
Changing Tides

Cordelia Rose is desperately trying to live up to her royal name. With her brother being the heir to the throne, she wants her parent's approval. So when she is sent on a diplomatic trip to settle a dispute; what will she do when her ship is overthrown by the most fearsome pirate known to man? Will she succumb to his reining authority? or will she lose herself in the process.

Fantasia_Stories · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Intro


a voice that is void in my memory calls out. I could smell the salt of the sea, with a warm breeze on my face. I look to find the person's voice but all I can see is a faceless man in all black. He grabs my hand before pulling me towards him.

"Don't leave Rose"

He whispered but my vision starts to blur again, before I could even see his face I fall into darkness...


I shoot my body up and realize it was all but a dream. I was being shaken lightly by Elizabeth. My body trembled, the dream felt surreal. Before I could think too much about it Elizabeth's soft voice interrupts me.

"Sorry milady you looked like you were dreaming, but you must get ready. Your mother has requested you for breakfast in the Rose gardens"

I squint my eyes from the yellow glare pouring through the open windows.

Ah, that must've been what I've felt in my dream. I think to myself as the salty air from the ocean enters my room.

"Thank you, Elizabeth"

I say as I step down from the large bed that consumed my body.

"I have prepared a few dresses for you milady, I hope that is alright"

She exclaims as I step behind the barrier in case someone wanted to intrude while I get dressed.

"Yes, that's quite alright Elizabeth."


My real name is Cordelia Rose, I am the second oldest to King Cryus and Queen Layla of Atlas. although I like to be called Rose most of the time my first name holds deep meaning.

'Daughter of the sea'

very fitting as Our kingdom is surrounded by the vast southern ocean, but people around here call it the crimson sea. Many have fought on these waters, our kingdom went through many wars to get to where it is today. It is also called the crimson sea because of the many pirates in Atlas. While I haven't met one myself yet I've heard many stories.

I was born into this life with nothing but the sea. I feel connected to it almost as I spent most of my childhood playing in the salty waters of the North Shore.

Today was a very important day as my Brother and Father were returning home from their recent travels to the west region of Avalon to meet with a potential bride to fit the next heir to the throne.

As the oldest Royal Family, we take our next generation of rulers very seriously.

As for me my story was only just getting started.


"Good Morning Mother"

I greet, bowing slightly as she smiles up at me from her usual Morning tea. It was the perfect weather outside, the breeze was slightly warm as the sea was shimmering under the bright sun. It even reflects off my mother's bright blue eyes while the wind graciously sways her deep red locks.

Yes, we have red hair... it is the rarest hair in the country that has run in the Royal family since the beginning. It is said to bring us good wealth and fortune but that comes with a price. Many people would kill to get ahold of our hair, it was bad enough we were royalty.

"Goodmorning Rose, I hope you slept well"

She kindly says while waving me to sit next to her as Elizabeth pours me a glass of tea.

"I had the same dream again... The one I told you about"

I say and she turns to furrow her brow.

"I wonder why that is, maybe it's trying to tell you something"

She sighs and I sip at the steaming herbal tea that had a hint of hibiscus in it. I hum as she sets her glass down.

"Anyway, I meant to tell you we are having a family dinner tonight to celebrate the arrival of your father and brother."

She states and I look over towards the various trading ships passing by.

"Of course ill be there"

I smile thinking about how much I have missed Jameson and my father. Having only one sibling can be lonely, especially since we are older and have a duty to our kingdom. Lately, he's been gone on trips with Father in order to learn the ways of trade. I, of course, am only a few years younger but they see him as the heir to the throne and I will simply be in control of lowly work in the kingdom. I always try my best to live up to the title of a princess but I hardly could. Maybe it was because Jameson was the true heir and older sibling, but I felt inferior to his rule.

I have always felt like the weak one but My brother is a good role model and my best friend.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


I ended up spending my afternoon reading as it's one of my favorite things to do. It lets me escape the reality of Being a princess. I read anything from old legends to the long-forgotten magic of the Royal family. My mother would kill me if she knew I had these books. I was forbidden from reading them but as every teenager does, they rebel.

She tries to protect me from the danger of the world as her mother was assassinated because of her red Hair and powerful fighting abilities. I looked up to my grandmother and it was always hard to think someone could do that to such a beautiful and kind woman.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone entering my study and I quickly set the current book I was reading down and covered it in fear that it was my mother.

"Don't worry your highness it's only me"

Asra's amused voice plays through the room and I sigh in relief as I greet him with a smile. Asra was a childhood friend who was known to specialize in tarot card reading. He has been a big part of our family from the start and has even given me a few lessons himself.

"you know there's something called knocking Asra"

I smirk with a playful grin and he lets out a small laugh.

"Where's the fun in that?"

I roll my eyes before picking up the book again. Asra was always there for me whenever I needed him and I will be forever grateful but he definitely gets on my nerves sometimes.

I feel him creep up behind me and I knew he was trying to figure out what I was reading.

"reading about pirates?"

he asked and I almost felt guilty as I tended to read about stories about pirates and their mystical journeys to find treasure. Even though I know it's completely false and most pirates are lowly criminals that constantly steal and fight each other. That is what I believe since I've never interacted with one myself. I only heard stories through Jameson who has had many encounters.

"It's just a book Asra"

I state and he grows quiet. I turn my body and set the book back down as Asra frowns.

"Book or not you should never associate with scum like that."

He says with venom and I grow curious as to why he's so angry about the subject. I suddenly remember I needed to ask him about the dreams I have been having maybe he could give me an insight as to what they mean.

"Asra... I've been having these strange dreams lately and I feel like it's supposed to mean something."

I explain and he contorts his face into one of curiosity.


He seems intrigued as I patiently wait for his questions.

"Well first off what are they about?"

he asked and I try to think back to the dream. It's hard to form in words but I manage to vividly see the surroundings again.

It was always on the same Dark ship. The setting was always at dusk as I am on my way down to a dock. I am always stopped by the same man whose face I can't quite seem to remember.

But who could forget the stranger's voice who seems to remain the same no matter what? It was a deep manly voice who holds power and dominance. Yet towards the end of the dream, he sounds distraught?

I explain to Asra the best I can but he seemed to miss some of the pieces.


He ponders while I look at him hopefully, I wanted to figure this out,

"I could do a reading if you like?"

He asks while already reaching for his tarot deck. I nod my head and he placed himself in the chair in front of me. I quietly admire him as he shuffles the deck effortlessly. Asra was a very handsome man. With his curly pearl white Hair and very dark caramel-colored skin that heightens his exotic amethyst eyes. He was the definition of perfect. I've always had a crush on him but my Mother would never approve of our relationship. I was set to marry another prince for the 'good of the kingdom.'

Not that I ever had the courage to even tell him...

Asra sets a few cards to face down in front of me and he looks up to meet my eyes.

"Alright pick one"

He says and I observe the cards in front of me, feeling the middle one calling to me. As I select it he turns it around and I see a woman dressed in a blue robe with a cross in the middle, along with black and white pillars on either side of the throne she was sitting on.

Asra's eyes light up and he picks the card up and hands it to me. I inspect the card closer admiring the fine details.

"Looks like the high priestess is calling to you"

He says calmly giving me a fond smile as I raise my eyebrow in curiosity.

"What does it mean?"

I ask and he picks the rest of the cards up to place them back in the deck.

"It means your suspicions are right. Your dream is connected somehow"

he explains and I realize I must get to the bottom of this.

"Try meditating, go with your feelings instead of thoughts"

I memorize his words and hand him the card before getting up to hug him.

"Thank you Asra"

I whisper with gratitude and he squeezes my shoulders.

"Your welcome Rose"


Later that evening I was sent back up to my room to get ready for the dinner we were hosting tonight. I was counting the minutes that go by as I grow more and more excited to see Jameson and my father.

I picked one of the dresses Jameson got me from his previous trip. It was an elegant royal blue dress with lace embroidering.

"It will pair wonderfully with Your scarlet hair!"

I smile at the memory as Elizabeth ties the remaining strap. Perfect timing too because the next thing I know I was hearing Galloping horses. I let out a gasp and check out my window seeing the Royal carriage entering the Yard. My legs instantly move as I rush down the many stairs and spot my Mother already waiting by the door.

"Come on mother let's meet them out there!"

I chirp with excitement tugging her arm with me as she chuckles at my happiness.

"Alright Rose calm down, they've only been gone for a week"

She laughed and I ignore her words as I spot Jamesons dark umber waves exiting the carriage.


I scream throwing my hand out to grab his attention. His head snaps towards mine and he returns my smile.

I run up, nearly knocking him over as I embrace him in a hug.

"Oof... Missed me did you?"

He ends up laughing and I squeeze him as hard as I could.

"Of course I did! how was Avalon?"

I ask with curious eyes and he looks down at me smiling.

"It was fun... The princess was hot"

He whispered the last part and I burst into laughter as my Mother scoffs.

"If your going to whisper at least try to be decent at it"

She smirks with amusement and Jameson shrugged.

"Leave the boy be he is a teenager after all"

My father's deep voice interrupts us and I look behind Jameson and squeal.


I shove Jameson aside and hug him next. He lets out a loud chuckle as I sway back and forth.

"My Gods Rose, you couldn't have been this bored in a week?"

He asked in disbelief and I let out a fake hurt expression.

"what? your daughter cant miss her Dear brother and Father?"

It was my Mothers time to laugh and My father begins to tickle me. I yelp in surprise and try to escape his hold but of course, Jameson and mother join in on the fun. Tears pool in my eyes from laughing too hard and I honestly miss moments like this. As being Royalty has its benefits, we all tend to have busy schedules that lessens the time we spend together.

After I manage to escape we were interrupted by my mother's maid Ava.

"Milady sorry to interrupt, dinner is ready"


"So Rose I have a proposition for you"

My mother begins, We have spent most of the dinner catching up but I knew there had to be a catch at some point. I set my utensils down after taking a bite of roasted pork. When I meet with my mother's eyes I notice my father's expression changed. Jameson had gone quiet and I furrow my brows in interest.

"I need you to take a diplomatic trip to Karis... I have an urgent meeting with your father that I cannot miss. Karis has already waited for long enough so I need you to take the trip down there to settle a dispute."

She explains and I freeze. They want me to settle a dispute for the kingdom?

"Am I even enough to handle that on my own?"

I question with a growing anxious feeling inside of me. I haven't done anything on my own yet. This couldn't go well for me if I fail...

"Rose you must go on your own at some point. Have faith in yourself, I'm sure you'll do just fine"

My Father scolds and I am left with uncertainty. I feel Jameson grab my hand under the table and I look over at him with worried eyes. He lets out a genuine smile before returning to eating.

I gulp and take a sip of water as my throat feels dry.

"It will only be a few weeks Rose no worries ill have plenty of guards and politicians to guide you. You can even bring Asra if you wish but I need this trip to happen. for the sake of our treaty with Karis."

My mother states in her serious tone and I know I must go through with this despite my gut telling me to decline. Not that I had much of a choice in the matter but my father was right I needed to go on my own at some point and this was the best opportunity to show my abilities.

"I will go to Karis and settle this"

I let out a fake smile and my mother seemed proud as well as my father.

"I'll settle the arrangments then"

She replies and I let in a deep breath.

I hope this wasn't a mistake.

Welcome to Changing Tides! I'm so excited for you to have read my story! I hope you enjoyed and if you liked it, make sure to add it to your library!

Fantasia_Storiescreators' thoughts