


The footmen led us to the head of the table and Opal was sat to the right of the table whilst I was sat to the left. The other officials then came and sat down with the prince seated at the head last. He was different than how I had imagined him so close. He was... smaller than I expected. I'm not one of those girls who lusts after a beefy man but that doesn't mean I just want the bone. I mean, he wasn't just bone, his suit showed that well enough. He was just a bit lean.

"And now, let the feast commence!" Footmen all along the table uncovered the plates in front of us which held complex looking salads. Everyone started to tuck in and chatter soon filled the air. I was seated next to an attractive young man who introduced himself as Rupert and kept trying to engage me in conversation. Opposite me Opal was in a similar situation and I could tell from the blushes that graced her face that he was flirting rather overtly with her.