
Chapter 19

"Wait!" Freya shouted at Odin, urging him to stop. "H-Honey, please don't die."

Odin smiled at her as he said, "If we die, we die together love."

"As a family." Odin continued as he looked at Loki.

'Please don't include me in this!' Loki shouted in his mind

After calming a still crying Freya down and reinforcing the thought of them dying as one, as a family, Odin placed his hand on the chest of the destroyer armour. He manipulated his small amount of remaining lifeforce and directed it through his hand.

As soon as his life force reached the destroyer armour, its eyes lit up. A deep crimson colour shined from its eyes as its body jerked slightly before its hands started to slowly move as if testing its own body. After its hands were its legs that walked off the pedestal, the destroyer armour's head then twisted around and stared right at Odin, standing utterly still.

Odin right now looked as if he would fall over and die if someone blew at him. The man's body was now full of wrinkles, his hair and beard had turned completely white and his well developed and large muscles started to shrink. Odin was now truly on his last legs

"Odin!" Freya shouted in shock as she ran towards him, not even paying attention to the destroyer armour that was staring at Odin.

"Honey! Are you alright!?" Freya asked, running her hands over his body and checking to see if anything abnormal had happened to him.

"It's fine my love." Odin replied weakly.

"This was bound to happen. I'm old, very old and giving away some of the meager amount of lifeforce that I have left just made it worse." Odin said as he sighed.

"The armour already knows what it should do, perks of being powered by me."

"If he attacks, it will defend us. We need to leave, no-"


Before Odin could finish his sentence, space cracked, forming a portal like rift. And right in front of Freya a deathly pale hand shot out and grasped Freya by the neck.

"ACCKH." Freya shouted in pain, trying desperately to get air.

"FREYA!" Odin shouted in anger.

"Did you think you had escaped?" Adrian smiled, his voice echoing from the other side of the portal while choking Odin's wife.

Odin didn't bother answering him, just as he was about to use the last bit of Odinforce that he had to stop Adrian, the armour finally moved.


With speed comparable to Odin when he fought Adrian, the armour appeared in front of Adrian's arm that had grabbed Freya and slashed down, cleanly cutting his arm off.

'What!?' Adrian thought, shocked.

'How is the destroyer armour able to even injure me?'


Space cracked once again as Adrian's other hand made its way towards the portal, pitch black orbs manifested in his hands, destroying space as more of his body managed to come through the portal.

Reacting quickly, the destroyer armour charged up a blast of energy in his hands and shot it at Adrian, sending him flying back through the rift he had created.

'This damned thing is way stronger than I had initially thought!' Adrian thought, the rift he had created still staying open due to what he had done to Asgard.

Odin's tired mind raced, trying to find a solution to his problem right now. Asgard's enemy was through the portal that he had created, if Odin sent the destroyer armour after him right now it would give him and his family some time to maybe go to the bifrost and escape.


'There was another one.' Odin thought.

'As I am now, I am not confident in fighting it while protecting my family.'

'So that just means the destroyer armour is gonna have to come with us.'

"Protect Freya!" Odin shouted at the destroyer armour.

Hearing the command given to it, the destroyer armour instantly appeared in front of the panting Freya, its back turned towards her as it stared into the open rift, waiting for Adrian to come out once again.

Odin's heart raced as he watched Freya panting on all fours, gasping for breath, her face pale with fear and exertion. Time felt frozen in that moment, the weight of their situation pressing down on him like a heavy cloak.

"Odin," Freya managed to wheeze out, her fatigue and pain evident in her voice. "W-We need to go to the bifrost, if we don't, all of us and the entirety of Asgard will die."

"It's selfish…..I know." Freya continued as tears threatened to spill from her eyes, realising that they were basically abandoning all of Asgard to save themselves.

"But I love my family."

"L-Loki, please help me up."

Loki barely managed to hear that his mother had requested something of him, because of the sheer amount of fear he felt. The moment Adrian had grabbed his mother's throat his body had completely froze up. Not because of any ability that Adrian had but because of the sheer amount of killing intent and aura that leaked from Adrian.

'We're gonna die.' Loki thought in fear.

"Loki?" Freya called out to Loki, worry evident in her voice.

"It's fine if you're afraid, we are going to get through this." Freya said as she managed to muster up a small smile.

"I'm sorry for spacing out mother." Loki lightlyreplied as he broke out of his fear filled mind and gently helped his mother stand back on her feet.

Freya nodded her head, smiling at Loki. A pang of guilt hit Loki when he saw this, causing him to avoid eye contact.

"Let's go." Odin weakly said

The destroyer armour followed closely behind them, constantly scanning anything it looked in hopes of finding the enemy that had attacked Freya.

While Odin and his family went to find the Bifrost to escape, Adrian was rapidly making his way back towards the rift he had created. The blast from the destroyer armour had pushed him back pretty far. Not really doing much damage though.

'Its fast.' Adrian thought. 'Not as fast as Odin, especially after that golden glow started emanating off of him and his spear.'

'I don't know what metal that armour is made out of, but I doubt it could survive much of my concept eradication attacks.'

Finishing that last thought, Adrian finally reached the rift he had created after Draalok sensed Odin. With no one stopping him this time, Adrian easily came through the portal.

'Odin is truly on his last legs now, for me to be able to sense him with my soul sense when I couldnt the entire time I fought him means he is really really weak right now.' Adrian thought

'Hmm, that might be why that armour was able to even injure me in the first place, it looks like Odin gave it his life force as a last ditch attempt.'

'And it now probably recognises me and by extension, Draalok as a threat. Most likely it would instantly perceive Heimdall as a threat too because of the nether energy he gained upon becoming an undead.'

'Oh well.'

'It doesn't matter because I plan on capturing Odin and Freya. Loki is useless, I'll just kill and absorb him.'

Instantly breaking past the speed of light Adrian flew towards the direction he sensed Odin and his family. Half way towards reaching Odin and his family, the destroyer armour's head suddenly turned and locked eyes with Adrian.

'Ill quickly deal with this thing and capture those two.' Adrian thought.

"[Concept Eradication: Destroyer Armour]" Adrian muttered, pointing his hand out and firing the concept destroying black orb.

Knowing that if it tried to dodge, Adrian's attack would instead Odin and his family, the destroyer armour abruptly stopped. Its metallic arms gained an even greater shine as it charged up an energy blast, firing it at Adrian's incoming attack.

* BOOM *

The two attacks collided, however this time, Adrian's attack completely erased incoming attack from the destroyer armour.

'My ability will completely target the concept I want, it doesnt matter if it is separated or not. In this case, the destroyer armour fired off an energy blast.' Adrian thought.

'But that energy blast came from the destroyer armour in the first place, and as such it is apart of him.'

'It was different in Odin's case since the spear and Odin are two separate entities. But right now, nothing this thing does will work on me, I am essentially its ultimate counter.' Adrian thought as he grinned.

Continuing on its path, the orb hit the destroyer armour. The armour started to crack, slowly being destroyed as the destroyer armour tried to contain Adrian's attack. However, the armour didnt completely break down, about ten seconds after Adrian's attack had collided with the destroyer armour, the armour started to regenerate itself, albeit very slowly.

'Of course, marvel and its overpowered characters.' Adrian thought.

'I'm literally using an existence erasing attack, and this thing is somehow withstanding and regenerating from it.'

'It's a good thing I can just spam this ability.'


With incredible speed, Adrian blitzed towards the armour that was still struggling to hold off his attack. Both his hands were raised as he shot out multiple concept eradication attacks, targeting the very concept of the destroyer armour.

All of them collided with the destroyer armour's body, erasing it from existence. Without stopping his charge, Adrian continued on his way towards Odin, easily catching up due to the slow speed they were moving at

"Run!" Odin shouted at his family, turning to face the incoming Adrian.

"H-Honey please!" Freya shouted at Odin, trying to convince him to continue running.

"He'll just catch up, I need to slow him down." Odin replied, his voice strained but firm. He drew upon the last remnants of his power, feeling the weight of his age and exhaustion but refusing to back down

"N-no, i'm not going to leave you, ill fight with yo-"

Before Freya could finish her sentence she fainted in Loki's arms.

"W-What just happened to her!?" Loki asked, fearing the worst.

"She is ok, just unconscious. I need you to take her and go to midgard, your brother is there." Odin replied

"Can you do that for me, Loki?"

"Yes father, I can." Loki replied, he was more so worried about if he and his mother would make it out alive than whether Odin would survive whatever it is that was coming to them."