
CEO Love's wife

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Fear of maths exam

Everyone reaches home, then Xiao says that we narrowly escaped today, otherwise Jing would have already caught us.

xu says to leave Jing and think about tomorrow's math test.

Lin and Xiao shocked


How did we forget the maths exam, now we are not well.

xiao said xu you know maths please teach us a little bit

Lin also said please brother please please, please.

Xu said ok but I have one condition.

xiao said I agree I agree

Xu said are you sure

xiao said yes

xu said ok then let's study

after 2 hours

Everyone falls asleep on the table while studying

Xu lifts Xiao to sleep on the bed and lifts Lin to eat Lingo to your room

Next morning

Xiao and Lin are scared because of the math test. On the other side, xu is so confident about his maths test and thinks of a way to tease Xiao and Lin after the maths exam

At the time of the exam

xiao sees the question paper and suddenly she was very happy because all of the questions she studied last night with Xu

Lin is also Happy

After the exam is over, everyone goes back home and celebrates their maths victory.

Lin and Xiao then go to their rooms to sleep.

But Xu goes to Xiao's room and hugs her from behind.

Xiao blushed and said what are you doing.

xu said stop talking and let me hug you for a while

xiao stops

After some time

Xiao said what happened, why are you acting strange.

xu said xiao can we reveal our girlfriend or boyfriend relationship

Xiao shocked

xiao said what are you saying why do we reveal our relationship.

Xu said because all my friends have girlfriends except me.

xu is crying


Xiao is thinking Xu is acting like a child, how cute


Xiao said Oh Xu, are you acting like a child it's very easy if you want a girlfriend you can make one too.

xiao but I want you as my girlfriend.

Xiao blushed

Xu said if you can't then I can't force you

xiao said ok…ok….

Xu said you agree

xiao said yes....are you happy now

Xu said yes yes I am very happy thank you xiao I also have a girlfriend now

Ye ye... I'm going to sleep now

Xiao said go quickly

Xiao thinks Xu is a child.

Next day

xu said let's go to college together

Lin said what's going on here please anyone tells me

xiao said lin, xu said to me last night

lin ohh that's why Xu said this, that's good I am happy you to go together hee hee...

xiao said Noo.....

xu said why not please go with me now you are my girlfriend

xiao said that's right but let's go together today, it won't be suspicious of everyone's lies that the famous boy from college has come with a girl.

Lin said xiao is right but I have a way for you two to go together soon

xu said whats the way please tell me quickly

Lin said you can try to make Xiao your friend in school

xu said okay..... I can do that

Lin said it won't be easy

xu said why????

Lin said that the line of people who make Xiao his girlfriend is very long.

xu said what??

I will kill everyone Jio is only my girlfriend how dare he make Jio his girlfriend?

xiao do you already have a boyfriend?

please tell me.

xiao said no never nope.....

xu is happy and said no ia have a chance. let's go to college I have a surprise for my future girlfriend

xiao said wait stop what did you just say

Xu quickly ran to college Xiao thinks what kind of surprise Xu must have prepared

When Xiao reached the classroom, she saw a bouquet on the seat and said Xu has sent it to me, but I have to hide it quickly.

suddenly zing appears and said who sent this flower bouquet to Xiao

xiao said don't touch them it probably poisonous

but as expected zing can't listen to Xiao and reads the name of the sender

She was surprised the sender's name is Xu

zing said xiao why don't you tell me you also have a crush on Xu and you also send the letter to Xu

xiao said nope I never send a letter to anyone

zing said its probably Xu's mistake he can't know which is my seat

xiao said what do you mean

zing said a few days ago I send a letter to Xu it is probably his reply

xu appears and said what happening

zing said xu Thanks for this flower bouquet

xu ignores her and tells Xiao if you don't like Flower directly tell me. Don't give my present to anyone it is only for you

Lin said it is not Xiao's fault Zing said its for her

zing is embarrassed in front of everyone and said yes it's my fault perhaps I misunderstand.

xiao said I can't take this

xu said xiao did you dislike flowers

xu I understand you think I am poor that's why you can't take this

xiao said it was not like that Ahhhh...

fine, I keep it. but don't give me next time.

xu said ok

zing said you haven't sent any letter to Xu

xiao said if you can't believe me then go and ask him

zing said you are a liar. how its possible xu send you a flower bouquet without any reason

There are more beautiful girls than you and also they are not poor as you

why xu interested in you

Are you trying to seduce Xu? Don't dare close with him I am warning.

Students gossip bout Xiao they believe Zing because every girl's crush is Xu.

Lin said zheng you are crossing your line

zing said so what? you poor people whats your status

Lin said you have too much pride in money

so why is your father can't able to meet Mr mo

xiao said Lin keep quiet

zing was shocked how... how did you know it was a secret

zing embarrassed in front of everyone gossiping.

how is this possible zing's father is one of the richest people in the world

and another one said you guys don't know Mr. Mo is the richest person in the world

Lin said if I see that you are trying to hurt Xiao and spread rumors behind me, you will repent.

zing you...

suddenly xu appears in the room

zing said xu can you go with me to lunch

xu ignores her and said xiao what happened why are you upset Lin can you tell me

Lin said that Xiao was upset because the rumors which are spread by some students

xu said xiao don't be afraid let's go to the principal office and make a complaint against them

xiao said that's right Lin come with me

Xu said stop what's about me?

Xiao said," Go to your class and don't make sense". "Xu Okay be careful" Everyone is surprised to see Xu listening to Xiao

Xiao goes principles office and complaint against rumor mongers