

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
17 Chs


Sighing softly, she hailed down a taxi and climbed in

"Olive Hospital, thank you"


The driver uttered and they drove off



"Did you hear? 

Charity asked, making the drowsy Alex jerk up, almost crashing down 

"What the hell Charity!!! what happened?

He asked irritated, she just scared him to death!

Charity rolled her eyes

"I asked, did you hear?

"Was that why you popped out of nowhere?!!!!!! Jeez you just had to make a nuisance! Heard what?

Alex asked, rubbing his eyes slightly

"About the competition with the Stuarts, gosh this is so nerve wrecking yet exciting!

Charity squeeled, Alex frowned and then widened his eyes

"Tell me you're joking"

He said

"what? No! it's true, everybody in Cherry is talking about it, how come you didn't hear?

Charity narrowed her eyes and Alex waved his hands 

"Well if it's true, then we're just gonna waste our time, I bet if Stuart is even taking this as a competition, they're far more skilled and talented than us"

Alex dismissed as he placed his forehead on his desk

That didn't settle well for Charity, because she smacked his head

Alex cursed a short "damn you", glaring at her 

"What was that for?!

Charity folded her arms under her breast

"Why would you say that? are you trying to say we can't compete against them? are you doubting my designing skills?

She raised her voice slightly, annoys that Alex would think such

Alex shook his head in disbelief

"Charity, I ain't doubting your skills and I do not doubt it, but this is the Stuarts we're talking about, have you forgotten that Timothy and Nicklaus works there? come on girl! those two are possessed with designing skills than you could ever know or have!

Charity wanted to retort but kept mum with grievance in her heart

As much as she would hate to accept, those two were really wizards when it comes to designing, though she's talented and could boast of her skills to some extent, but can never raise her head when those two were around

If Nicklaus would be considered to be a wizard in designing, then Timothy would be a demigod, and to top it all, those two are working for the Stuarts

Charity felt like crying blood, and she couldn't help but want to see sense in what Alex said

To the Stuarts, could this even be counted as a competition?

"Well, boss never backs down, I hope you understand that, so as long as we're in, then we're in, nothing more, nothing less, so you better don't slack off and stop sleeping on duty!!!

Charity yelled and stormed out, making Alex cringe

"She's just so annoying!

He whined

Charity, being the Chief designer of Cherry Fashionista was a young, vibrant independent lady who's always devoted to her work 

Another secret about her, which is actually not a secret, cause everyone in Fashionista knows about it, is that, she had a crush on their boss.

Vance Sy, a handsome bachelor, sweet and kind with a smiling face.

You never know when he's angry, you can never tell when he gets annoyed and that was the most dangerous thing about him

He can press a hot iron on your face and still smile while watching your face burn 

A knock resounded at the door and Charity waited patiently to be granted permission for entrance

"Come in"

The voice she was most addicted to and would never get tired of listening to, the voice that has always haunted her dreams and had given her sleepless nights, making her daydream, that voice pulled her in like a magnet as she pushed opened the door

"Good evening Vance"

Charity acknowledged as she sashayed her way towards his desk

With a smile, Vance looked up at the extremely beautiful woman and friend

Yes, Vance and Charity have more of friendship than a boss and employee type of relationship

They had known each other from their university years but in as much as they were friends, there was still a reasonable amount of respect amongst them

"Hey Iron lady, hope you brought goodnews or rather good ideas?

Vance said.

"Well..." Charity shrugged "...a little, nothing spectacular yet, you know this was sudden, the Japanese investors had always worked with the Stuarts, so we trying to fit in, is....I don't know....weird?

Vance closes the file he was going through

"How is it so sudden? we can do whatever the Stuarts can do, they're just keeping up with the position because we haven't stood up to them, now I want them to realize they ain't only meant for the best, Fashionista will beat them"

He smirked

Charity was so awed by his courage but something still bothered her, something they couldn't overlook

"But Vance, you know they got the two world's most famous and talented designers, so how.....

"And we got you, Charity Montage, have you so little faith in yourself? or in me? hmmm muchacho?

Vance asked and Charity laughed at the funny nickname he gave her

It wasn't the first time he called her that but she can never get used to it, as it makes her chuckle whenever she hears it

This was it, once of the many Vance charm that made her fall for him

"Alright Vance but what if we couldn't covet the investors to our side?

She asked

She saw Vance give a lopsided smile

"We can and we would"


"Summer, Jay will be fine, stop pacing around much or you'll end up being hospitalized"

Lilian assured, she too was anxiously waiting just as outside the operating room but watching Summer move to and fro frequently was beginning to give her a headache

"I can't Lily, I just can't, I can't sit at a place, I can't think straight nor relax, Gosh Lily, Jay is in there, fighting for his life, I know we've all waited for this day for so long but now it's here, I very anxious"

Summer said at a go, her eyes getting all misty red 

Lilian stood up immediately and took Summer in her arms

She knew her friend, although she appeared to be strong and never cries at all but concerning her loved ones, Summer would be a melted leaf

"Lily tell me huh? Tell me now, what would I do if-if Jay leaves me? mom and dad left me, what if Jay leaves me too?

Summer's shoulder shook

Lilian's grip on Summer's shoulders tightened like her life depended on it and she shook her head frantically

"Don't say such a thing Summer, Jay is very strong, remember how he had always defended us during highschool?

He'll fight to come out from that damned operating room, you'll see"

Lilian smiled through tears

Few minutes later after Summer had calmed down, she sniffed as they broke from the hug

"Thanks Lily, I don't know what I would have done without you by my side all these years"

Summer confessed

Lily smiled and guided her to the chair near the wall.

It didn't take long for the door to open and a group of exhausted doctors walked out. Apparently, the operation took five hours

Summer and Lilian rose to their feet immediately Jacob was wheeled out 


They both called out, he was unconscious and so couldn't respond to them

They both turned to the doctor

"Doctor, how did it go? how is my brother?

Summer asked in anticipation while their hearts hammered against their chests 

With a sigh, a smile broke out through his the tired face of the doctor

"The situation was tricky as it regards the brain, it's a good thing also that the surgery took place sooner than later, as it would have been disastrous but we've got everything under control and he is safe now, he just have to rest for a day and then he can go home after we've monitored his recovery"

Summer almost shouted when she realized that Jay would have been in danger completely had it been the surgery took place later rather than sooner

She couldn't help but think that in this case, Mrs Stuart was really a blessing in disguise for her today

Lily squeeled in delight

"Thank you doctor, we really appreciate!

She said, and when the doctor gave a brief nod, leaving them, Summer and Lily jumped into each other's arms in joy

"Oh my God, oh my God!!! he's okay! he's fine!!!!

Summer rejoiced

"Yes my sweetheart, Jay is fine now, told you he's got a strong will to live".

Lily uttered


Lily volunteered to go get food for them whilst Summer stays behind, they had decided to stay till the sedative given to Jacob wears off

They really wanted to see him awake before retiring for the night

Summer found it difficult to supress her joy as she sat waiting, then something struck her, a thought that made her slightly panicky

How was he gonna tell her brother and Lily about the deal she made with Lucian?

She was sure Lilian's gonna break her head or even go as far as tracking Lucian to go make trouble but Summer knows it would be a disaster

And her brother? 

He wouldn't take it at all and worst of all, he would blame himself in self guilt, thinking it was all because of his situation

"Uff!!!! Just uffff! what am I going to do! I can't hide this at all, especially when I'm gonna start staying with him"

Summer frustratedly ruffled her hair 

'Mipan Zuzuzu'

The funny ringtone of her phone brought her out of her thoughts

Seeing the unknown caller ID, she narrowed her pretty eyes 


She uttered in a low Voice after picking up on the fourth ring

"She picked up, hello my dear"

A familiar and unfamiliar voice rang out

"Umm.....sorry who's this?

Summer asked, though the voice sounded a bit familiar to her, she still couldn't decipher who it belonged to

Rosanna took a quick sip of her lemon tea

"Lucian's mom"

She answered and Summer quickly held her forehead

"Ohh Mrs Stuart, ahh um...how are you?

Summer asked 

"Forget about how I am, how did it go? tell me everything, were you able to seduce him?

Rosanna asked excitedly like a little child who can't wait to have her favorite toy

Cooper, Rosanna's butler who was standing beside shook his head 

His boss lady was so blunt, luckily he's gotten used to her character already

It was just the young lady over the phone he's pitying

Summer choked on her saliva

"Ma'am you....I...."

Summer stuttered, not knowing what to say

Jesus, how could she say something like that without stuttering!

Mrs Stuart was just so so shameless

Rosanna rolled her eyes

"Hey darling, don't be ashamed, tell me everything"

Summer sighed

"Umm we actually came to an agreement, already, he's having the idea of having a contracted wife and so I happened to come on time to fit into the role"

Rosanna opened her mouth so wide

"Uhhhhhhh!!!!!!! you're already in?!!!!!! that was so fast, hehehe I can't wait to visit the both of you, I'll arrange the biggest wedding of all times!!! Ohhh Cooper!!! we have a wedding to plan!!!!

Cooper surprised to hear that.

Whose wedding?

Who's Cooper?

Summer thought but then her eyes widened

"No no Mrs Stuart, please don't, it's just a contract marriage, have you forgotten already?

Summer reminded, she was about to cry already

This woman was a lot!

It was then Rosanna simmered down as she came to the realization

The next moment she pouted

"Ohh .. you're right"

She sighed

"Anyways ..... it's still a good thing, save my number and keep me posted, I won't interfere .....for now"

She added and hung up

Immediately she dropped the phone, Rosanna narrowed her eyes, her eyes danced with mirth 

Cooper knew that expression so well, his boss lady was surely planning something mischievous

"Ma'am, if I may ask, whose wedding are we planning?

"My son's"

Rosanna smiled 

Cooper gasped

"Your son? You mean Lucian?

He asked still unable to believe it

Rosanna rolled her eyes and glared at cooper, clicking her tongue, she said

"Tsk....what do you even know"


Summer felt a headache coming

Is Mrs Stuart really planning on killing her with a high blood pressure?

Arrange a wedding?

In the name of a fake marriage?

Good Lord, never!!

Her tummy growled and just in time, Lilian came back with a bag containing their food



A Black Rolls Royce Phantom drove at a steady and average speed into the Villa and pulled to a halt afterwards

An average man highlighted at once from the driver's seat and swiftly opened the door of the rear seat for Lucian to step out

The majestic, exquisite and heavenly mansion stood out in the middle

Lucian paused and turned to look at the driver who went back into the car to sit and wait


He called out

"Yes Sir"

The Driver answered

"You can retire for the night"

Lucian uttered and walked further into the mansion, leaving the surprised Gabriel still in the car

Hold on a second.....

Mr. Stuart actually came home to spend the night!


He was shocked but quickly started the car and proceeded to drive into the garage

Rose, a woman in her late forties, also Lucian's house keeper was seated on the couch, browsing through her phone when she saw Lucian enter the house

"Mr Stuart?

She called surprised, standing up from the couch

"welcome Mr Stuart, are you here to get something? I'll arrange it for you"

Rose said politely

"No worries, make dinner if there isn't, I'll be in my room when you're done"

Lucian ordered and climbed the stairs

Rose was surprised

Mr Stuart is here to spend the night?

Lucian was never the home type, infact he spends more of his nights at the office, that was why his office was decorated in a way that there was a mini room for resting

Rose could count with her fingers, the number of times Lucian came to the mansion and if he eventually does, he never spends the night, he would only come to get something and leave thereafter

That was why she had asked him if he needed anything

Coming out of her thoughts, Rose hurried to the kitchen to prepare dinner for him

Thank God she made soup and some vegetable rice which she stocked in the fridge

Now, she just have to microwave them and serve


Water from the shower poured right on Lucian's head, flowing down in groups of little streams to his back and down to his narrow waist and legs, disappearing into the water hole

His muscles, toned and firm with the right proportion

His waist narrow

The kind of body that would get any lady drooling and fantasizing

Coming out from the bathroom with only a towel wrapped round his waist, he proceeded in drying his hair, that was when he recalled about the contract

His brows furrowed and eyes, narrowed

Why was the little woman not here yet?

Is she finding it difficult to locate the Villa?

Lucian thought

He didn't even have her number.

That woman!

Is she taking this as a joke?!

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Daisy_Avacreators' thoughts