
Chapter 6: One Adventure, Four Zombies

'Three zombies, ok I can do this!' thought Jack as he glanced the stumbling zombies.

Jack charged as he swung his table leg towards the closest zombie. The zombie staggered as it was stuck, it growled in anger and lunged towards Jack, gnashing its rotten teeth. Almost as if reflex, Jack quickly dodged by side stepping. He definitely wanted to avoid another situation where he fight was on the ground. The zombie, that now lost it target, crashed into the floor and rolled across the ground. Jack was about to slam down his table leg on the zombies head but was interrupted by two more zombies which had recovered from the table throw from before and began to attack him.

Jack clenched his jaw as he was pushed to become defensive. Weaving and blocking attacks from the zombies were beginning to take a toll on his body. Exhaustion was beginning to overtake Jacks conscious. He only woke up a couple minutes ago and even then his body wasn't in the best shape and was still affected by the backlash of 'Grit' yet here he was, fighting again, but against more enemies than last time.

As Jack kept on fighting, he could feel his energy disappearing at a fast rate and was beginning to affect his movements as he became more and more sluggish. As he continued to fight, his condition kept deteriorating but he remained determined. He didn't want to die. He still had thing to do, a life to live and most importantly, an adventure to finish.

[The God of Adventure is nodding in approval]

Jack kept on fighting using every inch of his strength to defend and fight back. But due to Jack's lack of experience and unnecessary thoughts, he forgot crucial information that could cost him the fight. There wasn't just two zombies that he needed to fight.

Sneaking up behind him, a zombie came up and sunk its teeth into Jack's neck, surprising him and making him drop his guard for a moment. That single moment when he dropped his guard, the two zombies in front of him took advantage of. They threw themselves forwards and attack him. He barely managed to bring up both his arms to block their vicious bites. Jack screamed in agony and dropped his weapon as three zombies began munching on his arms and neck. He struggle for a mere moment before the icy feeling of numbness kicked in and dulled the pain. A ferocious grin spread on Jacks lips.

"Don't you know, I get stronger the more you hurt me" yelled Jack as he felt power begin pump throughout his body. At first, Jack didn't want to rely on his skill for this fight due to him still recovering from the last use but he now that he was outnumbered and at various disadvantages his hand was forced and after the last battle, Jack had figured out a condition for the activation of 'Grit' and to even confirm his hypnosis the conditions for the skill got updated.



The user must suffer an injury and will receive a boost equivalent to how much damage is taken


With a determined look on his face, Jack flung his arms in an arc which sent the zombies on it flying with loose bits of skin in their mouths. They flew splendidly across the room crashing into the floor and tumbling away. Paying no attention to them, Jack used his now free hands to grip the zombie biting his neck, and lift it over his head then slam it into the ground in front of him.

Without missing a beat, Jack stepped on the zombie's chest to prevent it from getting up. Bending down, he recovered his lost table leg then proceeded to beat down the zombie's head into mush and a couple seconds later the zombies body started to fade away into golden particles.

Jack breathing was rigid and forced as he looked around at the last two zombies that had recovered and began running towards him. Jack grinned and threw himself back into battle.

He threw a punch towards one of the zombies, smashing their face and sending it fly against the wall.


Jack couldn't help but gasp at the sudden wave of pain that hit him. He looked down at his fist and saw it was bloody and several bones were sticking out. He suddenly urge to vomit but abruptly disappeared and replaced by calmness. The same was with his hand which was covered in a pleasant icy feeling.

However, while Jack was occupied with his momentary pain the other zombie caught up and tackled him.

'Great I'm on the floor again'

Using his table leg Jack quickly thrusted it into the zombies head then ripped it out without hesitation, splattering black blood and flesh all over his face. The zombie stopped moving and became to disappear like the others.

Shoving off the zombie his body he quickly stood up and glared at the zombie who had just recovered from his last trip.

"How the hell are you not dead yet?" asked Jack exhausted evident in his voice, "whatever, I'm about to kil-"

Suddenly Jack fell down back to the dirty ground and laid there paralysed. He attempted to move, but nothing responded to his command. He was a sitting duck.

'f*ck! Why am can't I move?' screamed out Jack in his head as he continued to struggle.

(User is currently paralysed due to the overuse of the skill 'Grit')

'Dammit, Alexa why didn't you warn me beforehand'

(Apologies, User but you have to ask to obtain that information at the time. We are created to help Champions not babysit them)

The sound of stumbling footsteps and disgusting groaning entered Jack's ears as laid face-down on the ground.

'So this is how I die huh' thought Jack as he began to reminiscent over the past couple of hours that contained probably the most action Jack has ever faced in his entire life and he wasn't satisfied. He wanted more. He knew it sounded greedy but he wanted more of this action. This adventure. This excitement tied to when he fought. But he was going to lose it when he had just begun. Jack didn't want it. He wanted to scream out in angry. He wanted to get up and finish the fight he started.

But these feeling changed nothing. He was still paralysed moments away from being devoured by a zombie.

(I don't think you should lose hope just yet User) said Alexa which strangely even though still sounded robotic somehow contained a hint of joy.

'Why is that?'

Suddenly he heard another step of footsteps and a growl which was then silenced with a loud smack. Something had hit the ground nearby but Jack couldn't move his head to see what happened by he had a feeling that it was the zombie that was about to eat him.

Suddenly Jack was turned over.

"Jesus christ mate, you look like sh*t" said Seth with a small smile on his face.