Tryfon trailed after the younger woman like a lost puppy, still not completely sure about what had just happened. He was aware that she had helped him big time, but couldn't
As they walked he noticed that her shoulders still shivered with the after shock of her earlier breakdown and her steps seemed to be unsteady as she dragged him along with surprising strength. Finally Tryfon came back to his senses and resisted against her grasp, effectively pulling her into a stop.
" Miss Cerin. I can walk on my own."
His excessively cold tone came as a surprise to even himself, but because of his nervousness and confusion he couldn't bring himself to take it back and just stared at his hand that was still caught in her grasp.
Cerin slowly turned back and Tryfon was shocked to see that all traces of her previous distress were gone and in its place was a faint trace of..mirth?
Tryfon was taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere and could only stare helplessly at her.
While he knew that he was by no means used to women and their rapid mood swings, he knew enough to know that this was just ridiculous.
With an amused tilt of her eyebrows she slowly let go of his wrist and started walking again without making sure that he was following her. Tryfon was at first conflicted about being treated so flippantly by a girl younger than him but he also put it into perspective about how much she was risking by taking him onto her team on such short notice and quickly trotted after her.
The two quickly arrived at the central area where each designer had a spot and banner set up and headed over to the small and off center stand with 'Cerin' written on a black banner with grey words. As inconspicuous as inconspicuous could be.
Even Tryfon, who had only joined the competition on a desperate whim could tell how unfair this was, especially when compared to the gold and purple, or blue and green banners that surrounded them.
Standing under this banner were the other models that were assigned to Cerin. She recognized them rather quickly because she had seen their pictures earlier but going off the nonreactive looks in their eyes as they were approached by her, they didn't recognize her.
Well not that she could blame them. That picture they were provided with was taken three years ago when she had just been discharged from the hospital. She was still weak and could barely even hold up a smile at the time.
The group of seven people that waited for her were all clearly between the ages of 15 and 25 however they were way to spread out and their aesthetics didn't match at all. Making it very clear that Cerin had just been pushed the overflow of all the other groups.
Cerin looked at all of them and ran through their information in her head as she tried to match them with different concepts and see which ones fit. Her group was composed of 8 members, Tryfon, Arrow, Siena, Akemi, Frona, Rin, Mia and Gordon
The one closest to Cerin, Arrow, was a young man who was sixteen years old. However he held himself very formally and could have passed for 20 in the right clothes. He would have suited a much more militaristic design than the ones Cerin had submitted.
Gordon was a 23 year old that would have passed for 15 in different clothes. His short height and large innocent eyes would have suited a playful and childlike concept. He looked around as he conversed with another taller man and the contrast in heights and demeanor despite their close ages made his cuter traits even more pronounced.
Siena was a girl who was 17 years old. She held a popular teenager look, with tightly curled hair and well fitted clothing. She would suit a more modern look.
Akemi who was 23 stood beside Siena. She had a smaller and cuter appearance that her age would suggest but had enough...curves to make up for it.
Rin, 25, stood right in the middle of the group having a conversation with the personable Gordon and looking down at the shorter man with a good natured but amused expression in his eyes. Rin was a very mature looking man. While he didn't look as stoic as arrow, he definitely wasn't someone that one would intentionally try to get angry.
Mia looked around semi anxiously and began to jump up and down doing quick high knees to kill time as they waited for their designer. To call Mia pretty would definitely not be a lie but much more than that the 18 year old was so full of energy that it rolled off her in thick waves. A true healthy beauty at its finest.
Last but not least, Cerin looked over Frona, who could only be described as an ice beauty. Long hair that reached down to the small of her back and delicate features that were on par with even Serana's during her youth.
Cerin looked over the groups base potential with positive eyes, but she realized why they had been all pushed to her.
Half of them seemed like they were just doing this on an unmotivated whim and all of them, save for Mia were unhealthier than the next.
Still, as she took in all of their appearances a grand idea began to form in her head and before she walked over to them she picked up her phone and put in a call to the gym.
It looked like the weaselly manager would be happy with her once again, she was bringing him 8 more members after all. As well Cerin put in a text to the trainer..she would need professional help for this.
Aaand made it!
You guys cant leave me any more okay?!!
Authors heart really cant take it~
But the reason this chapter took so long was cause of all the new characters! they do take time to make you know?
Hope you guys enjoy it~