
Chained to the Crown: Will A Cursed Love Find A Way?

‘How did things get this far?’ As far as I knew, it all started one year ago… ----------------------------- A tale of love, royal plots, and many adventures. The story is about a girl, turning eighteen, and about to hold the throne of her kingdom. She waited for this moment her entire life, and when it finally came, she was in a bitter position than she initially thought . She was surrounded by enemies, a father who didn't love her, a fiancee who was toxic like viper, a head of her knights with no loyalty, and the head of advisors who always treated her badly. Her entire life, she was dressed and lived a lie, being a prince of this country, a lie made up by her dear father, a lie that imprisoned her. At the day of her coronation, the one man she, wholeheartedly, loved was accused of treason, and she was forced to brand him 'traitor' in front of her people. will she be able to do it? ___________________________

ranmaro · Fantaisie
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97 Chs

I Don't Want To Regret It!

"I can't throw my gems away," I said in a strange tone and set of mind, "I can't throw them away... my precious!"

And then I turned around and started to run away from him, as far as possible.

I didn't know what happened to me! All I felt was utmost anger and even a tinge of betrayal! How could he ask me to ditch these two beauties? Didn't he know how precious they were to me?

As I walked in rage, I couldn't help but extend my hands inside my pocket and try to feel the two stones there.

And the moment I did, I felt more attached and warm towards them. I felt like I owned them for such a long time already.


However, just as I was absorbed in such a feeling, I heard this fluttering sound of the wind before I got myself knocked to the ground.

"Hey! Leave them alone!"

I saw Aroon standing on my side while in his hands the two glowing gems of mine.

"'I told you... They are poisonous! You can't have them with you!"