
Chapter 1:A Champion's Test

Silence. Eerie silence plagued Jack ears and he looked around the decrepit bathroom he found himself in. No sounds of the usual chatter that you hear at schools, No distant yelling from teachers who are scolding students. Nothing. Just silence, and that unnerved Jack the most.

Suddenly a blue semi-transparent screen appeared in front of Jack accompanied by a fanfare.

{Quest Generated}

{A Champion's Test}

{You, have been chosen by the God of Adventure to undergo a test. This test will be overseen by said God and will help them decide whether to pick you as their Champion. To assist you in completing the test you will be given a blessing from the God as well}

{Objective: Survive}

{Reward: The God of Adventure's approval}

"What the hell…" said Jack even more confused. This seemed similar to certain novel that Jack had read before when he was younger, it was about a guy who funnily enough was also called Jack, and awakened a system inside of him which he used to complete quests he was assigned. However sadly the author of the book stopped after writing the first book in the series.

Jack shook his head, now was not the time to think about useless things. He began to study the notification as it may contain important information that might come in handy. Using techniques his english teacher taught him to figure out what's important and what's not, Jack began rereading it and after finishing he picked out a couple things.

First, this 'God' wanted to pick him as his champion, this means that he wants Jack to be his subordinate or 'champion'. This could mean that he wants Jack to fight something, because that's what champions usually do like in ancient times. Jack shivered at the thought, he didn't want to hurt anyone nor kill them.

Second, He was given a blessing. It may be an ability of some sort, however, Jack now had no idea what it was. He didn't feel different, neither does he feel some kind of power flowing through him. 'I'll think about it later' thought Jack as he moved onto the next thing that he was concerned with in the notification.

Third, the God that picked him for the test is 'overseeing' him meaning that the God who put him here could very well be watching him now. An unpleasant feeling welled up inside of Jack. He didn't like it.

Finally, his objective is to survive. That means that something here, will put his life in peril and this test could or may be life threatening.

[The God of Adventure is nodding in approval]

...Staring at the new notification Jack narrowed his eyes. A frown beginning to form on his lips. Suddenly a crash disturbed Jack thinking. It was came from outside the bathroom. The screen that contained his quest info disappeared.

Jack took a deep breath as he reinforced his resolve and thought 'now is not the time to be distracted I need to check out what i'm up against.' Jack slowly crept towards the door bathroom door opening it a slither so that he could see what was outside. His brows raising slightly, Jack spoke in surprise,

"....a zombie?"

It's body a rotten and held a green tinge to it skin, yet it also had tears and rips all over its body, exposing red decaying guts and flesh. It released a putrid smell which made Jack gag. It's jaw slack showing a collection of rotten teeth and lopsided tongue that stuck out through a hole in it's cheek. The zombie was only a couple metres away from the door and seemed like he was just passing by and accidentally hit a stray brick on the floor.

Jack quickly backed away from door, moving as quietly as possible, so that he doesn't attract the attention of the zombie.


However, things don't always go to plan.

{Quest Generated}

{Oops, You got it's attention}

{You,who is trying to pass the test, has accidentally stepped on and broke a loose tile which has now caught the attention of your new enemy, the hungry zombie. You will now have to fight but do not fret, there will be rewards for those who win}

{Objective: Defeat the zombie}

{Reward:Activation of Trial system}


[The God of Adventure is anticipating the upcoming battle]