
Chapter 2

Hank's features were alluring. His eyebrows were coolly arched, and underneath his double eyelids were his long eyelashes. His dark beaded eyes were cold and emotionless, yet sharp and beautiful.

His lips were thin with a little notch, the color on them as faint as ever. Combined with his pale complexion, it was enough to have chills running down the spines of those who lay their eyes on him. It was as if he wasn't a human, but more like the Deathlord that had crawled out from the netherworld.

Sara clenched her fists in fear and did not dare to step forward.

Hank seemed impatient, and he said curtly, "I told you to come here."

His deepened voice echoed in the room, causing it to sound even more frightening.

She could only take a few steps forward, when he suddenly stretched out his hand and grasped her. Sara lost her balance and fell on to the bed. In shock, she frantically tried to pulled herself up but found her hands grabbing at the man's warm chest instead. Hank stared down at her, then turned her over like she was merely a small turtle.

Her snow-white cheeks were flushed with redness, and tears pooled in her eyes. She was already an adorable and lovely young girl, and her teary face made her look even more pitiful.

But Sara did not dare to cry. Her throat tightened as she held back her tears, looking warily at Hank. She was afraid that he would find her noisy and kill her.

He held onto the bed and gave her a hard stare. "How old are you?", he asked.

Her heart raced in her chest quickly, she could feel his breath on her skin. Closing her eyes as if she was as good as dead, she murmured, "I'm eighteen..."

The expression on Hank's face remained stoic, and his beautiful eyes looked cold and distant. Suddenly, he scoffed and said, "So Madam really did buy me a little girl to chase away the Jinx."

Sara did not dare to open her eyes or speak, her petite body trembling ever so slightly.

He finally sat up and said, "Get up."

Of course, he was aware of this little girl and her background because Mrs. Bishop had informed him earlier before. If she was impure, she would not be able to get anywhere near the courtyard.

Sara sat up on the bed and found him sitting in front of her. But she couldn't get on her feet, so she just sat guiltily on the bed.

Hank suddenly coughed a few times, his hand got raised to cover his mouth and there was blood on it. Her eyes widened at the scene. Master Bishop was really on the brink of death.

When he saw her horrified look, there was a hint of smile in his eyes.

"This... scares you?" He teased.

He stood up nonchalantly and went into the bathroom to wash his hands. Only then did Sara realized, that man was particularly tall and slender, and with his pale complexion, he looked a little feeble.

She then recalled the muscled body she saw earlier on, and her cheeks were like tinted pink once again. While Hank was still in the bathroom, she quickly got out of the bed and stood by the bedside obediently, feeling clueless at the moment.

The concept of engaging a good-luck-bride was unheard of by the majority of the people in modern society, and so naturally, the young Sara was not familiar with such a practice. Besides, the fact that her chosen partner was the infamous Master Bishop, who was said to be cruel and brutal, caused her to tremble in fright.

Soon, Hank returned from the bathroom and saw her standing idly by the bed, resembling a helpless animal. The young girl had a graceful body, her skin as white as snow, and her face as delicate as a flower. It was quite a pleasing sight to have her there.

He went to sit down on the bed and said blandly to her, "No matter what type of relationship you have with the Madam, my grandam, you should behave yourself in the future. I won't kill you for the time being. But if you do anything reckless..."

He paused mid-sentence. Initially, he wanted to say that he would kill her. But the words came out from his mouth as, "Then have to be buried together with me." you will

Sara's eyes widened at his warning, "...

Buried together?"

"Didn't the elderly Mrs. Bishop tell you about this?" He asked.

She bit her lower lip.

It was only yesterday when she discovered that she was going to be sold off to Henderson, Sara didn't know about any other details. It must have been discussed in private with her father.

She murmured in a low voice, "I see."

She had a soft and gentle voice, and when she spoke ever so quietly it was so sweet that it melted one's heart to hear it.

Hank glanced at her emotionlessly and said, "As my young bride, you are supposed to sleep with me."

Sara's face blushed instantly, especially her earlobes, and it appeared like a shade of bloody red.

Her mouth went agape with surprise, and she unconsciously took two steps back.

Despite her reaction, he continued, "It's getting dark."

She let out a cry, understanding what he meant. She clenched her fists, feeling goosebumps raising on the skin of her back, but she dared not to disobey the man. Reluctantly, she moved towards the bedside and slowly sat down by his side.

He didn't say a word, and just stared at her.

Hank had taken the lives of many, be it men or women, young or old. But he rarely observed them. While a few of them were unusually unafraid of death, they never caught his interest.

This was the first time that he felt intrigued by a person.

This 18-year-old girl looked frail on every inch of her body. She had lovely eyebrows, a small button nose, and there was a pale mark on her tender lips as she was biting on them earlier. Her skin was fair and so delicate that it could be easily torn apart. Her neck was slender like a piece of sculpted marble, and her waist was so thin and soft that it could let a man can't help touching it.

Hank swiftly reached out to pinch her flushing earlobe. At the unexpected gesture, Sara widened her eyes in surprise.

It felt painful when he continued to pinch her rosy ear impassively, but she didn't dare to voice her discomfort. She could only watch him with a pitiful look.

He asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

"If only I can win you in a fight, then I won't be just looking at you," she thought to herself. She mustered up all her courage and answered, "It hurts..."

He was a little nonplussed.

Did it hurt just because he played with her earlobe? Were all the girls so fragile nowadays?

But Sara's earlobe was getting redder due to his pinching, so he let go of it and she hurriedly covered it with her hand

True to his legendary mood swings, he coldly said to her, "You'll sleep on the floor tonight."

Her eyes lit up instantly upon hearing him,and she no longer paid her throbbing earlobe any attention.

Sleeping on the floor! That means that there is no need for her to...

Hank lay down on his bed and ignored the girl in the room who was filled with relief. Not daring to disturb him, she silently searched around the room like a little hamster, and finally found a quilt in a cabinet.

It was April, and the air was still chilly, but fortunately, the floor heater warmed the room to accommodate to Hank's illness. Sara carefully set the quilt on the ground and tried lying on it. Feeling comfortable, she let out a sigh of relief.

She was born prematurely, and her grandfather had spent a great deal of effort to ensure her survival. Her body had always been weak. Where others could recover easily from the common cold, the fragile Sara would be bedridden for days or even months. Hence Sara wanted to avoid getting sick with the fear that if she ever did, Hank would be annoyed and would get rid of her.