
rishi's journey

CEO Rishi enters

he is a BTech completed student and with high dreams and have high goals and he joins Mtech in a university....and it's a university with a heavily qualified students and then ...Rishi says to the professor's that he want to lead the whole world ...that the professor's thought that he was mad..and in the class begins....professor teaches the concepts and writes a toughest problem on the black board and says ,,,,that one who solves this is a talented person and his pic will be published in the flexi of main campus ...but Rishi was not interested even he knows the solution and wents to his hostel room ....and he solves the problem infront of his room mate ..,,and rishi's room mate was shocked watching that,and asks Rishi that why he didn't solved it in the class room.

And Rishi says to him,,I don't require any popularity and Iam not that ...and again says that ..I lead this whole world soon,,,...story continues.....