

"Cassandra run!" That's all my life has been about- running. Trying to escape one problem or the other, yet never completely evading it. This was my life. A life which was such a mess of secrets and pain, making it impossible for me to live like a normal teenage girl. Now, I'm leaving the only people who never left my side, no matter what. I feel horrible and I hate myself but try as I must I can't turn back. I'm running without really caring where I was going, my legs taking me to god-knows-where. And that's how I ended up here. In a forest. What was I thinking? Easy, I wasn't. That night, in that forest was were my life changed forever...

Voilent_Vortex · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Chapter 5- Heir

Cassandra POV

I paced around the room having absolutely nothing else to do. I think Duke wants me to die of boredom in here, I wouldn't expect anything less from such a cruel vampire. I've been just looking out the window and thrashing his bedroom just to spite him but even that is getting boring. I'm now just pacing around the room like a horse without a rider while planning 100 ways to end Duke's miserable existence.

Drake promised to pick me up today but he's been taking so much time I was tempted to just leave on my own. After much consideration, I realized that that isn't the best idea because of the number of vampires living in this building. I might be a vampire too but I'm still very much inferior compared to them since I don't have any abilities yet, not even fangs.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the knock on the door. Finally! I rushed over to open the door.

"Drake!" I jumped on him and wrapped my arms around him. Hugging is not something I usually go for but I've been bored and alone for way too long.

"Whoa, someone's excited", he said with a chuckle as he equally wrapped his hands around me.

"Duh, I've been inside this hell hole for way too long. I'm just excited to see that there are still signs of civilization", I huffed and he laughed.

"You're acting like you've been stuck here for centuries" he said as he ruffled my hair.

"That's Duke's fault", I pouted. I fixed the hair he just messed up, grabbed a coat and put it on. "It's kinda cold out there, where's your coat?" I asked in concern.

"Are you worried about me?" he held an amused grin and a glint in his eyes that matched his expression.

"I'm just not in the mood for an ice pop", I said as I nonchalantly walked out of the room. I giggled at the wide eyed look he was giving me which I found funny.

He just rolled his eyes and followed me out before closing the door behind him. We walked down the hallway and stopped when we reached a set of double doors which I assumed was his room. He placed his thumb on the black box and the door clicked open.

The room was just as big as Duke's. Damn spoiled vampires. Speaking of Duke...

"Duke didn't come back last night. Which I'm happy about but I'm just curious", I asked with genuine curiosity.

"Oh, he probably just had a huge work load and decided to stay at work", Drake replied.

"What does he do?" I asked curious to know about his job. Not that I care, I was just hoping he wasn't out kidnapping another random girl.

"He works for the king of vampires", Drake replied and my eyes widened in shock. King of vampires? Like Dracula? THE Dracula?

"W-wait... D-Dracula?" I stuttered due to shock. Drake just nodded seeming to be amused my shocked expression.

"He doesn't exist!" I argued.

"Vampires supposedly 'don't exist', yet here we are", Duke said with exaggerated air quotes.

"Your world is messed up", I spat.

"Your world is too boring", he countered. Eh, he has a point.

Drake went into the walk-in closet and came out wearing a grey coat that was sure to drown me if I ever get to wear it.

"Anyways, I have something to show you", Drake said as he casually put his hands in his coat pockets.

"Then let's go!" I dragged Drake's arm and dashed out while pulling him along with me. It was then I realized that I had no idea where I was going.

"Um... I don't really know where we're supposed to be heading, so..." I scratched the side of my neck in embarrassment as I felt heat rise to my face.

Drake chuckled, "You're cute when you're flustered" he said in a teasing tone as his hands went up to ruffle my hair. Again.

"Hey, watch the hair!" I glared at him playfully and got to work in fixing my hair all over again while he just laughed like the jerk he is. He continued walking down the same path I was following whereas I just stood where I was. "Are you coming or not?" he asked when he discovered I wasn't following.

"Wait, I was actually going the right way?" I asked.

"You were, but how long till you find yourself in a bathroom somewhere?" I didn't reply because he definitely had a point; but if I did end up going the wrong way he would have stopped me right?

I followed him up some stairs through a hallway until he pushed open a door in front of us. There were massive screens, consoles, claw machines and basically all the games a person could imagine.

"Wow..." I breathed out, staring in awe at the luxurious gaming room lighted in blue LED.

"Amazing right?" Drake seemed to be watching me intently not missing a single expression that my face failed to hide.

I wordlessly nodded as I walked towards one of the claw machines, this one filled with alcoholic drinks. I rubbed my palms together readying myself to get one of the drinks.

"Nope", Drake came up from behind me pulling me away from the machine filled with dazzling liquor. That brat!

"You aren't legal", Drake said and did an eye roll when I glared at him.

"You look fourteen" heck! that hurt a lot more than it was supposed to.

I'm sixteen! Do I really look that tiny?

"I'm actually eighteen" I lied with my hands on my hips while glaring hard at the vampire standing before me.

"You can say that in the next four years when you're ACTUALLY eighteen, kid"

He DID NOT just call me a kid! "What did you call me?" I asked threateningly although he didn't seem threatened in the slightest. "I called you exactly what you are, a kid, a teenager", he deadpanned.

"You look nineteen so you're basically a teen so you can't judge me", I argued. "I look twenty but I'm more than a 100 years old", he answered with a smirk.

"So you're a great grandpa then", I grinned victoriously because I knew I was definitely going to win this one.

"What did you call me?" his eyes dangerously glaring at me as they turned a bright shade of yellow. Oh boy...

I was scared and I wanted nothing more than to jump out of my skin and run the hell away from this intimidating vampire but my stupid self is just too stubborn. I decided to stand my ground.

"I called you exactly what you are, a great grandpa", I hid my fear with a wide grin... or at least I tried to.

"Did you just use my own words against me?" he was still glaring but his eyes were now back to its normal dark brown color. "You are definitely not going to have a drink now".

"That's not fair!" I stumped my foot like a kid in a tantrum and looked up at him with a pout. "And here you are, acting like a kid and further proving my point", he pointed out but I didn't say anything and just gave him a death glare which he was unfazed by.

He just ignored me and pulled me towards the claw machine with a bunch of brand new plush toys.

"Now this is for people your age", he sent me a smirk while patting my head as if I were a kid. I restrained myself from making sure this friend of mine had no teeth; although I knew I couldn't really do much since he's still a lot stronger than I am.

I pouted but grabbed the controls and tried to get a cute rabbit plush toy. Every time the claw picked up the rabbit I would immediately drop it. I did this like ten times before letting out a frustrated groan at my failure.

"Jeez, you stink at this", he said with amusement clear in his voice and just continued to watch my failure. "If Donald were here he'll help me", I mumbled under my breath not meaning for him to hear. I completely forgot about vampire's advanced senses.

"Who's Donald?" Drake asked as he walked towards the machine and got the rabbit I wanted on the first try. He handed the plush toy to me while waiting for my answer.

"He's my brother", I replied in a small voice trying hard to keep my tears at bay.

"You have a brother?" his voice was soft and pitiful as he looked at me making me want to cry even more.

"Three actually", I said as I walked towards one of the gaming chairs in front of the huge monitor. Drake followed and sat on the gaming chair beside mine.

"You have a family and Duke just snatched you?" his voice held so much pity "They must have been looking for you".

At those words, I broke down while tightly holding the rabbit and crying into it's artificial fur. "They were k-kidnapped", I managed to speak the small lie. I couldn't tell him that my brother's were arrested. "Also, I'm an orphan". I cried more as Drake rubbed my back soothingly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked", he apologized in a low pitiful tone. "It's okay", I smiled at him.

"I can help you find them-"

"No!" I couldn't let him know where they actually were though it would save me so much trouble but I rather not put my family at risk. "I mean, the police are already looking for them. It would be wrong to intervene" I tried to mask my unexpected outburst.

"Oh, okay", he sent me a small smile. "Anyway, enough sad talk. Let's play video games!" I cheered when my mood did a complete three-sixty. I didn't want to spoil the mood with my sob story. I immediately wiped the single tear that spilled and forced a smile.


"Stop hitting me!" I yelled but Drake just kept using his diamond sword on me. "You killed me!", I yelled as I glared hard at the vampire beside me.

"Oops...?" he chuckled when a cracked my knuckles in a way that was supposed to be threatening but it just seemed to make him amused. "Uh... sorry? I guess- what the-"

All of a sudden a zombie came out of nowhere and started to hit his character. "Where the hell did this zombie even come from?" he asked in confusion as he attempted to attack the zombie but he was miserably failing.

You died.

The words on the screen made me laugh out loud as he glared at me playfully. "Bro! That's karma!" I bust into a fit of laughter again making him roll his eyes.


Drake showed me around the mansion which was a solid hour tour. It was a lot bigger than I thought. We were now walking back to Duke's room because it was already late and according to Drake I needed to go to bed.

"Oh, what's that room?" I asked as I pointed to a door on my left. He didn't show me the room earlier so maybe he didn't want me to go there but I want to at least know.

"It's Duke's office so don't go in there", Drake answered while giving me a warning look,. "He wouldn't take that lightly". I nodded obediently just as we got to Duke's room. "I'll see you tomorrow" he said as he walked back to his room.

After he was gone, I sneaked out of the room and headed to Duke's office, doing the exact thing I was warned against. I'm stupid, I know but maybe, I could find a blueprint that would show me an easy way out of here. From what I saw during the tour, this place has a lot of security and they're vampires almost everywhere with heightened senses so it would be almost impossible to escape.

Or maybe I could find something to blackmail him with so he can let me go since he seems like a pretty shady guy. Though it may not work since would need to leave the mansion to blackmail him.

I got into the office and quietly closed the door. It was neat and organised with a lot of files and documents. I got to work in searching the drawers until I found a document that caught my attention. It said 'heir'. I opened it finding the requirements for this so- called heir to inherit something that I wasn't quite able to figure out.

One requirement was a wife and just a bunch of other stuff about behavior and etiquette and a few others that I didn't quite understand. I decided to read further to get to know more about the subject but before I could the door opened, scaring me to death.

"What do you think you're doing?"
