
Chapter 15

Sara's mind was filled with Hank's words, "Isn't bad".

Scrollania College, the paradise and sacred place that students dreamt of, the finest high school in the country, was simply not that bad in Hank's opinion.

Due to her shock, Sara did not register that she had been pinched on the cheek.

After a long while, Sara finally came back to her senses. She took out the prescription that was placed under her book and said, "Master Bishop, this is the prescription I wrote. You... you can take it to the doctor for a check. It should help in curing your injuries."

Hank was quite surprised looking at the piece of paper. He then reached out to take it.

The words on it were written by pen, and the handwriting was neat and clean. It could be told at a glance that it was a product out of significant efforts.

Hank held the piece of paper and asked playfully, "Are you concerned about me?"

Sara couldn't stand his rogue teasing, and she blushed once again. She answered faintly, "This is a gift for you."

She nervously squeezed her fingers and said, "I have nothing else to repay you, but only this..."

Hank lowered his eyes. His long eyelashes could be seen clearly. He put aside the prescription and said, "I'll bring someone to check this."

Sara breathed a sigh of relief. Then she hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master Bishop, actually I'm very grateful for your kindness... but I may not be able to attend Scrollania College."

Hank raised his eyebrows and asked with displeasure, "You don't like it? Or do you want to go abroad?"

Before Sara could reply, Hank added, "You can go anywhere you like as long as it is local, but don't you think of going abroad." He still had many things to settle and would not be able to leave Country A for that time being.

Sara panicked at his sudden, gloomy tone. She shrunk her shoulders and whispered, "No, no, Scrollania is very good. Neither do I want to go abroad, but..." She bit her ruddy lips and lowered her head. "If I want to transfer, my guardian will be needed to agree and sign documents... There's a chance my father would not allow it."

In fact, there certainly can't be any chance.

Even if Yen still saw Sara as his daughter and agreed to sign the documents, Lilly and William would find a way to stop him. Moreover, Sara was a nobody in the Martin family as well as in Yosef's eyes. Deep down, she knew that it would never happen.

Hank extended a finger and lifted Sara's chin with it. Looking at her fair face, he narrowed his eyes and asked with a faint smile, "Are you complaining your predicament to me?"

Sara was confused, "Huh?"

Hank didn't know how to respond to her oblivion.

"Forget it, this little girl probably does not even know how to complain," He thought. Recalling the information that Bella had given to him, Sara had always been independent ever since she was a child.

Without doting parents to spoil her, she needed to do everything on her own. Hank guessed that the girl probably had never complained even once in her life.

Hank asked, "Yen Jackson is your legal guardian?"

Sara answered softly, "Initially, it was my grandfather. But ever since he got sick, the guardianship was handed over to my father... Yen."

Hank got on his feet and ordered the servants to prepare a car.

Sara asked, "Are you going out?"

He disregarded her question and made a phone call.

Being used to his indifference, Sara stopped asking and planned to carry on with her reading. Just then, Hank put on his coat and looked at the girl condescendingly. "Follow me." He said.

The Martin family was considered as a famous pharmaceutical family, their ancestors were very competent. When it came to Yen's generation, however, the family fell into straitened circumstances. The reason was that Yen was an unambitious man who dared not compete against others, and he only stuck to the foundation set by the ancestors. Many old medical remedies had been eliminated from the market, but Martin Pharma was still producing medicines. Due to that, a big financial loophole had emerged in Martin Pharma.

Nonetheless, the foundation of centuries still existed. The Martin family's villa was surrounded by scenic mountains and streams. They also occupied a better location relative to the villas in their area.

When Sara saw the familiar scenery before her, she realized that Hank had brought her to the Martin family home.

"Master Bishop..." She looked at Hank with her glassy eyes and said, "Someone will suspect your illness if you are out and about like this."

Hank unbuckled his seat belt and said, "We've got everything ready and this is the last move. I'm saving a damsel in distress, what's the big deal?" His tone was aloof.

Sara felt her cheeks burn.

"Then, you... you'd better not get out of the car." Sara looked out at the gloomy and windy weather, and she said, "It is cold outside, you should wait in the car."

Hank didn't feel like seeing Yosef either, and he told Bella nonchalantly. "Brinton,send the girl in."

Bella complied silently.

When Sara opened the car door to get off, Hank grabbed her wrist. She looked back in confusion and found a windbreaker coat on her shoulder. "Put it on." Hank exhorted.

Sara's heart was warmed, and she couldn't help but display a sweet smile. "Thank you, Master Bishop." She said.

"Go ahead." Hank told her.

Sara had lived in the villa for eight years. When she was first brought in here, she had wanted to escape so badly that every day she would try to think of a way. However, after some time, she got used to the abuse and started to accept her fate calmly.

Bella had also brought a man with glasses on his face along with them. Sara didn't know him, so she asked curiously, "Assistant Pack, who is he?"

Bella gave Sara strange look and asked, "Miss Martin, don't you know about Master Falcon's plan?"

Sara was lost, "What plan?" Are we not here to persuade Yen to sign the documents? She thought to herself.

Bella smiled, and he only said, "Let's go in." "Okay." Sara nodded obediently and didn't question any further.

The entrance of the villa was closed, and Sara knocked for a few times. When the housemaid, Madam Lockwood opened the door and saw that it was her, a change of expression crossed her face and she started reprimanding, "Why do you keep knocking? Can't you wait for a while, don't you know I'm very busy? Why are you back here, Sara? You're a curse to the family!"

The housemaid continued cursing as she banged open the large iron gate loudly.

When the door was fully opened, she finally saw Sara was not alone. There were two men behind her; one was tall and menacing-looking while the other looked much gentle and had a briefcase in hand.

Even though Madam Lockwood had worked for the Martin family for so many years and had seen so many people, she was still afraid at the sight of Bella. She looked at the two strangers cautiously and asked Sara, "Hey, why did you bring two men here?"

Before Sara could speak, Bella had already answered coldly, "Why are you so talkative? Do you want me to cut off your tongue?"

Madam Lockwood was shocked, and quickly covered her mouth.

Bella didn't spare her a glance, and he just told Sara politely, "Miss Martin, please enter."

Sara nodded, she walked past Madam Lockwood and into the yard.

The Martin family members were having dinner when the group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared. However, they were not too surprised at their arrival. Lilly and William had already expected Sara would come back any time soon.

But they didn't expect her to bring two men together with her.

When William saw Sara, she couldn't forget the humiliation that she had suffered in school. She said angrily, "Sara, why didn't you inform us before you came back? Just because you really are going to Scrollania College, are you going to throw away your manners? Have you forgotten all that Dad had taught you?"

Yosef gave Sara a disgusted look, "Why are you back?"

William's gaze fell on Bella and she scrutinized him. After a while, she pretended to be surprised and claimed, "Oh my! Sara, did you..."