
Chaos Assassin Reborn

In a world where shadows blend with the whispers of the night, Kabel, a ruthless 23-year-old assassin from the modern era, meets his untimely end — but death is not the conclusion for a man steeped in blood. It's merely an intermission. Awakened in the clutches of the enigmatic deity Frejai, he finds himself plunged into a medieval realm woven with magic and deceit, a pawn in a game of divine might and mortal survival. Bound by a resurrection pact sealed with a deity's command, Kabel is thrust into a sinister vendetta against the "false gods," beings of immense power masquerading in human flesh. With each deity's fall, the threads of this new world reveal a tapestry of treachery and hidden truths. Frejai's promise dangles before him—an alluring chance to return to his previous life, yet the whisper of her intentions crackles with a sinister dissonance. As Kabel stalks his prey, the hunter becomes the haunted. Unlikely allies and dire nemeses cross his path, entities with their own tangled webs and obscured ambitions. The deeper Kabel delves into the heart of this fantasy realm, the more he questions the motives of the divine puppeteer orchestrating his bloody waltz. With a blade forged in mystery and a heart armored in skepticism, Kabel's trust frays at the edges with every revelation. A war rages within his soul—faith against doubt, loyalty against autonomy. Yet, amidst the clash of gods and the rally of steel, one resolve remains steadfast: Kabel will not surrender his fate to the whims of a deity, be it in this world or the next. His journey becomes a crucible, a path wrought with adversaries to be vanquished and secrets to unshroud, all with the promise of a second chance dangled on the edge of tomorrow's blade—a promise that could be salvation or his ultimate undoing.

EASYYMONN · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Blood On The Horizon

[ Kill Him, Kabel. Kill this false god]

The air in the arena pulsated with anticipation, the once-silent ranks of onlookers now a living backdrop to a confrontation of legendary proportions. The first notes of the anticipated symphony of war were about to be struck.

Kabel, the embodiment of an assassin's lethal intent, tightened his grip on his daggers, the red glow from their edges casting his features in dance of light and shadow. His eyes narrowed as he considered Siris, who stood with the imposing stature of a warrior forged in the fires of innumerable battles.

Siris regarded Kabel with equal measure, knowing this foe wouldn't fall as easily as the grotesque Morbus had. With a thought, the shape of his large red sword shifted, its form flowing like liquid until it resembled a deadly halberd, the blade glistening ominously in the arena's muted light.

The two combatants circled one another, their movements a silent dialogue. Kabel's hand flicked, sending a wave of ethereal blades toward Siris, but with a step and a blur of motion, the warrior vanished, reappearing behind his adversary. Kabel spun, instinctively summoning a force field of red energy that absorbed the blow intended for his back, the field's surface rippling with each impact.

Siris admired the quick reflexes, adjusting his tactics on the fly. His weapon morphed again, now a spiked flail that he swung in wide, arcing strikes designed to test Kabel's defenses. Every punishing blow was met with the crackle of the energy shield, buying Kabel time as he analyzed Siris's pattern.

Kabel then surged forward, his speed a blur to the naked eye, daggers poised to strike. He sliced with precision, aiming for the joints in Siris's armor, but the cunning warrior side-stepped and countered, the flail transforming mid-swing into a mighty war hammer that he brought down towards Kabel's head.

The energy field expanded, cushioning the hammer's descent. The arena floor cracked under the residual force, a spiderweb of fractures spreading outward. With a burst of shadow magic, Kabel shrouded the area in darkness, his form becoming a wraith amongst the inky tendrils. His daggers, now embued with the essence of shadow, cut through the gloom toward Siris's heart.

But Siris was gone again, a mere whisper on the wind. Appearing atop a pile of debris, his sword now a lengthy spear, he thrust it downward, aiming to impale Kabel from above. Kabel rolled aside, his motion fluid and relentless, and from his crouched position, he launched a barrage of crimson projectiles that morphed mid-air into spectral falcons, swooping at Siris with talons bared.

[You are powerful, Kabel.]

Siris swung the spear in wide circles, creating a vortex that dispelled the elemental assault. Kabel used the distraction to close in, his daggers thirsty for contact. Strikes and parries followed, the clangor of their weapons a brutal melody that drowned out the roar of the atmosphere.

Siris's spear transformed once more into a two-handed sword, meeting Kabel's dagger strokes with a deft defense. Their movements were a tempestuous dance, Siris's blade ringing out against the hardened steel and ethereal force of Kabel's daggers, each strike a testament to their skill.

Siris, sensing an opening, channeled a burst of power through his sword, releasing a shockwave that tore towards Kabel. The force field erected just in time, absorbing the brutal assault, but the drain on Kabel's resources was visible—the shield flickered, dimming with each successive blow.

The assassin, ever adaptable, retaliated with a focused stream of shadow energy from his daggers, aiming to envelop Siris in a cocoon of darkness from which there would be no escape. But Siris was ever the master of evasion, and with a swift motion, he once more vanished from sight.

They fell into a rhythm, a violent cadence that echoed through the vastness of the arena. Siris's sword now a battle axe, cleaved through the air, seeking flesh. Kabel's shadow magic coiled around the ax's haft, briefly arresting its descent, allowing him to sidestep and counter with a flurry of stabs and cuts.

[My power is your power, use it to your advantage!]

Siris adapted, his axe morphing into a spiked mace that he swung in arching, deadly circles. Kabel was relentless, conjuring a whirlwind of red energy that whipped around him, weaponizing the very air with an intense pressure that sought to squeeze the life from Siris's bones.

But Siris was undeterred, each teleportation a strategic repositioning, putting Kabel on the defensive. They were both masters of their craft, their battle a chess match that played out with every feint, block, and riposte.

Kabel, embracing the chaos within, unleashed a powerful explosion of shadow magic mixed with ethereal energy, engulfing the immediate surroundings in a malevolent storm. Siris, within the heart of the tempest, raised the red sword now morphed into a broad shield, its surface absorbing the magical onslaught, glowing hot with redirected energies.

The storm subsided as Kabel's form reemerged from the dissipating shadows. His daggers now extended to short swords, gleaming with a menacing light as he progressed towards Siris with measured, deliberate steps, the ground scorched in his wake.

Siris discarded his shield, reverting back to the form of his signature sword. The weapon thrummed with power, reflecting his unyielding resolve. With a roar that seemed to echo from the depths of his warrior spirit, he charged, his image fracturing into multiple forms as he manipulated space to surround Kabel.

Kabel's instincts flared, and he spun, a red energy dome bursting forth to protect him from the multidirectional assault. Siris's blades met the dome's barrier, a clamor resounding as each illusory warrior strove to break through the defensive perimeter.

The assault was relentless, and Kabel knew he couldn't outlast this siege. With a concentrated effort, he collapsed the force field into a single, devastating pulse of energy that rippled outward, shattering Siris's illusions and forcing the real Siris to stagger back, his footing momentarily disrupted.

Kabel seized the opportunity, his swords now retracted into the deadly daggers they began as, each blade casting red-honed arcs of light as they danced in his hands. Siris, recovering with preternatural speed, faced the onslaught head-on, his sword becoming a dual-bladed staff that parried with mechanical precision.

The exchange was a whirlwind of skill and speed, Kabel's shadow magic aiding his movements, rendering him a blur, while Siris's adaptive weaponry countered every move with its transformative nature, a true extension of his willpower.

Siris then vaulted backward, materializing a moment later on a high pillar of the arena, goading Kabel into pursuit. Kabel followed, the essence of shadows propelling him upward, daggers ready to deliver their deathly kiss.

Above them, the sky darkened as Kabel's magic reached its crescendo. Siris, sensing the change, prepared for a cataclysmic clash. His sword shifted, forming a longbow that fired arrows of pure, devastating energy, casting brilliant streaks across the arena skies.

Kabel deftly maneuvered through the arrow's paths, his force field flickering into existence to deflect a near-miss. Siris discarded the bow, his weapon resuming the form of a sword as he leapt from the pillar, bringing the full weight of his descent onto Kabel.

A booming impact resounded as they met mid-air, Kabel's energy field against Siris's sword, a cascade of sparks showering the arena as they landed, locking eyes in a brief, silent acknowledgment of the other's prowess.

Back on solid ground, Siris became a maelstrom of violence, his weapon now an extension of his body's rhythm, a polearm spinning with such ferocity it whistled through the air. Kabel parried and weaved, his daggers leaving trails of red spectral light, a deadly dance to counter Siris's song of war.

Fatigue began to show, their breaths coming heavier, steam rising off their heated armor. Kabel knew his shadow magic was waning, and he couldn't afford to let this battle of attrition continue. He needed a decisive blow. Siris equally understood the stakes, every teleport now a commitment, every form his sword adopted chosen with utmost intention.

Kabel let loose a final volley of ethereal blades, a gambit to overpower Siris's defenses. Siris countered, shifting his sword into a lance, its tip splintering the spectral attack as he moved with unparalleled agility, closing the distance between them.

The two stood mere feet apart, the arena holding its breath, as they prepared for the next engagement. Siris's eyes were firm, unwavering, while Kabel's burned with an otherworldly fire, the heart of a shadow given form.

[Don't falter. Finish him off!]

With a nod from Siris, silent respect passing from him, he and Kabel launched themselves into the battle's climax. Siris's sword-lance darted towards Kabel's heart with lethal intent, while Kabel's daggers, empowered with the last remnants of his shadow magic, aimed for the vulnerabilities in Siris's armor.

Their weapons met with a sound akin to thunder, the force of their combined might resounding through the arena, a crescendo to their symphony of conflict. The energy released from the clash surged outwards, sending a shockwave that rippled across the vast arena, knocking combatants and spectators alike off their feet.

The shockwave that tore across the arena dissipated as quickly as it had erupted, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. In the eye of that tempest stood Siris and Kabel, their weapons locked in a fierce embrace, the fractured light from their blades casting the scene in sharp relief.

Breathing heavily, muscles tensed like coiled serpents, Kabel's gaze never faltered from Siris, who returned the stare with a gladiator's resolve. Neither warrior would yield, each waiting for the other to make the next move.

As if by unspoken agreement, they pushed away from each other with a raw display of strength, creating a momentary chasm between them that crackled with the residual energy of their standoff.

Siris's sword shifted once more, this time into a heavy mace designed to crush bone and spirit alike. Kabel responded with heightened reflexes, his daggers spinning elegantly in his grasp, their motion a blur of deadly precision.

They closed the gap once again, the sound of clashing steel filling the arena as Kabel's rapid stabs were met with the crashing weight of Siris's mace. Each thudding impact against Kabel's energy shield sent vibrations up Siris's arms, his determination unwavering despite the pummeling force.

Kabel felt his shield's energy waning, each parry a calculated risk. Utilizing his unmatched agility, he ducked beneath a bone-shattering swing, delivering a series of swift slashes aimed to hamper Siris's movement.

Siris grunted, acknowledging the sting of Kabel's daggers as they drew lines across his armor. With a sudden shift, his mace morphed into a dual set of war-axes, seeking to overwhelm Kabel with a whirlwind of deadly arcs.

[Siris is not stronger than you, you have my powers. Don't die like the rest of them.]

Kabel stepped through the storm, blades deflecting the axes' blows by mere inches, his footwork a tapestry woven from pure instinct and mastery of combat.

Just as Siris began to press the advantage, Kabel feinted to the left and kicked high, his boot connecting with Siris's wrist, sending one of the axes spiraling into the air. Not missing a beat, Siris compensated with the remaining axe, but the loss shifted the tide.

Kabel, sensing an edge, redoubled his strikes, the sharp ring of metal upon metal a chorus to the rhythm of their momentum.

Siris, now on the defensive, felt the slow shift of the scales. With a roar, he threw his remaining axe at Kabel, the weapon spinning end over end towards its target.

Kabel sidestepped, and the axe buried itself into the arena wall. This was the moment they both had waited for—a chance to engage in the purity of unarmed combat.

With their weapons flung asunder, they came together with the thunderous clash of flesh and bone. Kabel's hands shot out like serpents, targeting pressure points and vital joints, while Siris deployed a barrage of crushing blows, each one capable of felling an ox.

[You're not like the others I've summoned, you're better. Way better.]

They maneuvered around each other, their bodies instruments of war tuned to the pitch of survival. Siris's fists hammered down like siege engines, but Kabel's otherworldly speed turned him into a wraith, untouchable and ever elusive.

A vicious elbow from Kabel connected with Siris's cheek, and a retaliatory knee from Siris found Kabel's midsection. The thud of their strife was a symphony unto itself, a song of human endurance and relentless will.

As their struggle continued, the twin calls of their discarded weapons began to resonate within them. They knew that the end would come with steel in hand, and it was a race against fate to reclaim their means of victory.

Glancing skyward, both warriors tracked the descent of their implements of destruction. Time seemed to slow as Kabel leaped for his returning daggers, while Siris dove towards the embedded axe, his outstretched hand grasping its hilt and pulling it free.

The weapons found their masters once again in a choreographed reunion. Kabel's grip on his daggers tightened, their red aura reigniting with his touch, while Siris's war-axe sang a returning call, held aloft with lethal intent.

The gap between them closed as they rushed forward, Kabel with a predator's grace and Siris with the resolve of a mountain. Kabel's daggers pierced the air, a dual thrust aimed at Siris's throat, while Siris's axe swung in a tight arc aimed for Kabel's side.

[How perfect can you get?]

Both weapons met flesh in a gruesome exchange of finality. Kabel's agility allowed him to twist at the last moment, his daggers finding their mark at Siris's neck, cutting cleanly through sinew and bone as Siris's axe sank deeply into Kabel's abdomen.

The two warriors stood frozen, the echoes of their final clash hanging heavy in the air.

Siris's eyes widened in disbelief, hisbody collapsing to the ground with a heavy thud as his head rolled away from his shoulders. His last breath escaped him in a rush, his indomitable spirit leaving the mortal plane with the quiet grace of a sun setting beyond the horizon.

Kabel staggered back, the shock of the deep wound setting in as his own blood painted the dirt beneath him. Gritting his teeth, he wrenched the axe from his stomach, a growl escaping his lips as he cast the bloodstained weapon aside.

[Well done, my child]

Kabel knelt beside Siris, Only then did he stand, turn his back on the day's brutalities, and with the support of sheer willpower, made his way from the arena.

Siris said, "As the clashing of steel and the tumult of the arena faded into a hushed silence, Siris lay vanquished, the shadows of death encroaching upon his once indomitable visage. His remaining strength spent, Siris lifted his gaze to his conqueror, Kabel, a faint smile gracing his bloodied lips. With a voice quivering on the edge of eternity, he spoke, his words imbued with the weight of a warrior's final testament, "In you, I have found the echo of my own longing for a challenger whose heart beats with the valorous rhythm of the truly dauntless, one who could stand amid the hurricane of my onslaught and emerge as the unyielding pillar against which even the fiercest tempests relent. Your mettle tested against the whetstone of my blade has revealed not a foil but a mirror, reflecting the excellence of a peerless combatant. As the last grains of my life's hourglass succumb to the inexorable advance of time, my spirit exults, for it was not in vain that I strove to ascend the pinnacles of martial prowess. Your blade, an instrument of inevitable demise, has etched the final stroke upon the canvas of my destiny. And I, in this twilight ephemeral, find solace in the knowledge that it was by the hand of a true paragon that I am undone. Bear forth my testament, Kabel, carry the flame of our fierce engagement into the annals of legend, and know that in you, this old warrior's soul has recognized the zenith of his aspirations—a worthy opponent found, a worthy end embraced." His voice faded into the ether, his last breath a whisper of reverence, as Siris's eyes closed for the final time, his soul departing with the grace of a warrior fulfilled.

[False god Siris has been slain]

Kabel looked down at him, not saying anything, he had emerged victorious but not unscathed. The horizon of his existence was now tinged with the red of Siris's blood, and he would carry that burden forward, for in the world of combat, the line between life and death is as fine as the edge of a blade.

As Kabel limped away from the center of the arena, his wounds painfully knitting themselves back together in a display of unnatural resilience, a peculiar and chilling melody started to rise from the stands. The crowd, sensing an eerie change in the atmosphere, fell into a hush, their eyes drawn to the concealed figures draped in black veils.

Their song was a discordant symphony, a cacophony of notes that seemed to scrape against the very fabric of reality. It was both a dirge and a curse, a sound that no mortal choir could hope to replicate. The walls of the arena trembled, as if in fear of the voices that now commanded the air itself.

One by one, the specters rose from their seats, their feet leaving the earth as they hovered above the ground. Their song intensified, reaching a fever pitch that resonated with the stones and earth. Cracks splintered across the arena's surface, dust an augury of the destruction to come.

The specters' voices melded into an eerie dirge, the words flowing like dark whispers from the shadowed recesses of an ancient crypt. The tune was as unsettling as it was captivating, telling the tale of the battle's savage grace and the ephemerality of life. The words seethed with arcane power, each verse a lamentation, and each chorus a premonition. They sang:

"O'er the hallowed ground now tainted,

Where the crimson tide has painted,

Lies the echo of the vanquished,

In the silence of the fallen.

Swords that clashed in fatal dances,

Eyes affixed in deathly glances,

Once alive with hopeful chances,

Now extinguished, gone and solemn.

Warriors bold with hearts afire,

Bound to bloodlust, dark desire,

None to quell the rage-inspired,

Now they rest beneath the column.

Hark! The struggle breeds but sorrow,

Blades that carve the fates they borrow,

No repent on the morrow,

For the lives the fray has stolen.

By the edge of steel dismembered,

Lives unspooled and souls surrendered,

Final breaths in anguish tendered,

On the winds of time, they're rolling.

Sung is the dirge of devastation,

Their spirit's requiem; creation,

To the end of confrontation,

Witnessed by the veiled and hollow."

The haunting melody wove a tapestry of images: the bravery and desperation, the singular moments of life and death, and the inescapable truth that every warrior's story must eventually end, often in stark silence following the cacophony of battle. It was a song of endings, a chilling reminder of the transience of glory and the permanence of loss. As the arena collapsed and the veiled figures met their own destructive end, their song dissipated into the stillness, leaving an uncomfortable void where once there had been an anthem of demise.

Kabel, undeterred by the chaos unfolding around him, never broke stride. His silhouette was a stark contrast against the mayhem; a solitary figure of stoic determination walking away from the ruin that was once an arena of glory.

As if his sheer force of will was holding the cataclysm at bay, Kabel moved through falling debris and quaking earth with an otherworldly poise. His injuries continued to close, the pain diminishing with each step as the innate prowess of his body sought to undo the damage it had suffered.

The walls of the arena crumbled, vast sections of stone plummeting to their final resting places amidst clouds of dust and despair. Yet, Kabel did not flinch as the world fell apart behind him, his only testament to the calamity a trail of crimson drops that fell from his wounds to the ground.

The veiled figures reached the climax of their song, the notes piercing the boundaries of life and earth until, with a final, haunting chord, they exploded into nothingness. The force of their self-destruction rippled through the arena, bringing down the remaining structures in a definitive roar of obliteration.

As the last vestiges of the arena gave way to ruin, Kabel stepped beyond its threshold, untouched by the annihilation that pursued him. Behind him, the once-mighty coliseum was now but a memory, its legacy reduced to rubble and echoes.

Birds took flight into the azure sky, escaping the tumult below as the dust began to settle. Kabel stopped at a safe distance, casting a glance over his shoulder to witness the aftermath, the black veils now but wisps in the wind.

The air was filled with the taste of dust and a silence that came after the screams of both stone and soul. Kabel turned his back on the ruins one final time, the image forever seared into his mind's eye. The legacy of his triumph and the price of his survival lay interred amidst the shattered majesty of what was.

His shadow stretched long before him by the declining sun, and Kabel walked away, a solitary figure leaving behind a legacy of blood and stone, his aura that of a warrior who had become legend.

[Please rest, Kabel. You've done enough for today]

Kabel replied, "…No. I gotta go home."

Kabel passed out, his stomach hurting the ground.