
CEO loves me with all his soul.

Adrian Hudel has always been the invisible son in the Hu family, overshadowed by his elder brother Wryn, who was groomed to inherit the family business. Adrian’s only solace lies in his passion for painting, a dream he clings to amidst the cold indifference of his father, Wuner Hudel. But when Wryn abandons the family overnight, fleeing from an arranged marriage to the richest man in the country, Ethan Levistis, Adrian’s life takes a devastating turn. --- The cover is mine. The cover is of MC-Adrian Hudel. Free to collect. BL Story.

Zeal_Faust · Urbain
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48 Chs

26: Unfinished Business

The gentle hum of the hospital's air conditioning was the only sound that filled the quiet room. Ethan had been asleep for two days after first waking up, and though Adrian had been relieved beyond measure, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. It was like watching a fragile flame flicker, uncertain when the wind might blow it out again.

Adrian sat by Ethan's bedside, his fingers gently stroking Ethan's hand, his thoughts swirling in confusion and dread. He couldn't shake the memory of Anshi's words from the other night—their venom, their cruelty. It had haunted him ever since.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, and the doctor entered, clipboard in hand. Adrian snapped out of his daze, his eyes immediately locking onto the physician as he approached the bed.

"How is he?" Adrian asked, his voice hoarse from lack of sleep.

The doctor checked Ethan's vitals, nodding slowly as he made notes on the chart. "His condition is stable," the doctor said, his tone calm and measured. "It's not uncommon for someone who's been in a coma for a prolonged period to drift in and out of consciousness for a while. His body is adjusting, regaining its strength."

Adrian frowned, the anxiety still gnawing at his chest. "So... he'll wake up again soon?"

The doctor gave a reassuring smile. "Yes, he will. Right now, it's just his body's way of healing itself. I would say give it another day or two at most. When he wakes up again, he should be more alert, and recovery will be faster from there."

Adrian let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Thank you, doctor."

The doctor nodded, glancing down at Ethan once more before turning to leave the room. "Take care of yourself too, Mr. Hudel. You've been under a lot of stress."

Adrian gave a small smile. "I will."

After the doctor left, Adrian sat back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Ethan's peaceful face. Despite the doctor's reassurances, the pit in his stomach remained. He knew Ethan was strong, but something about the past few days had unsettled him deeply.

Just then, the door opened again, and this time it was Mathew who stepped in, his usual confident smile in place. He carried a bag of fresh fruits and waved at Adrian as he walked over to the small table by the window.

"Adrian!" Mathew greeted cheerfully. "I heard Ethan woke up. How's he doing?"

Adrian offered a weak smile, standing to greet him. "He's doing better. The doctor said he's just temporarily unconscious, but he'll wake up again soon."

Mathew set the fruit down on the table, turning to face Adrian with a nod. "That's good to hear. He's a fighter, always has been."

Adrian chuckled softly. "Yeah, he is."

Mathew's expression softened as he took a seat across from Adrian. "You know, when he wakes up again, I'll fill him in on everything. The marriage, the situation... he'll need to know."

Adrian shook his head quickly, his eyes earnest. "No, I'll tell him. It's my responsibility. This marriage was unexpected for both of us. I owe it to him to explain everything myself."

Mathew raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed by Adrian's determination. "I see. Well, if you need any backup, just let me know. I'm always here to help."

Adrian smiled. "Thanks, Mathew. I appreciate that."

The two of them chatted for a while, the conversation easing some of the tension that had been weighing down Adrian's shoulders. Mathew was a good friend to Ethan and a reliable presence in his life, but even more so, he had a lightheartedness that made the atmosphere feel a little less oppressive.

As they were discussing Ethan's recovery and possible plans for the future, the door to the room swung open again with a creak that sent a chill down Adrian's spine. He turned, and his heart dropped.

Lady Sachel entered the room, her cold, regal presence filling the space as if she owned it. Her sharp eyes locked onto Adrian immediately, a thin smile playing on her lips. But what truly made Adrian's blood freeze was the sight of the person walking in behind her.


The beautiful, feminine young man with his perfect, delicate features stood just a few steps behind Lady Sachel, his eyes darting toward Ethan before flicking to Adrian with a smug, satisfied expression.

But that wasn't all.

In Lady Sachel's hand was a pristine white envelope, and as she approached, Adrian's throat tightened with dread. He didn't need to ask to know what it was. His heart pounded in his chest, his blood roaring in his ears.

She came to a stop at the foot of Ethan's bed, looking down at Adrian with a condescending smirk. "Adrian," she said, her voice silky but laced with malice, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything too important."

Adrian opened his mouth to speak, but the words stuck in his throat. His eyes flicked from Lady Sachel to Anshi, who was staring at him with an unreadable expression.

"We've come to settle a few matters," Lady Sachel continued, her tone cool and business-like. She held up the envelope and gave it a little wave. "You see, since Ethan is still recovering, it's best to expedite some necessary... legalities."

Mathew, sensing the tension in the air, stood up and moved toward Adrian, positioning himself slightly between him and Lady Sachel. "Lady Sachel, what is this about?" Mathew's tone was respectful, but his eyes were sharp, wary.

Lady Sachel's smile didn't waver. "It's simple, really. I've brought some documents for Adrian to look over—nothing too complicated. Just a formality."

Adrian's eyes darted to the envelope again, the bile rising in his throat as he realized exactly what it was.

Divorce papers.

The room seemed to grow colder, the air heavy with tension. Adrian's face paled, his heart pounding in his chest as he took a shaky step back. He felt light-headed, the weight of the moment pressing down on him like a vise.

"Divorce?" Adrian whispered, his voice barely audible.

Lady Sachel's smile widened, her eyes glittering with satisfaction. "Yes, darling. It's for the best, after all. Ethan deserves someone more... suitable. Someone who understands him, who shares his world." Her gaze flickered to Anshi, who stood with his hands delicately clasped in front of him, his eyes wide and innocent as though he had nothing to do with the situation.

Anshi stepped forward, his voice soft and filled with false sweetness. "Adrian, it's not personal. I'm sure you've been doing your best, but... Ethan and I, we've known each other our entire lives. We belong together. I think, deep down, you know that too."

Adrian stood there, frozen in place, his mind swirling with confusion and disbelief. The words didn't fully register, but the sinking feeling in his gut told him that everything was about to come crashing down.

Lady Sachel extended the envelope toward Adrian, her gaze cold and expectant. "It's time, Adrian. Sign the papers and walk away with whatever dignity you have left. You'll be doing us all a favor."

Mathew stepped closer, his voice low and firm. "Lady Sachel, this is unnecessary. Ethan hasn't even had the chance to speak for himself yet."

Lady Sachel's eyes flashed with irritation, but she maintained her composure. "Ethan will understand once he wakes up. I'm sure he'll appreciate having everything in order."

Adrian's mind was spinning, his heart aching as he looked down at the envelope. Everything felt surreal, as though he were standing on the edge of a cliff, the ground crumbling beneath his feet. The thought of losing Ethan, of being cast aside so easily, made his chest tighten painfully.

But before he could gather the strength to respond, the door to the room swung open once more.

All eyes turned toward the doorway, and what Adrian saw next sent his heart plummeting even further.

Lady Sachel's face lit up with satisfaction as a familiar figure strode into the room, his presence like a dark cloud sweeping over the space.