
1| Marriage Proposal

Marriage is a great relationship that helps you discover a new dimension in you. It's a path to fulfillment and happiness in life. It's a natural way for one who are two different parts of life to come together and find meaning. In fact marriage makes every human being complete.

The concept of marriage was way to simple for Aarvi. No wonder ! she had dreamed of simple marriage without any extra chores.

She's an introvert , a shy girl who wants to explore the world to no extent but the opportunity she get is less way to her expectations.

Far too many people don't excel in life because they are too afraid of taking the necessary steps to achieve their dreams. Some manifest fear as a safeguard from failure; others don't even try, believing that they are restricted by limits; while too many get caught up in the status quo.

Growing up she felt all these pressures, but instead of giving up to them, she decided to ignore them and instead of pushing the boundaries, she gave in. Had she not , she would not be where she's today.

To inspire herself to chase her heart's desires, she pushed herself inspite of the chains locked in her leg. She wondered enthusiastically. Though, she wanted to break all the chains but could she !

She sighed wondering why can't she stand up for herself. Whenever, whoever , whatever wants they decides for her life whether she agrees or not.

Gazing at stars, she sat there for quite twenty minutes before the door splashed.

"Get ready fast , they had already arrived and mind that - I don't want any clumsiness. Behave untill they ask you" her granny instructed sneering and left glaring her.

'whatever' she mentally rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Marriage !marriage !marriage! Fuck .This marriage has upset my mind since a week. I don't understand why my parents are behind my marriage. I'm just 21,dude !" She huffed complaining to herself, glancing back at the red Kanchipuram silk saree , which was neatly folded ,placed on her lap, given by her grandmother.


Guest had already settled themselves in living room. They were chatting randomly when the girl perfectly tucked in saree followed by Jasmine hair braid along with antique gold jewelleries ,descended down followed by her grandmother who had firm hold on her arms passing a warning glare with tight lipped smile.

"Your daughter is so beautiful" she was praised by the lady, seating in hall.

The so-called-family smiled on her compliments.

"Come my child" Rekha Shekhawat her to be mother-in-law patted place beside her.

She looked at her parents who permitted her before she placed herself , besides the lady.

There was an awkward silence, before she was asked her name by the groom's family.

" AARVI MITTAL" she mumbled.


Aarvi was studying for her exams which was gonna conduct after 6 months.

The knock on door , got misheard by her due to highly concentrated on her studies. She was pulled harshly by the loud bang on door. It was so loud , taking her off guard , pulling her out, abruptly.

On composing herself, she ran and opened the door," I'm sorry" she apologized the next moment to her cousin who walked inside giving her cold shoulder.

"So, I heard your are getting marry" Ramya her cousin, younger sister initiated. Aarvi made a perplexed expression before adjusting her big round -glasses , hanging on her nose bridge. A perfect look of 'NERD'.

"What you mean, I'm going to marry. Did they agreed ?" she inquired dobutedly, squinting her eyes while shifting the glasses, periodically.

"Unfortunately, yes!" Ramya rolled her eyes sarcastically.

Aarvi didn't utter a word not knowing how to comprehend and react at the unforseen act. She wasn't ready for the sudden marriage proposal.

"I don't know what they found in you . That they initially agreed to make you daughter-in-law who is clumsy , nerd with big glasses hanging on her face." Ramya mocked ; before Aarvi was effected by her words but now she was completely used of it.

"I think their son would also be like you ,an ugly man with don't know what income. I'm sure he won't be earning more than my husband" Ramya added profoundly wearing spontaneous look. She never like Aarvi for some reasons.

"You know how much my husband earn?" She stood facing Aarvi who was already staring her, through big-round shaped glasses placed on her nose. Though, she didn't expressed herself how badly she was getting hurt ; maintaining expressionless , hiding wave of emotions , she stood unaffected. In reality , he heart wounded by her family's behaviour who never leave any room to criticize her.

" One lakh per month" Ramya whispered extremely close to her face sarcastically flaunting her husband.

Is she praising her husband or his income?. Aarvi wondered.

Well, that was not necessary for her to know what her husband earn and how good he is. She couldn't belive her parents agreed for the marriage. She wonder what might be the reason behind.

Ramya walked out splashing the door, loudly that it might get detach the next second. Aarvi locked the door hurriedly and turned around only to look at her reflection on mirror. She kept staring at her reflection expressionless which changed into frown to wave of emotions and that's it , tears cascaded down.

She took her pillow and cried loud on digging her face. Her voice was loud but couldn't be heard by anyone out of the room as she kept pressing her face too deep which made her voice blocked. After crying her heart out she slept in the same position.


Following night on dinning table,

"Aarvi you are getting married after two weeks. We already fixed your wedlock date. This week you are gonna engaged with Arvind Shekhawat and next week all rituals would start probably and on the very next Monday after two weeks your marriage date is fixed" her mother Vienna Mittal spoke while serving food.

" But mom---------"

"Did we asked your opinion?" Aarvi immediately shooked her head slightly before lowering her eye down.

" Then , on what basis you are questioning. Look at Ramya. She is already settled with her husband being younger than you"

"Papa she dropped her study---------"

"Don't raise your voice Aarvi" her granny Vanshikha Mittal roared.

Aarvi's eyes got moisten seeing their behaviour towards her . How much she tries , she couldn't digest their behaviour for her. Losing the appetite she left without having anything.

"Let her. One night she won't eat anything, nothing would happen much" Vanshikha added rudely and all finished their dinner without Aarvi who again cried her heart out.


JALSA,(The Shekhawat Bungalow);

"When are you coming Arvind" Rekha his mother asked over phone.

"What happened Mom, why are you so desperate. I already informed you after a month, I will be coming"

"But ----"

" We have fixed your marriage buddy" Sameer Shekhawat his father spoke.

"You must be kidding, dad" he exclaimed

"No we are serious" Sameer, declared.

"How. I mean this is unfair"

"Stop your drama or should I cancel your deals. Don't underestimate power of Sameer Shekhawat." The threat was clearly visible. Arvind cribbed and huffed at his father demand.

"Dad, how could you do this to me" he whinned.

"Didn't we said you that we would fix your marriage after landing India"

"Fine do as you wish" he hanged up the call angrily.



"Wo!woh! calm down man . Why being so angry Hulk" Saurya, his one of the friend exclaimed dodging the vase which was about to hit him, the time he walked into his cabin.

"Get out of my sight" Arvind roared.

"Okay. I will, but not prior knowing what happened so sudden" he demanded leaning on wall , crossing his arms to his chest.

Arvind took deep breathe, controlling his rage," my parents had fixed my alliance " he informed calming his heavy breathe.

"So, you should be happy that you won't be the bachelor anymore" Saurya smirked.

"Get out of my sight" he again roared being irritated by the mock.

" No. Not gonna happen, Mr Arvind Shekhawat. Nope. Not at all. Now , I want each and every information about my sister-in-law" he rubbed his palm excitedly, comforting himself on one of the chair opposite to Arvind's.

"I don't have one" he sneered.

"Seriously?? Don't lie Mr Shekhawat. I already saw the girl photo hidden in your drawer" Saurya said revelaing his secrets.Arvind immediately snapped at him.

"I'm serious, believe me - I saw one. Um.Below the right drawer. Yes !" He informed innocently and the next moment Arvind threw each and every file on him not letting him to defend himself.

"You bastard.I didn't gave you access in my cabin to investigate about my personal life" Arvind yelled throwing the stuff reached to his radar.

"Don't" Arvind haulted abruptly.

"Buddy, that's paper weight. I know I'm more handsome than you but taking revenge in this way, isn't fair" he cried dramatically.

"Dramebaaz" Arvind mocked placing back the paper weight.

"What dramaebaaz .Haan?? Anyhow, You will get married today or tomorrow and what about me, no one would marry looking at my face" Saurya exclaimed cribbing as toddler.

"Btw, on serious note, the photo I saw in your drawer is ! Is she my SIL?" He inquired, comferting himself.

Arvind denied shaking his head, while rubbing the face frustratedly," No she isn't" he declared ." Infact my parents didn't knew about any girl and she is the one I thought to get married but-----"

"Why didn't you informed your parents about it" Saurya intrupted.

"I could ,but didn't had time cause of these office works. I was so engrossed that it skipped from my mind.I'm regretting now"

"But you could have told now?" Saurya frowned on his excuses.

"I could've but now, it's impossible. They have already fixed without my consent. I know it's my mistake as I never took this marriage thing so seriously and now I'm regretting"


" No buddy, my family is my everything and they have already given their words as promise to someone and I know they aren't wrong at their place. Its the first time they had took decision without letting me know and I won't let them down"

"Its about your life and what about the girl" Saurya argued.

Saurya frowned as he wasn't convinced by his alliance his parents fixed and moreover he agreed for something he don't want.

Arvind chuckled dryly, strolling towards the huge bullet proof window glass," The day I saw her, her innocence was the first thing which caught my eyes . I won't deny. I was attracted towards her innocence. She had never seen me ,let alone meeting me. Infact she didn't knew her photo is kept in my office drawer, being admired.

Infact this girl is unaware of the Arvind Shekhawat existence. She don't have any idea she's loved by someone. She didn't knew someone was desperate for her. Infact she didn't knew she was in framed in someones future." All the while Arvind whispered in low voice keeping his eyes fixed at stars.

"She was my admiration, Saurya." He spoke softly.

" But my family is my everything, I can't loose them for someone on whome I don't have a single right" he turned slowly and spoke staring directly into Saurya's iris.

"Every story dosen't meant to complete. Somewhere made to be only story" he mumbled, sadly.

After listening his intense inner monologue,Saurya's situation looks as if he had heard something foreign which he wasn't able to understand. His eyes were as wide as saucer , mouth was hunged open like a gasping fish and was staring him blankly.

Arvind raised his brow's shoving his hand inside his well designed trousers. Being surprised, Saurya was in his own land. Arvind shook his head playfully before coughing breaking his association of thoughts.

"My goodness bro, you were in love and that too deeply" he gasped like fish.

"Saurya, I don't want to talk on this topic anymore. Let's leave as its time for an important meeting" Arvind dismissed. The sudden knock intrupted them and the lady carring a file walked inside greeting them.

"Sir, you have meetings with D'Souza's in fifteen" Aanie his assistant informed. Arvind nodded and dismissed her.

Before she could leave , she halted and turned to look at Saurya, who stopped her.

"Prepare yourself for calling Mrs. Shekhawat" Saurya played mischievously bitting his lips. The shocked expression was evident on her face.

He knew she misunderstood his words but the word 'patience' is in his dictionary which he used profoundly.

"Thank you sir" she shyly tugged her hair behind passing a shy look to Arvind, who just rolled his eyes.

"Thank you. For what, Aanie ?" Saurya inquired innocently carrying his playful act.

"Sir. Just now you said to prepare myself for Mrs. Shekhawat" she mumbled shyly looking down.

"Yes. But in that case you were supposed to congratulate Mr. Shekhawat for his engagement. Isn't it"


"Hmm." He nodded innocently " Belive me. Soon you are gonna face Mrs. Shekhawat. Your boss, Mr Arvind Shekhawat's alliance is fixed" her face went pale with the information and looked down in embarrassment immediately congratulating him and left hurriedly.

"You won't change. Isn't it" Arvind walked past smacking Saurya on his shoulder.

"Never" he followed wearing wide grin on his face.