
Chapter 5:Glimpse into Childhood

In a small clearing in a small forest was two small children about equal height, each were holding plastic swords. One of them looked excited and had a determined look on his face while the other seemed to be unsatisfied about something.

"Prepare yourself Villain!" squeaked Jack as he charged forwards, holding a plastic sword that looked extremely fake. He was heading towards the other boy whose face began forming a frown.

"Hey can I be someone else? I don't want to be the bad guy," said Seth in annoyed voice as he held his own equally fake sword.

"Well, we can't both be the bad guy, one of us has to be the evil, otherwise who will we fight," replied Jack as he began to fiddle with his sword before holding it in front of himself again "on guard!". Seth used his sword to parry Jacks 'blade'.

"Why don't we ummm" said Seth as he dropped his sword down to the side and began thinking intensely. Jack sighed as he waited for his friend to finished his thoughts. After a couple seconds Seth face lit up and with a smile on his face turned to Jack, "Oh I know! Fight fake enemies!"

Jack stared at Seth listlessly. The contrast between Seth's expectant face and Jack's was quite a comical sight.

"No, that's dumb," replied Jack as he struck Seth's head with his sword causing him to yell out in pain. Tear began to well up in Seth's eyes and grabbing the spot that Jack hit, which now had a visible bump. He glared at Jack before running away.

"I'm tellllliiiinnnggg!"

"Wait, come back, I didn't mean it!" yelled Jack as he ran after Seth with a worried face, which was mainly concerned about the trouble he was about get in. They both dashed quickly through the forest, avoiding most of the undergrowth skilfully as if they had been past it multiple times. Jack was slowly catching up to the distant figure that he was desperately chasing.

However, he something caught onto his foot. A root which had grown upwards and had surfaced itself from the ground. Jack yelped as he tripped and landed face first on the forest floor. Everything then went black.

Bang. The repetitive sound of multiple banging awoke Jack from his slumber. He back felt wet, and his body ached as if he just finished running a marathon, his left shoulder especially hurt. His eye flickered as he looked around at his surrounding, his mind temporary forming a blank as he discovered that he wasn't in his bed. He then remembered the situation he was in. Jack sighed.

'So it wasn't a dream after all huh,' thought Jack as he stared up at the roof which was covered in cobwebs and grime. Jack did have such thoughts of this entire adventure being a dream and he would eventually wake up, however, this entire situation was real and him fainting and waking up just proves it. There was also the reason that everything felt too real. The musty air, the feeling of killing those zombies, the sweat that came off him and the pain. The pain was real.

Jack recalled the zombie that was ripping into his shoulder awhile ago and couldn't help but shiver. He went to touch his shoulder expecting dried blood but all he felt was…..skin. Jack quickly turned to look at his shoulder and for some reason looked as good as new.

"What the hell…." said Jack as he stared bewildered.

(User's shoulder has been repaired due to the activation of the skill 'Grit')

Jack then ask confused "doesn't that only power-up my strength, Alexa?"

(The skill doesn't only 'power-up your strength', it strengthens the body in every aspect temporarily, which also accounts for your natural recover. Sadly there is a drawback which is that yo-)

"I get extremely exhausted after using it, right Alexa?" interrupted Jack as he stood up from the puddle of his own blood. His eyes towards the door which then emitted another worrying bang.


Jack looked around. He didn't have much time to prepare for the next onslaught of zombies. His body was aching, he was most likely outnumbered and he didn't even have a weapon. Strangely, Jack heart began to beat erratically as he stared at the door in anticipation. He quickly ran towards the desk and picked up the closest one with much effort and smashed it back down on another desk attempting to break it. Jack continued to slam it until one of the table legs broke off. Jack smiled. A notification appeared.


{Weapon Time!}

{Congrats on your first weapon, although it does look and seem quite lacking in a lot of areas, it will be fine for a beginning weapon}

{Obtained: +1 Weapon Enhancement}

Jack didn't have time to celebrate as he focused on the table leg on the ground.

"Alexa use the Weapon Enhancement on the table leg!"

(Confirm that the User would you like to use the +1 Weapon Enhancement on the 'Broken Table Leg')



The table leg suddenly was surrounded in a golden hue which lasted for a couple of seconds then died down. The once pathetic table leg had the same exterior however the metal that it was made of seemed to take on a grey tint and looked tougher and firmer in general. Jack leaned down to put down the table to grab his new weapon. However, the door finally broke down.

'They really got to make some better doors here!?' thought Jack as he abandoned the idea of put the table down and using whatever strength he could muster to throw it towards the zombies that had just entered the room.

It crashed into them, temporarily making them pauses. Jack quickly turned around and grabbed the table leg and dashed towards them and screamed.

"Come at me, you undead bastards!"

Unbeckoned to Jack, a certain somebody somewhere else in the school building heard a loud scream and a voice that he had heard a million times. Quickly crunching the hard metal in his mouth and swallowing with a loud gulp. He turned to the direction to where the scream came from.
