
Chapter 5

I still couldn't process the fact that Aiden kissed me. After the kiss, I didn't waste a minute but rushed towards my place and never came out. A part of me wanted Aiden to follow me or knock at my door when the night unfolds, however, I decided to not show myself out for a couple of days. I spent the weekend indoors, reading and applying to jobs. It was nice to find myself in solitude for a few days, which gave me time to think.

It took a while when Sunday blew in and I decided to visit Anna for our usual movie nights. I left her a message only to know that she was planning on going to the club and invited me to tag along.

"Some other time, Anna. I really don't enjoy parties that much", I replied to the phone.

Parties trigger my anxiety and bring back some unwanted memories that I desperately try to bury with me. I knew that Anna would insist and I prepared myself to answer her in all ways.

"Come on, Haven", she said, "have fun for once in your life"

After a long conversation of her requesting and me declining, she let out a long sigh.

"Fine. Meet me tomorrow for the movie night.", she said, in a sing-song voice making me giggle.




It was late at night and I decided to take a short walk across the empty streets to clear my head. My mind drifted back to the kiss and Aiden. I never really understand him. His eyes seem to hold secrets and emotions, yet he chooses to mask them all with speckles of sleet and anger. I had never been this intrigued by someone. With all the thoughts in my mind, I didn't realize that I had been walking for almost an hour. I decided to return back when I felt someone's presence behind me.

"Lost, aren't we?", said someone, making me snap my head towards them.

There stood a man, reaching almost 6 feet, scrutinizing me with a subtle smirk etched on his face. I took a step back only to see him approach me further, frightening me to the core.

" I really have to go", I whispered, turning away to jolt towards my place.

"Why the rush?", I heard a bleach blonde man say, confronting me with two other men.

Suffocation enclosed me and I started breathing heavily. The feeling of powerlessness brought back flashes of unwanted memories, triggering my anxiety. I stepped back from them only to hit my back against the first man who approached me.

"Don't make it harder than it already is.", he whispered in my ear, ruffling the hair that fell on my neck.

I started struggling against them like my life depended on it. In a way, it did. I started crying after letting out a small scream as I felt more helpless.

" You stupid bitch", said the bleach blonde man, striking me right against my face.

I fell down on the ground, hurting my side. My head began to spin when I felt the corner of my lip bleeding.

"Now, be a good girl like you should be and give up," he said, hauling me up by my arm.

I continued crying hysterically while I let fatigue almost consume me. Before passing out, I saw someone pull me away from the captor and land heavy punches on him. My vision was hazy when I saw him take down all those four people with directed anger and skill. I fell down only to be gently grabbed by my savior.

A pair of familiar hazel eyes filled with concern were the last thing before me before I shut down.