
Chakra Spider (Naruto X Marvel X DC)

With great power comes great responsibility but Peter had never imagined getting in contact such power. Disclaimer: I do not own anything

EternalBliss4U · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Chapter 16

The rest of the night went by peacefully as Peter slept after thinking over his problem. He couldn't be everywhere and villains don't just gather near his area. They won't wait for him to arrive so he needed to have people in different places to help him at least delay them.

Jess was in Harlem but needed training before she got ready for that goal and he would be too worried about her if she was alone.

Fortunately there was another hero in that block, Daredevil.

Peter decided to meet up with Daredevil the next day after he had calmed down. They could come to an agreement or team up in some way.

There was also Iron Fist, She-Hulk and Moon Knight in other regions but he didn't have confidence in convincing them to work together since he was a new hero.


While Peter slept somewhat in peace, Kingpin was not very happy at how things turned out. He had just lost another one of his man to law enforcement because of the vigilantes.

Daredevil was a problem as he was too slippery but Kingpin already had a plan to take him out permanently.

On the other hand this new threat was still very much unknown and from the abilities he had shown, they could tell he was strong.

None of his men could take him alone, they needed to prepare for him or he would take them out one by one and he needed seem to be nice type.

From what he had done to Tombstone and his warning, Kingpin could tell they were handling a super Punisher and that was never a good thing.

Just like Norman, King also had his men watch and analyze everything that had happened with Spiderman to find the right manner of taking him out.

He had many men under him with super powers and he had advanced weapons so it was just a matter of preparation.

The only reason Daredevil became such a nuisance was because he had ignored the maggot and let his underlings take care of him.

Wilson Fisk known as Kingpin was a large man with a body that was ideal of sumo wrestling. He was a mastermind and an expert fighter with super human strength as he had taken the super soldier serum duplicate and the improved version.

He was an old hand at crime but he started from below.

Wilson Fisk was impoverished as a child. His father was a crack addict and he committed his first murder when he was twelve. From the start, Fisk was determined to be the best in whatever he did, and he believed physical strength to be a major factor in building power in the underworld. Hence, he fanatically trained himself in various methods of bodybuilding and personal combat, finally concentrating on the Japanese art of sumo.

His sumo training led to his interest in the Orient, which manifested itself in other ways. In addition to his devotion to physical strength, Fisk realized the importance of intelligence. Being from a poor family, Fisk's formal education was limited. He became self-taught, acquiring or borrowing (or sometimes outright shoplifting) books from libraries or bookstores in whatever he could find. Although Fisk learned a great deal in sciences and arts, he became particularly fascinated by political science. He decided that another key to success would be in using political techniques in organizing and directing groups of criminals. By the age of fifteen, his use of administrative techniques to organize his growing gang of criminals earned him the nickname "Kingpin of Crime."

Fisk took control of and merged juvenile gangs who were used to run drugs for the mafia families, started a minor drug war and manipulated two mayoral candidates in an attempt to secure power and connections for himself as his first big step into taking over the crime in NY.

It was an era of anarchy and Fisk came out the victor but now some other force had taken over his territory. Fisk already knew it was Norman Osborn as they had some dealings before since he was the Kingpin but now they were rivals.

Norman's ambitions were even higher than his as he wanted to take over the world of light and darkness.

He was a control freak that couldn't allow anything to exist that could go against him.

Moving back to Fisk, the man decided to invest in one of his researchers called Spencer Smythe. The man was an expert in robotics and had talked about creating hunters for special tasks like the Sentinels were created for the XMen.

Fisk had already got him to make him some to protect his important place and now he needed one that would hunt down this threat.

With this he won't lose man for nothing and would have an easier way of analyzing his foe. Fisk wanted to capture him if possible since Spiderman might be an enhanced human.

As for Tomb and Persuader, Fisk decided to let it cool down before getting them out or some big guys might decide to make a visit. He didn't want shield breathing down his neck when they have the Avengers.


Just like every other vigilante that came before Spiderman, Spider also had to face the scrutiny of the public and media especially J. Jonah Jameson. Jonah was well known for his dislike of vigilantes as they operated above the law but one thing was sure that he would always keep his dignity and he would never break the ethics of journalism.

Daily Bugle owned by Jonah was the biggest Media outlet in NY and one of the biggest in the surrounding regions.

J. Jonah Jameson was raised as a child by Betty Jameson and his stepfather, and Uncle David. David was an officer of the United States Army, a war veteran decorated as a hero; at home, however, David regularly abused his wife and son. As a result, J. Jonah Jameson grew convinced that "No one's a hero every day of the week" and "Even the real heroes can't keep it up all the time." Jonah was a Boy Scout during his childhood. In high school, his interests were mainly boxing and photography. He met his wife, Joan, when they both joined their high school's photo club. When the school's three top athletes started bullying him, he fought back and beat all three of them to a pulp. This impressed Joan, and they started dating. They married as soon as they finished school.

Jameson began his journalistic career by becoming a part-time reporter for New York City's Daily Bugle while he was still in high school. In college, Jonah started a rivalry with Barney Bushkin, the editor of a campus newspaper who rejected Jonah. Barney would grow up to become the publisher of the Daily Bugle's rival, the Daily Globe.

Eventually Jameson purchased then financially floundering Daily Bugle, with money obtained from his personal assets and large inheritance. Hence, the Bugle was now owned by Jameson's own company, Jameson Publications. Jameson served as the newspaper's publisher and editor in chief, and revitalized the photograph-dominated tabloid format. Later Jameson's company purchased the Goodman Building on 39th Street and Second Avenue in Manhattan and moved its entire editorial and publishing facilities there. The building became known as the Daily Bugle Building. Jameson's wife Joan died at some point under unrevealed circumstances. She and her husband had only one child, John, who became an astronaut for NASA.

For decades Jameson used his newspaper to crusade in support of civil rights for minority groups and against organized crime. His efforts in the latter area led to his nearly being killed on orders of the Kingpin of Crime. However, Jameson's brush with death did not frighten him away from publishing attacks on, and exposes of, organized crime.

Going through such a life, Jonah was well known and trusted by the people because of his deeds especially since he never went too far or made fake news to frame people he didn't like. Everyone knew his dislike for vigilantes and his arguments were valid. But this didn't stop him from thanking or congratulating those heroes when they did something honourable.

He was of the mind that heroes should work under the government or there should be some laws to govern them. Without laws man can never be trusted.

As such today Spiderman was in the headlines.


Attack on Police station stopped by masked vigilante!

Is the Police force impotent?

Where did the Fantastic Four go when the tragedy took place?

Where were the other vigilantes?

It seems he had gotten a chance to slam all of them for letting so many people die in this incident and even Peter was wondering where they were. He agreed with Jonah on this point.

The F4 were the guardians of NY but somehow they barely ever did anything unless it involved some big threats.

Was this not pride? Was it pride that they looked down on the small criminals and let the weak heroes take them on?

Peter did look up to heroes for going far and beyond but sometime's he wondered why some of them didn't just clean up the place.

Many of the Avengers could do it and even F4 had the power to do it.

'Maybe they have their reasons. I shouldn't just make assumptions with no factual data.' Peter thought as he walked into the University after a good night sleep and a good breakfast.

He had the training session with Jess for 3 hours from 5 a.m as they both had classes at 9 a.m. They had a short talk and Jess understood what he wanted.

She was very much focused after the incident as it was the first time seeing so much death.

It had affected them both since they weren't used to seeing people die. It had sapped them of their positivity for the time being and Peter was back to looking serious again.

"Hey Peter, what's with the long face? Did you get bullied by someone?" Flash called out to him while walking with his girl, Liz.

There was something different about him. He was wearing a black shirt with the white spider logo on it.

"What is that?" Peter was surprised to see his spider logo.

"Have you been living under a rock or what? This is the signature of the new Hero Spiderman so I had a shirt made with the logo on it to show my support. Yesterday night, we were one of those people saved by his actions against the electric villain. I would have died if he hadn't fought the madman so this is the least I can do for him."

Hearing those words from Flash somehow made him really happy as it was the first time someone had thanked him for his actions.

It was a nice feeling.

"I wasn't being bullied, just thinking about work. And, you should stop going out so late." Peter advised him since it wasn't really safe in the night these days.


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