
Chapter 3:System Activate


Jack Valor/Champion Of Adventure(Provisional)




Innate ability:Currently Unavailable


Skill Points:0

Blessings: Vocation of Adventure



Jack looked at the new prompts, his eyebrows scrunched up in a confused manner. The status that appeared in front of him seemed to spread out similarly to how a game status would be. "What is this?" said Jack not expecting a reply.

[It is the Trial System and is used to help Champions develop their skills] said a monotonous robotic voice which caused Jack to jumped up in surprise.

"Wha- who are you?" stuttered Jack as he looked around urgently.

(I am the Systems Tutorial Guide, and will be assisting you by answering any questions the User may have)

"Um okay.." replied Jack, before taking a deep breath and calming himself. He put on a serious face and asked "where exactly am I?"

(User is in a Tutorial Dungeon that was created for the purpose of testing Champions. The Dungeon User have entered is called 'Highschool of the Dead')

Jack listened to the robotic voice, and a smile couldn't help but form on his lips. A dungeon! This plus the status board makes it seemed extremely like a game. Jack couldn't help but feeling excited and anticipation towards the future.

{The God of Adventure is smiling warmly at you}

"Hey, these small messages mean that the God who dragged me into here is watching, right?" said Jack his smile getting even bigger.


"Well then," said Jack before he bent at a 90 degree angle and said "Thank you, God of Adventure, I will not waste this chance that you have given me!"

{The God of Adventure is nodding his head in affirmation}

"Good now that I got that off my chest, I got a few questio-..hey what do I call you?"

(User may call me whatever you want as I am only a copy of the program given to every Champion)

"Ok give me sec," said Jack as he begun to think about names to give to his new companion that would most likely be with him for awhile. Many names flashed past in Jack head but they just didn't seemed to fit. Jack sighed. He couldn't come up with anything good, suddenly he thought of a certain device that seemed to be in many households these days.

"What about Alexa?"

(Confirmed. Name has now been changed to 'Alexa')

{The God of Adventure is laughing heartily}

Jack scratched his cheek awkwardly. "I couldn't think of anything else," said Jack with a small smile on his face, "Anyway Alexa, why was am I so calm in this situation?"

(The reason that user is calm is because of his blessing that he received from the God of Adventure)


Vocation of Adventure(Blessing)

The blessing given to a free spirited, dreamer who always fantasied about going on an Adventure.

Effect:Suppresses any of the user's negative emotions and increases focus


Jack read the description and nodded his head in understanding. This certainly would be useful to him now as he had yet to adapt to this dangerous world. Satisfied with his blessing Jack asked "what about my other skill, could you bring it up for me."



Grit{S Rank}

Danger is around every corner and if one doesn't have the resilience and persistence they could possibly be killed.

Effect:Gives the User a temporary boost



Jack read the notification before pausing at the Conditions part. "Hey Alexa, why is the conditions blank?" asked Jack concerned, "is the status broken or something?"

(The status is not broken, it could be due to various reason including that since user is using the trial system which is restricted in several areas. Would then mean that user cannot see the condition until you obtain the full version of the system, however that is highly unlikely. It can also be possible that the skill 'Grit' is a skill where you have to discover the conditions before they appear on your Status Board.)

"Oh, ok thank, Alexa." said Jack as he stood up dusting himself off, "one last thing, how do I get out here?". As much as Jack was excited about this situation, he still wanted to go home. He still wanted to hang out with Seth and tell him all about this place, he also didn't want to spend the rest of his days fighting zombies inside of this dungeon. Although it did sound somewhat appealing.

(I do not know the exact method but it should be by clearing the dungeon)

"Clearing the dungeon, what does that mean?"

(When a dungeon is born, it is born with objectives. These objective are doors to escaping, if one wants to escape the dungeon then they have to clear one of the dungeons objectives. A dungeon objective could be anything but some standard one's that almost all dungeons have are the boss destruction clear.)

Jack nodded his head in understanding. What Alexa meant was that if Jack wants to get out of here he either needs to complete one of the dungeons hidden objectives or he could just attempt to kill the boss of this place which will be an almost guarantee escape method.

(However, User be careful, Dungeon Bosses are extremely dangerous and incredibly strong in their own right)

"Thank for the warning Alexa, I'll keep it in mind."

(Your welcome, Jack)

Jack was about the leave the room that he was in but stopped halfway through the door before looking at his hands. He had a complicated expression on his face.

"I think I need a weapon."

Hey all, Thank you for reading my novel so far. Please leaving your impressions in the comments.

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