
CEO lovers

Xiaoxiao lin the only daughter of the Lin family, one day she transfers school and meets a boy...who she fell in love with, mysteriously disappears. She waits for him for eleven years. On her 27th birthday, she meets a guy similar to her past lover...but his name was different. She finds out she is to be married to this person who stole her kiss...who is this man? What happened to her past lover? What will be the fate of Xiaoxiao Lin?

AngJo · Urbain
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34 Chs

A Tragic Night That Started it All

When I arrived at the door of the CEO's office. I paused...was I ready for this? Was me taking over the company..a good idea? Maybe i should leave..no i should stay. I was hesitant..but when i opened the doors...the office was clean and organized. The office had a giant window showing the city view. Then..there was the desk. I walk to the desk and place my fingertips on top of it.

"This is all mine now."

I then notice a picture...on my father's desk. It was me when I went to highschool before my accident. I grab the photo and look into it, it brought me back into the past to when..life started to fail me.

*bzz bzz*

I received a call from mi yang.

"Hello?" I put the phone on speaker mode.

"Xiaoxiao. Could you and Hyun hurry everyone is waiting for you at Min's villa!"

"Right right! I will!" I hang up the phone and finish curling my hair.

I walk to my closet and take out a red dress with some designer shoes.

I check myself in the mirror and grab my bag. I walk out and leave the house.

"Come on babe. We are going to be late because of you."

I entered his car and kiss his check, "sorry. Let's leave now."

We drive away and to Min's villa.

"Look don't embarrass me at the party okay?" Hyun says checking his phone.

"Hyun," i put his phone done "don't worry about me. Just don't drink so much. You have to drive me home."

He rolls his eyes and throw his phone.


I rub my arms and look out the window. Hyun...is my boyfriend. Today is Crest High's freshman party, well...a day before freshman year.

"Hyun can you close the windows i'm getting chilly."

"Deal with it. We'll be there in a bit."

I don't say anything, I know he will get mad if I do.

When we arrive we could hear loud music and people were drinking outside also inside.

"Did Min hire a dj?" Ask as i walk out the car.

"How would I know? Come on let's go."

"I'll actually go first and find Mimi. Just go find your friends and I'll get you later?"

He scoffs and walk to the back while I walk inside the villa.

I search for mimi in the crowds and in the bedrooms.


I turn and see mimi coming towards me with a drink in her hand.

"Here. Punishment for being late."

I push the cup back.

"Mimi i can't. You know my father would kill me if he finds out."

"Yes yes i know. The future heir of Lin Crown has restrictions but you're not going to be young forever."

I grab the cup and stare at it.

"Fine. Just one."

She smirks, "perfect."

I chug the alcohol and give her the cup. I then start to fill my body temperature rise and my head spinning.

"Mimi..w..what is in the drink."

Everything blurs and blacks out.

When I regained some conscious and feel a man breathing hard onto my neck. He then starts to kiss my neck and starts to rip my clothes.


I was too weak to move or push the guy off of me.


He then grabs my butt.

"Don't worry. We'll have plenty of fun."

I finally gained some strength and push the guy off. I look around and was in a room, I go to the door and run out. I look for hyun. The loud music seem to have gotten louder. I begin to shout for his name.

"Hyun! Hyun! Where are you! Hyun!"

Then someone whispers in my ear.

"Hyun and mimi are in Min's bedroom. Hurry Before your late."

The person then starts to chuckle.

My heart raced and i run as fast as i could upstairs but when i opened the door.


I was too late. He was already having doing things with mimi in bed. While she was moaning and digging her nails into his back. I close the door and could feel sick to my stomach.

I look for his keys and run outside to the car. Leaving hyun.

When I arrived home, my make up was ruined my dress was nearly ripped apart. My mother and father comes running to me and hold me in their arms. I told them everything i could remember.

Hyun, mimi, the drug, the man who almost raped me. Everything.

Father decided to cut all business ties with their families and switch me out of that school. Everything was a blur, till I met Li xia and Zi xian but both are gone along with my dad.

I close my eyes and shake my head. I place the photo of me in my uniform down and sit in the chair.

The new Ceo of Lin Crown Company. Thats me. Xiaoxiao Lin.