there were other towns within Chronan and beyond, and with each step, his legend would grow, weaving itself into the collective narrative of the kingdom and its lively towns.

The market square buzzed with the promises of merchants and the cacophony of trade, but amidst it all, the story of the quiet hunter who devoured the meat of a mythical beast would be the tale that lingered long after the stalls closed and the night embraced Balistair once again.

'The town is lively. Are there any false gods here?'

[None yet.]

Kabel, his hunger momentarily sated, ambled through the raucous throngs of Balistair. His journey, relentless as the wild heart within him, directed his worn boots toward the clamor surrounding the town's central fountain. The Sable Guard, clad in their jet-black armor trimmed with the subtle glint of silver, stood as somber sentinels amidst the crowd.

The focus of the gathering was a group of Hunter guilds of Mages, distinguished by their vibrant cloaks and the arcane emblems that danced upon their attire. A murmuring buzz emanated from their circle; something of great import was being unveiled.

"We offer a king's ransom in gold to any brave soul who dares the Severed Lands, to strike at the heart of the demonic Ice Queen's lair," declared a mage with a voice as resonant as a bell forged in the depths of Chronan's crystal mines.

Kabel, drawn by the promise of adventure—or perhaps by the weight of gold—edged closer. Ears pricked for the unfolding story.

"The Ice Queen's sorcery festers like a wound upon the land," continued the mage, his hand gesticulating to emphasize the looming threat. "Her frostbitten legions encroach ever closer, and King Alaric decrees that she must be vanquished."

A member of the Sable Guard stepped forward, the morning sun gleaming off his helm. "It's a perilous quest," he intoned. "The Severed Lands are a maw of death, swallowing whole any who dare its treachery. None have returned to tell the tale."

A buzz of apprehension swept through the assembly, but the promise of reward was a siren call for the audacious. The hunters and mages exchanged speculative glances, weighing ambition against survival.

"What dangers should we anticipate in these... Severed Lands?" asked a hunter, his hand resting on the hilt of a sword etched with runes.

The mage's eyes narrowed, a flicker of dread passing over his features. "If high ranking mages and swordsman have not returned, we must assume the enemies or beasts within the Severed Lands are Kirvana."

Kabel asked, "Kirvana..?"

[Kirvana is when an enemy or beast wields ancient magic, for only ancient magic usually kills high ranking mages of swordsman, those blessed with an affinity to have limitless amounts of mana.]

"And the crossing?" another mage queried, his tone skeptical. "What assures us that this reward is worthy of such a fool's errand?"

The Sable Guard's gaze hardened, his voice unwavering. "The King's coffers will open to you. Land, titles, gold—such is the price for a venture deemed impossible. But think not of riches! Think of the looming threat that the Ice Queen poses to all Chronan."

Murmurs of agreement and dissent mingled in the air. A few among the crowd shuddered, the visage of winged nightmares painted in their minds. Yet, the lure of glory and wealth flickered like a beacon amidst the shadows of those grim portents.

"Terrors and death be damned," declared a young mage, his voice embellished with self-assurance. "Let us assemble the strongest amongst us. The Queen's end shall be her own creation."

A veteran hunter, scars tracing a map of survival across his visage, fixed the assembled with a steely look. "We speak of riches and heroism, yet we stand ignorant of the true horrors that lurk within the Severed Lands. Our guilds must prepare for the realities of this venture."

Kabel, his expression a mask of stony resolve, took in the passionate proclamations and the seething cauldron of ambition. He pondered over the Ice Queen's threat and the adventure that beckoned beyond the borders of known lands.

"Who among you will step forward?" the lead Sable Guard challenged, his voice slicing through the doubt and fervor.

[Kabel. The ice queen, she is a false god, a very powerful false god. This is our chance. Play the part of a solo guild member who wants to see her dead, blend in. No one can know our true motives and reason. If she is in the Severed Lands, we shall go from there.]

"Okay." Kabel replied.

Stepping closer, though unnoticed by the Sable Guard, Kabel's presence spoke volumes more than the grandiose declarations echoing off the stone of the fountain. For his silence carried the weight of the wilds, a testament to the enduring spirit that thrived where others perished.

Everyone looked at him, and some said:

"No way, he looks young.."

"What's this aura im getting from him..?"

"It's dark.."

Kabel looked up at the Sable guard, and murmured, "I'll go."

"Ohoho, a brave kid. We will give you a map and-."

A young woman stepped up, her hair in red braided locks, she had freckles, and dark green eyes, and she had an eye patch, and she said, "Count me in too, I'm ready to kick some ass."

Her name was Ronin, and she was a solo participant, not really believing in guilds or the help of a "team."

Some of the men who was there started drooling over her, saying:

"It's Ronin!"

"She's way prettier up close.."

One man stepped up beside her, smirking, "I'm a solo hunter as well. You wanna walk together-?"

"Fuck off."

"That was so hot.."

Kabel and Ronin locked eyes, and they started at each other for a few seconds. Kabel's heart pounded one time, and Frejai screamed in his head:

[Focus! Remember, everyone who is not me, is an enemy.]

Kabel turned away, and listened.

The head Sable guard exclaimed, "Anyone else?"

At that moment, more guild members and solo parties began to speak up:

"I am."

"Fuck it. I'll go."

"With this many people, we can't lose."

Even a pair of twins participated, and even some guilds that were rivals with each other.

The Sable guard exclaimed, "Whoever brings the king the head of the demonic ice queen, will be rewarded!"

The crowd cheered, some didn't, and Kabel kept a straight face.

Ronin stood beside Kabel, saying, "I haven't seen your scarred up face around here, who are you?"


"Were you prepared to go alone or something? Or are you just trying to look cool?"

"Demonic ice queen, I have to kill her. Not for money, for my own vendetta."

"Yikes. They have all these damn guilds out here, and guilds who are even rivaling with each other, allowing them all to go on this expedition to forbidden fucking places no one's come back from. It's—."

"—Going to be a bloodbath. There will be bloodshed. We're all competing for the prize, for the head of the ice queen, they'll end up killing each other at the end, using each other to get through the enemies."

"You're smarter than most of these bastards out here. I'm Ronin."


Ronin walked away, saying, "Don't think I like you or were friends or anything. I just like messing with strange people."