

Have you ever met that someone who could be sassy like anything else and rude beyond imagination? Well if no, then meet Summer Hales, a young promiscuous girl who dropped out of school just for part-time jobs in order to pay her brother's hospital bills She is the perfect definition of "Rudeness ain't only for the rich" When she loves, she makes a devotion to that one next to her heart but when she hates, she's devious. She's courageous and fearless, strong and fierce, but all those qualities were a facade she put on so as not to be hurt ever again "Never fall and keep tall" was her daily adage, not untill she met him... Lucian Stuart, the most powerful man, not just a man but a bachelor in Los Angeles Cold hearted and aloof was the perfect definition for him A detester of the word called "Love" and a devil to those who betrays or messes with him Situation calls for Lucian Stuart to have a wife but that was totally impossible for someone like him who has issues for love and women But then, Fate played it's card and Summer Hales had to make a deal with Lucian Stuart, a contract to become his wife, a temporary wife. With these two soulless souls and heartless hearts, one rude and sassy and the other, Cold and aloof, would there be a kindled fire? Is love possible for the both of them? (EXTRACT ).... "You need money and I need a wife, so deal or no deal? Lucian lazily asked ignoring the woman who was glaring at him as if wishing for him to drop dead at the moment "Just know it's a contract and nothing more!! Summer boomed "It is what it is, if not so urgent, I wouldn't consider a flat woman like you" Summer almost puked blood hearing him Flat woman? did he just say I'm flat?! She subconsciously looked down at her boobs and understood "What a spoilt unscrupulous man! She mumbled and Lucian's gaze darkened as he gripped her arm tight "What did you say? He demanded, his face gloomy....

Daisy_Ava · Fantaisie
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17 Chs


Summer turned around immediately and ran but Lucian was faster, he caught her and carried her into the room, ignoring her kicking and struggling


"Let me down! Let me down you pervert!!!!

Summer screamed and kicked and even punched his shoulders but he didn't even flinch, instead her fist hurt as a result of punching his shoulders that were like rocks

Lucian spanked her ass

"Stop squirming!

Summer blushed furiously, 

How dare he!!!

How dare he spank my ass?!!

"What are you trying to do? Mr Stuart I'm saying for the last time!! LET ME DOWN!!

Did you hear that?!!!

Getting to the room that looked more heaven like than the room where she had escaped from, Lucian did let her down but on the bed, he threw her like a weightless object

Immediately, she made to climb down from the bed at once but Lucian grabbed her ankle and drew her back, hovering over her and straddling her 

"What, the man couldn't satisfy you and you had to escape, knowing I'm here, you had to play your cards and damn right they were, cause I'm the biggest fish you could think off, huh?

Summer was dumbfounded

How quickly he analysed everything in his head!

Summer clicked her tongue and stared at him

"They say you're the most richest business man in LA, but I'm wondering if you're depreciating in brains everyday or is this the same brain you achieved the title with?

Lucian almost puked blood

"Running your mouth, are we? Why not put your mouth to a better use other than talking?

He smirked

A smirk that looked devilish at the moment


Lucian cursed with the sudden pain he felt on his arm

The little woman just bit him

"There I put my mouth to a better use, now let me go!!! Pervert!

Lucian's gaze locked at her lips as she was busy talking and his mind got into a frenzy

Lucian, you need to come off it immediately!

He chided himself and got off her

"You must be in need of money that you would sell yourself to any man, the last you pretended to escape from a man you promised to sleep with and this time around, knowing I'm here, you also did the same thing, well your dream is coming through"

Summer sat up on the bed and looked at him puzzled

What dream is coming through?

"What are you talking about now, what dream?

She asked

Lucian gazed at her indifferently

"Be my wife and I'll pay you"

Summer froze, not because she was shocked, but because she thought he must have lost a few screws upstairs

"Tsk can't afford to deal with you any further, the legendary Lucian Stuart is a psychopath after all"

She got up, adjusted her dress and walked to the door.

"I'll pay you $149, 831 if you accept my offer"

Summer halted

What did she just hear him say?!!!

One hundred and fourty nine plus dollars?!!!!

She immediately turned around to look at him that almost gave her a whiplash

"It'll be temporary and it'll be a fake identity till five months time"

Lucian added 


"So how is the stunt job going?

Lily asked Summer


She called when her friend seemed lost in thought


Summer asked absent-mindedly, making Lily sigh sadly as she thought her friend was thinking about her brother's hospital bills and how to repay them

Meanwhile, though Summer was still bothered about Jay's bills, her absentmindedness was cause of the incident last night, Lily didn't know about Summer's late night clubbing cause she spent her night with Andrew.

Till now Summer couldn't understand last night's events

"You're kidding me, ain't you?

Summer had asked Lucian last night

"Do I look like I'm joking? 

Lucian asked with all seriousness, she could see it in his eyes that he was far from joking about what he said

"Why do you need a contract wife, when you could just date and marry someone you love? and why do you think I'll accept this absurd offer?

She asked with squinted eyes

Lucian just gazed at her lazily, those dark eyes giving her chills 

"You need the money"

His statement made her mind waver and yet annoyed

Who does he think he is to conclude on her life matters like that?!

"You can go to hell with your offer, I don't need your damn money!

With that said, she immediately fled from the room as if she was being chased by a masquerade and surprisingly, he didn't stop her.

"Summer, are you alright? look if it's about the money, you know I can try to help you get some cash"

Lilian suggested

"How would you do that Lily? I owe to much for you to be able to help me with you know, and I know the level of your income, tsk....it won't do"

Summer sighed 

Did she really do the right thing in rejecting the offer

As far as she could tell, $149,831 is capable of clearing her debts and more

Oh Summer

Lilian knew her friend had a point, there was nothing she could do to help Summer now and she felt heartbroken for it

As Summer and Lilian walked down the suburbs to take the train, Lilian thought of an idea

"Summer, why not I ask Andrew for help? he's my boyfriend and he would surely lend me some money if I ask"

Summer shook her head

"Lily, look, I'm grateful that you're concerned, worrying about me and willing to help is already enough for me, please don't bother Andrew about this, okay?

"But I...."

Lilian insisted

"Okay? Lilian, seriously don't worry him"

Summer refused still.

"Okay, if you say so"

Lilian sighed

They both boarded the train together to the point that Lilian had to drop first, as they had different destination to arrive at.

"Alright sweetheart, I'll see you tonight"

Lilian gave Summer a cheek kiss, making Summer smile at her friend's gesture

"Bye bye, Lily, you sure I'll be seeing you tonight?

Summer joked and Lilian dropped

Getting to her destination, Summer alerted the driver by dragging on the alert bell

She bought some fresh fruits for Jay, as she was on her way to the hospital

Few meters to the hospital, a white Rolls Royce Phantom pulled to a halt just in front of her

Feeling indifferent, Summer moved away from her position so as to cross over to the other side but the car still moved over to her front, making her wary 

Could it be kidnappers?

Kidnappers at broad daylight?!!

Well nothing is impossible in LA!

As she made to run away from there, the car back seat door opened and a woman highlighted, the driver also highlighted, walking up to her, they halted 

Summer didn't say a word but just raised a brow at the woman

"You're Summer Hales, aren't you?

She asked

"You're a stranger, aren't you?

Summer asked back, assessing them

They smelt money

So why are they here and most importantly,

How the hell did she know her name?!

The man beside the woman widened his eyes discreetly as he assessed the young looking girl with shorts and a t-shirt, with a baseball cap on

How could she talk like that?!

The woman raised her brows 

"I'm Rosanna, Rosanna Stuart"

She said 

"Okay, well, Rosanna Stu....what?!!! M-Mrs Stuart??!

Summer blurted out in shock, her eyes excessively widened and mouth agape

Rosanna chuckled at her expression

The girl was so transparent and you could see through her and she is totally different from those girls who would hide their true nature behind a sweet appearance and words

But this girl in front of her, is just so....open with her thoughts

And to think the girl didn't even recognize her

Who doesn't know Rosanna Stuart?

The man who stood beside Rosanna was also speechless

Wait a minute....does this mean that, this girl doesn't know Mrs Stuart??!!

He thought

What planet is she from?

"Yes I am, if you don't mind, I would love us to talk, somewhere quiet and please don't say no, I know you're here to visit your brother but I wouldn't take much of your time"

Rosanna suggested, making Summer become more wary

How on earth.. .just how on earth did she know I came to visit Jay?


Summer replied


As they say opposite each other, Summer had started to grow nervous, no matter how poised and bold one is, in front of the Stuart's first lady, you must surely be nervous a bit and Summer was no different 

"S-so what do you want to discuss about ma'am"

Summer asked politely, so unlike her

Looking at the lady, Summer could see a striking resemblance with Lucian Stuart

He really looks a lot like his mom.

She thought and it was said that, a boy who looks so much like the mother, gets very close to the mother and loves her unconditionally 

Is Lucian even that kind of person?

He doesn't seem like a lovey-dovey type, bah.....

Rosanna stared at the girl opposite her, who seem like she was busy having an internal conversation with herself

Reminds her so much of her youth years.

Rosanna thought

"Ahem.....I just want to give you an offer, I would want you to consider what I tell you thoroughly before giving me a reply"

Summer, though puzzled, nodded her head 

"You must have met my son"

Rosanna asked, more of a statement


Summer replied, recalling their not so pleasant meeting

"It was an accidental intercourse but it is all for the best"

Summer immediately choked hard on the water she was drinking, her eyes became teary due to the impact of the choking and she looked at Rosanna accusingly

"Oh dear calm down, I was just saying that Lucian and you having sex was....."

"Alright Alright, ma'am that's that's okay, I heard you the first time..... pleaaaaaseee"

Summer begged

Was this really the Stuart's first lady?

because this woman in front of her was really shameless....oh God give me strength

Summer thought

Rosanna smiled sheepishly

"Ah ah.... don't tell me you're shy my dear, it's actually nothing to be embarrassed for"

She said while she fanned herself with her palm

The man who stood not to far from them, shook his head 

He was sure, Mrs Stuart is busy torturing the poor girl with her audacious nature 

"Ahem.....so ma'am, what's your offer, I really do need money, I hope your investigation also let you know that I'm owing a lot in the hospital?

Summer asked

Rosanna nodded

"Oh my dear, yes I know that and that's the reason for the offer, you know i have an iceberg as a son and I want to melt him entirely, now you, my dear, are the perfect one to do that"

Summer blinked her eyes in confusion

"Me? How? I'm not fire to melt an iceberg"

Rosanna burst out in laughter that didn't quite reach her eyes

"That could be considered as funny dear but it isn't, I'll pay you whatever you want, I'll clear your expenses, just marry my son, stay by his side okay?


This was the second time she was hearing the ridiculous word

First from Lucian and now, his-his seemingly weird mother

Summer opened her mouth to reject the offer but then she thought

Why not accept the offer and then go ahead to accept Lucian's offer?

It would be a double benefit

After all, her love life was a mess and being a temporary wife wouldn't hurt

What was there to loose anyways

"Alright I accept, but on one condition"

Summer said 

"Oh really? What?

"My Jay would have to get his surgery done today and you'll pay for everything, including what we owed previously"

Rosanna's eyes widened

"There's no big deal in that, let's go to the hospital"

She suggested

"No no no, you can't come with me, people are gonna freak out seeing you with me, I'm a nobody and you're....umm Mrs Stuart, so...."

"Yeah I probably understand, send your account details and I'll do a transfer"

Rosanna said and then added

"Oh here is the company's address, go pay him a surprise visit, and you know, do something unexpected, anything at all, the ball is in your court now"

Summer took the card and her heart was in a turmoil

Is she making the right decision?